975 research outputs found


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    The Berlin

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    Electrical resistivity change in amorphous Ta42Si13N45 films by stress relaxation

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    In a first experiment, a reactively sputtered amorphous Ta₄₂Si₁₃N₄₅ film about 260 nm thick deposited on a flat and smooth alumina substrate was thermally annealed in air for 30 min and let cooled again repeatedly at successively higher temperatures from 200 to 500 °C. This treatment successively and irreversibly increases the room temperature resistivity of the film monotonically from its initial value of 670 μΩ cm to a maximum of 705 μΩ cm (+5.2 %). Subsequent heat treatments at temperatures below 500 °C and up to 6 h have no further effect on the room temperature resistivity. The new value remains unchanged after 3.8 years of storage at room temperature. In a second experiment, the evolution of the initially compressive stress of a film similarly deposited by reactive sputtering on a 2-inch silicon wafer was measured by tracking the wafer curvature during similar thermal annealing cycles. A similar pattern of irreversible and reversible changes of stress was observed as for the film resistivity. Transmission electron micrographs and secondary ion mass profiles of the film taken before and after thermal annealing in air establish that both the structure and the composition of the film scarcely change during the annealing cycles. We reason that the film stress is implicated in the resistivity change. In particular, to interpret the observations, a model is proposed where the interface between the film and the substrate is mechanically unyielding

    Anisotropic random resistor networks: a model for piezoresistive response of thick-film resistors

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    A number of evidences suggests that thick-film resistors are close to a metal-insulator transition and that tunneling processes between metallic grains are the main source of resistance. We consider as a minimal model for description of transport properties in thick-film resistors a percolative resistor network, with conducting elements governed by tunneling. For both oriented and randomly oriented networks, we show that the piezoresistive response to an applied strain is model dependent when the system is far away from the percolation thresold, while in the critical region it acquires universal properties. In particular close to the metal-insulator transition, the piezoresistive anisotropy show a power law behavior. Within this region, there exists a simple and universal relation between the conductance and the piezoresistive anisotropy, which could be experimentally tested by common cantilever bar measurements of thick-film resistors.Comment: 7 pages, 2 eps figure

    Families with infants: a general approach to solve hard partition problems

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    We introduce a general approach for solving partition problems where the goal is to represent a given set as a union (either disjoint or not) of subsets satisfying certain properties. Many NP-hard problems can be naturally stated as such partition problems. We show that if one can find a large enough system of so-called families with infants for a given problem, then this problem can be solved faster than by a straightforward algorithm. We use this approach to improve known bounds for several NP-hard problems as well as to simplify the proofs of several known results. For the chromatic number problem we present an algorithm with O((2ε(d))n)O^*((2-\varepsilon(d))^n) time and exponential space for graphs of average degree dd. This improves the algorithm by Bj\"{o}rklund et al. [Theory Comput. Syst. 2010] that works for graphs of bounded maximum (as opposed to average) degree and closes an open problem stated by Cygan and Pilipczuk [ICALP 2013]. For the traveling salesman problem we give an algorithm working in O((2ε(d))n)O^*((2-\varepsilon(d))^n) time and polynomial space for graphs of average degree dd. The previously known results of this kind is a polyspace algorithm by Bj\"{o}rklund et al. [ICALP 2008] for graphs of bounded maximum degree and an exponential space algorithm for bounded average degree by Cygan and Pilipczuk [ICALP 2013]. For counting perfect matching in graphs of average degree~dd we present an algorithm with running time O((2ε(d))n/2)O^*((2-\varepsilon(d))^{n/2}) and polynomial space. Recent algorithms of this kind due to Cygan, Pilipczuk [ICALP 2013] and Izumi, Wadayama [FOCS 2012] (for bipartite graphs only) use exponential space.Comment: 18 pages, a revised version of this paper is available at http://arxiv.org/abs/1410.220

    Functional imaging of mucociliary phenomena: High-speed digital reflection contrast microscopy

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    We present a technique for the investigation of mucociliary phenomena on trachea explants under conditions resembling those in the respiratory tract. Using an enhanced reflection contrast, we detect simultaneously the wave-like modulation of the mucus surface by the underlying ciliary activity and the transport of particles embedded in the mucus layer. Digital recordings taken at a speed of 500 frames per second are analyzed by a set of refined data processing algorithms. The simultaneously extracted data include not only ciliary beat frequency and its surface distribution, but also space-time structure of the mucociliary wave field, wave velocity and mucus transport velocity. Furthermore, we propose the analysis of the space and time evolution of the phase of the mucociliary oscillations to be the most direct way to visualize the coordination of the cilia. In particular, this analysis indicates that the synchronization is restricted to patches with varying directions of wave propagation, but the transport direction is strongly correlated with the mean direction of waves. The capabilities of the technique and of the data-processing algorithms are documented by characteristic data obtained from mammalian and avine trachea

    Link and subgraph likelihoods in random undirected networks with fixed and partially fixed degree sequence

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    The simplest null models for networks, used to distinguish significant features of a particular network from {\it a priori} expected features, are random ensembles with the degree sequence fixed by the specific network of interest. These "fixed degree sequence" (FDS) ensembles are, however, famously resistant to analytic attack. In this paper we introduce ensembles with partially-fixed degree sequences (PFDS) and compare analytic results obtained for them with Monte Carlo results for the FDS ensemble. These results include link likelihoods, subgraph likelihoods, and degree correlations. We find that local structural features in the FDS ensemble can be reasonably well estimated by simultaneously fixing only the degrees of few nodes, in addition to the total number of nodes and links. As test cases we use a food web, two protein interaction networks (\textit{E. coli, S. cerevisiae}), the internet on the autonomous system (AS) level, and the World Wide Web. Fixing just the degrees of two nodes gives the mean neighbor degree as a function of node degree, k_k, in agreement with results explicitly obtained from rewiring. For power law degree distributions, we derive the disassortativity analytically. In the PFDS ensemble the partition function can be expanded diagrammatically. We obtain an explicit expression for the link likelihood to lowest order, which reduces in the limit of large, sparse undirected networks with LL links and with kmaxLk_{\rm max} \ll L to the simple formula P(k,k)=kk/(2L+kk)P(k,k') = kk'/(2L + kk'). In a similar limit, the probability for three nodes to be linked into a triangle reduces to the factorized expression PΔ(k1,k2,k3)=P(k1,k2)P(k1,k3)P(k2,k3)P_{\Delta}(k_1,k_2,k_3) = P(k_1,k_2)P(k_1,k_3)P(k_2,k_3).Comment: 17 pages, includes 11 figures; first revision: shortened to 14 pages (7 figures), added discussion of subgraph counts, deleted discussion of directed network

    Matrix permanent and quantum entanglement of permutation invariant states

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    We point out that a geometric measure of quantum entanglement is related to the matrix permanent when restricted to permutation invariant states. This connection allows us to interpret the permanent as an angle between vectors. By employing a recently introduced permanent inequality by Carlen, Loss and Lieb, we can prove explicit formulas of the geometric measure for permutation invariant basis states in a simple way.Comment: 10 page