810 research outputs found

    Avalanche criticality in the martensitic transition of Cu67.64Zn16.71Al15.65 shape-memory alloy: a calorimetric and acoustic emission study

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    The first-order diffusionless structural transition in Cu67.64Zn16.71Al15.65 is characterized by jerky propagation of phase fronts related to the appearance of avalanches. In this paper, we describe a full analysis of this avalanche behavior using calorimetric heat-flux measurements and acoustic emission measurements. Two different propagation modes, namely, smooth front propagation and jerky avalanches, were observed in extremely slow measurements with heating and cooling rates as low as a few 10−3 K/h. Avalanches show criticality where each avalanche leads to a spike in the heat flux. Their statistical analysis leads to a power law [P(E)∼E−ε, where P(E)dE is the probability to observe an avalanche with energy E in an interval between E and E+dE] with an energy exponent of ε=2.15±0.15 in excellent agreement with the results of acoustic emission measurements. Avalanches appear to be more common for heating rates faster than 5×10−3 K/h whereas smooth front propagation occurs in all calorimetric measurements and (almost) exclusively for slower heating rates. Repeated cooling runs were taken after a waiting time of 1 month (and an intermediate heating run). Correlations between the avalanche sequences of the two cooling runs were found for the strongest avalanche peaks but not for the full sequence of avalanches. The memory effect is hence limited to strong avalanches

    Correlations between Elastic, Calorimetric, and Polar Properties of Ferroelectric PbSc0.5Ta0.5O3 (PST)

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    Calorimetric, elastic, and polar properties of ferrolectric lead scandium tantalate PbSc0.5Ta0.5O3 (PST) with 65% cation order have been investigated in the vicinity of the paraelectric-ferroelectric transition at Ttrans = 295K. Comparison of temperature dependencies of the excess specific heat and elastic properties indicate that both anomalies stem from ther- mal fluctuations of order parameters in three dimensions. These fluctuations are consistent with tweed microstructure. This transition is driven by several coupled thermodynamic order parameters, as evidenced by a strongly non-linear scaling of the excess entropy with the squared ferroelectric polarization.National Natural Science Foundation of China (51850410520, 51320105014 and 51621063

    Anisotropy and universality: Critical Binder cumulant of the two-dimensional Ising model

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    We reanalyze transfer matrix and Monte Carlo results for the critical Binder cumulant U* of an anisotropic two-dimensional Ising model on a square lattice in a square geometry with periodic boundary conditions. Spins are coupled between nearest neighboring sites and between next-nearest neighboring sites along one of the lattice diagonals. We find that U* depends only on the asymptotic critical long-distance features of the anisotropy, irrespective of its realization through ferromagnetic or antiferromagnetic next-nearest neighbor couplings. We modify an earlier renormalization-group calculation to obtain a quantitative description of the anisotropy dependence of U*. Our results support our recent claim towards the validity of universality for critical phenomena in the presence of a weak anisotropy.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures; one reference and some clarifications adde

    Tin telluride: a weakly co-elastic metal

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    We report resonant ultrasound spectroscopy (RUS), dilatometry/magnetostriction, magnetotransport, magnetization, specific heat, and 119^{119}Sn M\"ossbauer spectroscopy measurements on SnTe and Sn0.995_{0.995}Cr0.005_{0.005}Te. Hall measurements at T=77T=77 K indicate that our Bridgman-grown single crystals have a pp-type carrier concentration of 3.4×10193.4 \times 10^{19} cm3^{-3} and that our Cr-doped crystals have an nn-type concentration of 5.8×10225.8 \times 10^{22} cm3^{-3}. Although our SnTe crystals are diamagnetic over the temperature range 2KT1100K2\, \text{K} \leq T \leq 1100\, \text{K}, the Cr-doped crystals are room temperature ferromagnets with a Curie temperature of 294 K. For each sample type, three-terminal capacitive dilatometry measurements detect a subtle 0.5 micron distortion at Tc85T_c \approx 85 K. Whereas our RUS measurements on SnTe show elastic hardening near the structural transition, pointing to co-elastic behavior, similar measurements on Sn0.995_{0.995}Cr0.005_{0.005}Te show a pronounced softening, pointing to ferroelastic behavior. Effective Debye temperature, θD\theta_D, values of SnTe obtained from 119^{119}Sn M\"ossbauer studies show a hardening of phonons in the range 60--115K (θD\theta_D = 162K) as compared with the 100--300K range (θD\theta_D = 150K). In addition, a precursor softening extending over approximately 100 K anticipates this collapse at the critical temperature, and quantitative analysis over three decades of its reduced modulus finds ΔC44/C44=A(TT0)/T0κ\Delta C_{44}/C_{44}=A|(T-T_0)/T_0|^{-\kappa} with κ=0.50±0.02\kappa = 0.50 \pm 0.02 , a value indicating a three-dimensional softening of phonon branches at a temperature T075T_0 \sim 75 K, considerably below TcT_c. We suggest that the differences in these two types of elastic behaviors lie in the absence of elastic domain wall motion in the one case and their nucleation in the other

