258 research outputs found

    Polarization-induced renormalization of molecular levels at metallic and semiconducting surfaces

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    7 páginas, 7 figuras, 1 tabla.-- PACS number(s): 85.65.+h, 31.70.Dk, 71.10.-w, 73.20.-rOn the basis of first-principles G0W0 calculations we systematically study how the electronic levels of a benzene molecule are renormalized by substrate polarization when physisorbed on different metallic and semiconducting surfaces. The polarization-induced reduction in the energy gap between occupied and unoccupied molecular levels is found to scale with the substrate density of states at the Fermi level (for metals) and substrate band gap (for semiconductors). These conclusions are further supported by self-consistent GW calculations on simple lattice models. By expressing the electron self-energy in terms of the substrate’s joint density of states we relate the level shift to the surface electronic structure, thus providing a microscopic explanation of the trends in the GW and G0W0 calculations. While image charge effects are not captured by semilocal and hybrid exchange-correlation functionals, we find that error cancellations lead to remarkably good agreement between the G0W0 and Kohn-Sham energies for the occupied orbitals of the adsorbed molecule.K.S.T. and C.R. acknowledge support from the Danish Center for Scientific Computing. The Center for Atomicscale Materials Design (CAMD) is sponsored by the Lundbeck Foundation. A.R. and J.M.G.L. acknowledge funding by the Spanish MEC (Grant No. FIS2007-65702-C02-01), “Grupos Consolidados UPV/EHU del Gobierno Vasco” (Grant No. IT-319-07), e-I3 ETSF project (Contract No. 211956) and “Red Española de Supercomputación.”Peer reviewe

    Quasiparticle interfacial level alignment of highly hybridized frontier levels: H2_2O on TiO2_2(110)

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    Knowledge of the frontier levels' alignment prior to photo-irradiation is necessary to achieve a complete quantitative description of H2_2O photocatalysis on TiO2_2(110). Although H2_2O on rutile TiO2_2(110) has been thoroughly studied both experimentally and theoretically, a quantitative value for the energy of the highest H2_2O occupied levels is still lacking. For experiment, this is due to the H2_2O levels being obscured by hybridization with TiO2_2(110) levels in the difference spectra obtained via ultraviolet photoemission spectroscopy (UPS). For theory, this is due to inherent difficulties in properly describing many-body effects at the H2_2O-TiO2_2(110) interface. Using the projected density of states (DOS) from state-of-the-art quasiparticle (QP) G0W0G_0W_0, we disentangle the adsorbate and surface contributions to the complex UPS spectra of H2_2O on TiO2_2(110). We perform this separation as a function of H2_2O coverage and dissociation on stoichiometric and reduced surfaces. Due to hybridization with the TiO2_2(110) surface, the H2_2O 3a1_1 and 1b1_1 levels are broadened into several peaks between 5 and 1 eV below the TiO2_2(110) valence band maximum (VBM). These peaks have both intermolecular and interfacial bonding and antibonding character. We find the highest occupied levels of H2_2O adsorbed intact and dissociated on stoichiometric TiO2_2(110) are 1.1 and 0.9 eV below the VBM. We also find a similar energy of 1.1 eV for the highest occupied levels of H2_2O when adsorbed dissociatively on a bridging O vacancy of the reduced surface. In both cases, these energies are significantly higher (by 0.6 to 2.6 eV) than those estimated from UPS difference spectra, which are inconclusive in this energy region. Finally, we apply self-consistent QPGWGW (scQPGWGW1) to obtain the ionization potential of the H2_2O-TiO2_2(110) interface.Comment: 12 pages, 12 figures, 1 tabl

    Relative Validity and Reproducibility of a Web-Based Semi-Quantitative Food Frequency Questionnaire in the Danish Diet, Cancer, and Health—Next Generations MAX Study

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    The food frequency questionnaire (FFQ) is designed to capture an individual’s habitual dietary intake and is the most applied method in nutritional epidemiology. Our aim was to assess the relative validity and reproducibility of the FFQ used in the Diet, Cancer, and Health—Next Generations cohort (DCH-NG). We included 415 Danish women and men aged 18–67 years. Spearman’s correlations coefficients, Bland–Altman limits of agreement and cross-classification between dietary intakes estimated from the FFQ administered at baseline (FFQbaseline), and the mean of three 24-h dietary recalls (24-HDRs) and the FFQ administered after 12 months (FFQ12 months) were determined. Nutrient intakes were energy-adjusted by Nutrient Density and Residual methods. Correlation coefficients ranged from 0.18–0.58 for energy and energy-adjusted nutrient intakes, and the percentage of participants classified into the same quartile ranged from 28–47% between the FFQbaseline and the 24-HDRs. For the FFQ12 months compared with FFQbaseline, correlation coefficients ranged from 0.52–0.88 for intakes of energy, energy-adjusted nutrients, and food groups, and the proportion of participants classified into the same quartiles ranged from 43–69%. Overall, the FFQ provided a satisfactory ranking of individuals according to energy, nutrient, and food group intakes, making the FFQ suitable for use in epidemiological studies investigating diet in relation to disease outcomes

