71 research outputs found

    Cromatografía en columna como método para la eliminación de componentes menores del aceite de colza

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    The purpose of this study was to verify the influence of different chromatographic column beds (silicic acid, activated charcoal, aluminum oxide, silica gel) on the concentration of individual minor components (sterols, tocopherols, carotenoids and chlorophyll) in rapeseed oil. With the use of a combination of these beds, a three-stage optimized method for removing minor components from rapeseed oil was developed. It was demonstrated that the combination of silicic acid and activated charcoal removed about half of the sterols present from the oil. Aluminum oxide turned out to be the most effective bed in removing tocopherols, purifying the oil to their minimum level (2.6 mg/kg). All adsorbents used had similar capacity to purify oil from pigments (carotenoids and chlorophyll). In the three-stage purification process free sterols were almost completely removed (to the level 90.0 mg/kg). Purification of β-carotene and chlorophyll from the oil was also very effective. Tocopherols were completely removed with this method, except for a small amount of α-tocopherol (0.4 mg/kg), which results from its relatively weak interaction with a hydrophilic bed. The developed method may be used in studies on the effect of association colloids on bulk oil autoxidation processes.El propósito de este estudio fue verificar la influencia de diferentes rellenos de columnas cromatográficas (ácido silícico, carbón activo, óxido de aluminio, gel de sílice) sobre la concentración de componentes menores individuales (esteroles, tocoferoles, carotenoides y clorofila) en aceite de colza. Gracias a esto, se desarrolló un método optimizado de tres etapas para eliminar los componentes secundarios del aceite de colza (utilizando una combinación de todos los rellenos descritos anteriormente). Se ha demostrado que con la combinación de ácido silícico y carbón activo se elimina del aceite alrededor de la mitad de los esteroles presentes. El óxido de aluminio resultó ser el relleno más eficaz para eliminar los tocoferoles, purificando el aceite hasta su nivel mínimo (2,6 mg/kg). Todos los adsorbentes utilizados tenían una capacidad similar para purificar el aceite de pigmentos (carotenoides y clorofila). En el proceso de purificación en tres etapas, los esteroles libres se eliminaron casi por completo (hasta el nivel de 90,0 mg/kg). La purificación de aceite de β-caroteno y clorofila también fue muy efectiva. En este método, los tocoferoles se eliminaron completamente, excepto pequeñas cantidades de α-tocoferol (0,4 mg/kg), lo que resulta de su interacción relativamente débil con un relleno hidrófilo. El método desarrollado se puede usar en los estudios sobre el efecto de los coloides de asociación en los procesos de autooxidación de aceites a granel

    A rare sequence variant in intron 1 of THAP1 is associated with primary dystonia

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    Although coding variants in THAP1 have been causally associated with primary dystonia, the contribution of noncoding variants remains uncertain. Herein, we examine a previously identified Intron 1 variant (c.71+9C>A, rs200209986). Among 1672 subjects with mainly adult-onset primary dystonia, 12 harbored the variant in contrast to 1/1574 controls (P < 0.01). Dystonia classification included cervical dystonia (N = 3), laryngeal dystonia (adductor subtype, N = 3), jaw-opening oromandibular dystonia (N = 1), blepharospasm (N = 2), and unclassified (N = 3). Age of dystonia onset ranged from 25 to 69 years (mean = 54 years). In comparison to controls with no identified THAP1 sequence variants, the c.71+9C>A variant was associated with an elevated ratio of Isoform 1 (NM_018105) to Isoform 2 (NM_199003) in leukocytes. In silico and minigene analyses indicated that c.71+9C>A alters THAP1 splicing. Lymphoblastoid cells harboring the c.71+9C>A variant showed extensive apoptosis with relatively fewer cells in the G2 phase of the cell cycle. Differentially expressed genes from lymphoblastoid cells revealed that the c.71+9C>A variant exerts effects on DNA synthesis, cell growth and proliferation, cell survival, and cytotoxicity. In aggregate, these data indicate that THAP1 c.71+9C>A is a risk factor for adult-onset primary dystonia

    Cyanamide mode of action during inhibition of onion (Allium cepa L.) root growth involves disturbances in cell division and cytoskeleton formation

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    Cyanamide is an allelochemical produced by hairy vetch (Vicia villosa Roth.). Its phyotoxic effect on plant growth was examined on roots of onion (Allium cepa L.) bulbs. Water solution of cyanamide (2–10 mM) restricted growth of onion roots in a dose-dependent manner. Treatment of onion roots with cyanamide resulted in a decrease in root growth rate accompanied by a decrease in accumulation of fresh and dry weight. The inhibitory effect of cyanamide was reversed by its removal from the environment, but full recovery was observed only for tissue treated with this chemical at low concentration (2–6 mM). Cytological observations of root tip cells suggest that disturbances in cell division may explain the strong cyanamide allelopathic activity. Moreover, in cyanamide-treated onion the following changes were detected: reduction of mitotic cells, inhibition of proliferation of meristematic cells and cell cycle, and modifications of cytoskeleton arrangement