    Effect of internal friction on transformation twin dynamics in SrxBa1-xSnO3 perovskite

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    The dynamics of transformation twins in SrxBa1-xSnO3 (x=0.6,0.8) perovskite has been studied by dynamical mechanical analysis in three-point bend geometry. This material undergoes phase transitions from orthorhombic to tetragonal and cubic structures on heating. The mechanical loss signatures of the transformation twins include relaxation and frequency-independent peaks in the orthorhombic and tetragonal phases, with no observed energy dissipation in the cubic phase. The macroscopic shape, orientation and relative displacements of twin walls have been calculated from bending and anisotropy energies. The mechanical loss angle and distribution of relaxation time are discussed in term of bending modes of domain walls.Comment: 20 pages, 4 figure

    Low-temperature phase transformations of PZT in the morphotropic phase-boundary region

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    We present anelastic and dielectric spectroscopy measurements of PbZr(1-x)Ti(x)O(3) with 0.455 < x < 0.53, which provide new information on the low temperature phase transitions. The tetragonal-to-monoclinic transformation is first-order for x < 0.48 and causes a softening of the polycrystal Young's modulus whose amplitude may exceed the one at the cubic-to-tetragonal transformation; this is explainable in terms of linear coupling between shear strain components and tilting angle of polarization in the monoclinic phase. The transition involving rotations of the octahedra below 200 K is visible both in the dielectric and anelastic losses, and it extends within the tetragonal phase, as predicted by recent first-principle calculations.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Experimental evidence of accelerated seismic release without critical failure in acoustic emissions of compressed nanoporous materials

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    The total energy of acoustic emission (AE) events in externally stressed materials diverges when approaching macroscopic failure. Numerical and conceptual models explain this accelerated seismic release (ASR) as the approach to a critical point that coincides with ultimate failure. Here, we report ASR during soft uniaxial compression of three silica-based (SiO2_2) nanoporous materials. Instead of a singular critical point, the distribution of AE energies is stationary and variations in the activity rate are sufficient to explain the presence of multiple periods of ASR leading to distinct brittle failure events. We propose that critical failure is suppressed in the AE statistics by dissipation and transient hardening. Some of the critical exponents estimated from the experiments are compatible with mean field models, while others are still open to interpretation in terms of the solution of frictional and fracture avalanche models.Comment: preprint, Main article: 7 pages, 3 figures. Supplementary material included in \anc folder: 6 pages, 3 figure

    Critical free energy and Casimir forces in rectangular geometries

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    We study the critical behavior of the free energy and the thermodynamic Casimir force in a Ld1×LL_\parallel^{d-1} \times L block geometry in 2<d<42<d<4 dimensions with aspect ratio ρ=L/L\rho=L/L_\parallel above, at, and below TcT_c on the basis of the O(n)(n) symmetric ϕ4\phi^4 lattice model with periodic boundary conditions (b.c.). We consider a simple-cubic lattice with isotropic short-range interactions. Exact results are derived in the large - nn limit describing the geometric crossover from film (ρ=0\rho =0) over cubic ρ=1\rho=1 to cylindrical (ρ=\rho = \infty) geometries. For n=1n=1, three perturbation approaches are presented that cover both the central finite-size regime near TcT_c for 1/4ρ31/4 \lesssim \rho \lesssim 3 and the region outside the central finite-size regime well above and below TcT_c for arbitrary ρ\rho. At bulk TcT_c of isotropic systems with periodic b.c., we predict the critical Casimir force in the vertical (L)(L) direction to be negative (attractive) for a slab (ρ1\rho 1), and zero for a cube (ρ=1)(\rho=1). We also present extrapolations to the cylinder limit (ρ=\rho=\infty) and to the film limit (ρ=0\rho=0) for n=1n=1 and d=3d=3. Our analytic results for finite-size scaling functions in the minimal renormalization scheme at fixed dimension d=3d=3 agree well with Monte Carlo data for the three-dimensional Ising model by Hasenbusch for ρ=1\rho=1 and by Vasilyev et al. for ρ=1/6\rho=1/6 above, at, and below TcT_c.Comment: 23 pages, 14 figure

    Elastic softening of leucite and the lack of polar domain boundaries

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    Elastic properties of leucite have been investigated using resonant ultrasound spectroscopy over a temperature range from 300 to 1400 K. According to these measurements, elastic moduli soften by ~50% at the Ia3d-I41/acd ferroelastic transition temperature Tc1 = 940 K relative to the value at 1400 K. A second softening is observed at Tc2 = 920 K, corresponding to the structural change from the space group I41/acd to I41/a. These elastic anomalies are analyzed in a simple model under the assumption that the transitions observed at Tc1 and Tc2 can be approximated by a single pseudoproper ferroelastic transition. The two phase transitions are accompanied by a single peak in mechanical damping attributed to the high mobility of twin walls in the intermediate phase followed by pinning in the low-temperature phase. To determine whether twin walls in tetragonal leucite are polar, resonant piezoelectric spectroscopy and second harmonic generation measurements were performed, but no evidence of polarity was found