    Measuring care of the elderly: psychometric testing and modification of the Time in Care instrument for measurement of care needs in nursing homes

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Aging entails not only a decrease in the ability to be active, but also a trend toward increased dependence to sustain basic life functions. An important aspect for appropriately elucidating the individual's care needs is the ability to measure them both simply and reliably. Since 2006 a new version of the Time in Care needs (TIC-n) instrument (19-item version) has been explored and used in one additional municipality with the same structure as the one described in an earlier study.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>The TIC-n assessment was conducted on a total of 1282 care recipients. Factor analysis (principal component) was applied to explore the construct validity of the TIC-n. Cronbach's alpha was calculated to test reliability and for each of the items remaining in the instrument after factor analysis, an inter-rater comparison was carried out on all recipients in both municipalities. Independently of each other, a weighted Kappa (K<sub>w</sub>) was calculated. Results. The mean of each weighted Kappa (K<sub>w</sub>) for the dimensions in the two municipalities was 0.75 and 0.76, respectively. Factor analysis showed that all 19 items had a factor loading of ≥ 0.40. Three factors (General Care, Medical Care and Cognitive Care) were created.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The TIC-n instrument has now been tested for validity and reliability in two municipalities with satisfactory results. However, TIC-n can not yet be used as a golden standard, but it can be recommended for use of measurement of individual care needs in municipal elderly care.</p

    Breast cancer risk among women with psychiatric admission with affective or neurotic disorders: a nationwide cohort study in Denmark

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    There is a considerable interest in the possible relationship between psychosocial factors and the onset of breast cancer. This cohort study was based upon two nationwide and population-based central registers: The Danish Psychiatric Central Register, which contains all cases of psychiatric admissions, and The Danish Cancer Registry, which contains all cases of cancer. The register-linkage was accomplished by using a personal identification number. The study population comprised all women admitted to psychiatric departments or psychiatric hospitals in Denmark between 1969 and 1993 with an affective or a neurotic disorder. Overall, 66 648 women comprising 199 910 admissions and 775 522 person-years were included. The incidence of breast cancer in the cohort was compared with the national breast cancer incidence rates adjusted for age and calendar time. In all, 1270 women with affective or neurotic disorders developed breast cancer subsequent to the first admission as compared with the 1242 women expected, standardized incidence ratio (SIR) = 1.02 (95% confidence interval 0.97–1.08). None of the hypothetical risk factors: type of diagnosis, age or calendar period at cohort entry, age at breast cancer, alcohol abuse, alcohol/drug abuse without further specification, total number of admissions, total length of admissions, or time from first admission showed a statistically significant effect on the relative risk of breast cancer. We found no support for the hypothesis that women admitted to a psychiatric department with an affective or a neurotic disorder subsequently have an increased risk of breast cancer. © 1999 Cancer Research Campaig

    Negotiating care in the context of Finnish and Italian elder care policies

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    Negotiation is an integral part of all elder care, which by definition involves a relation between at least two people. In this article we analyse negotiations concerning elder care in the context of Finnish and Italian elder care policies. At the macro level negotiations on elder care are shaped by elder care policies and at the micro level by individual skills and resources. Our focus is on the negotiations on eligibility that take place when elders attempt to access care. The data consist of qualitative interviews with Finnish and Italian elders in need of care. The analysis of individual experiences of care negotiations reflects the implementation of elder care policies. The results indicate that the most negotiated eligibility criteria when seeking access to elder care are need, money and social relations. These criteria are negotiated when seeking eligibility to different sources of care: informal care, grey market, market-based, non-profit and public services. In Italy, negotiation is particularly crucial when accessing grey market care. Cash as the main Italian elder care policy tool tends to enhance the role of and need for negotiation. In Finland, a greater part of elder care is provided by the public sector and therefore the process of negotiation is more standardized than in Italy