    Process analysis for low-temperature drying of rape-seeds in a "BIN" silo

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    Celem badań była analiza automatycznie sterowanego niskotemperaturowego procesu suszenia nasion rzepaku. Wyniki badań miały umożliwić znalezienie zależności miedzy parametrami nasion i powietrza suszącego w trakcie suszenia. Badania prowadzono na specjalnie zbudowanym stanowisku badawczym wykonanym na bazie 28 tonowego silosu typu "BIN", który wyposażono w sondy do pomiaru wilgotności względnej i temperatury oraz mikroprocesorowy system sterowania suszeniem niskotemperaturowym "BIT". Otrzymane wyniki wskazują na możliwość automatycznej identyfikacji zakończenia procesu suszenia rzepaku w grubej nieruchomej warstwie. Badania wartości technologicznej rzepaku potwierdziły przydatność niskotemperaturowego suszenia w konserwacji nasion przeznaczonych do produkcji oleju.The study aimed at analysis of near-ambient drying of rape-seeds that is automatically controlled. Results of analysis should serve to answer some basic questions about relationships between seeds and drying air parameters changes during drying. The experiments were carried out on specially designed research stand based on the 28-tonne metal silo-bin type "BIN" equipped with probes for relative humidity and temperature measurement as well as the grain management system "BIT". Results of analysis suggests the possibility of automatic identification of the end of low-temperature drying of rape-seed in a deep-stationary-bed. Testing of technological value of dried seeds confirmed the usability of near-ambient drying to post-harvest preservation of rape-seeds for oil production

    The influence of drying and storage method on selected qualitative discriminants of rape seeds

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    Celem niniejszej pracy było określenie wpływu zastosowanej metody suszenia na jakość technologiczną nasion rzepaku bezpośrednio po zbiorze oraz po rocznym przechowywaniu. Rzepak zebrany z pola suszono 2 metodami: nisko i wysokotemperaturową w zakresie temperatur od 60°C do 120°C. Próby nasion po wysuszeniu do około 6% przechowywano przez rok w temperaturze 20š1°C. Uzyskane wyniki wskazują na istotny wpływ zarówno warunków suszenia, jak i dalszego przechowywania na jakość technologiczną nasion rzepaku.The purpose of this work was determining the effect of the applied drying method on the technological quality of rape seeds directly after the crop and after storing for one year. The harvested rape was dried using two methods: low and high-temperature ranging from 60°C to 120°C. Seed samples after drying to approx. 6% were stored for one year at a temperature of 20š1°C. The obtained results prove a significant effect of both drying conditions, and further storage on the technological quality of rape seeds

    Zarządzanie ryzykiem a podejmowanie decyzji w przedsiębiorstwach transportowych

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    W artykule omówione zostało zagadnienie ryzyka i zarządzania ryzykiem na przykładzie firm transportowych. Podjęto próbę analizy wpływu podejmowania decyzji i związanego z tym ryzyka na zarządzanie przedsiębiorstwem transportowym.The article discusses the issue of risk and risk management on the example of transport companies. Attempted to analyze the impact of the decision-making and the related risk management of a transport undertaking

    The role of transport companies in economic development of the country

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    W artykule omówiona została rola przedsiębiorstw transportowych w rozwoju gospodarczym kraju. Przedstawiono definicje rozwoju gospodarczego oraz przedsiębiorstwa transportowego. Omówione zostało znaczenie przedsiębiorstw transportowych dla rozwoju gospodarczego.The article discusses the role of transport companies in economic development of the country. Definitions of economic development and transport companies and transport companies to the importance of economic development

    Investigation of the Absorption of Annihilation Quanta in Solid and Liquid Ga and BiSn Alloy

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    Absorption of positron annihilation quanta in Ga and Bi40\text{}_{40}Sn60\text{}_{60} alloy in the solid and the liquid phase was investigated. It was found that the mechanism of absorption of annihilation quanta changes on passing from the solid to the liquid state. Results of measurements for Ga and Bi40\text{}_{40}Sn60\text{}_{60} alloy show that for metals changing their density at the melting point the photopeak profiles are modified: their centers of gravity in liquid phase are displaced with respect to those in the solid phase and the number of counts under the photopeak changes, too