62 research outputs found

    Neurophysiological markers predicting recovery of standing in humans with chronic motor complete spinal cord injury

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    The appropriate selection of individual-specific spinal cord epidural stimulation (scES) parameters is crucial to re-enable independent standing with self-assistance for balance in individuals with chronic, motor complete spinal cord injury, which is a key achievement toward the recovery of functional mobility. To date, there are no available algorithms that contribute to the selection of scES parameters for facilitating standing in this population. Here, we introduce a novel framework for EMG data processing that implements spectral analysis by continuous wavelet transform and machine learning methods for characterizing epidural stimulation-promoted EMG activity resulting in independent standing. Analysis of standing data collected from eleven motor complete research participants revealed that independent standing was promoted by EMG activity characterized by lower median frequency, lower variability of median frequency, lower variability of activation pattern, lower variability of instantaneous maximum power, and higher total power. Additionally, the high classification accuracy of assisted and independent standing allowed the development of a prediction algorithm that can provide feedback on the effectiveness of muscle-specific activation for standing promoted by the tested scES parameters. This framework can support researchers and clinicians during the process of selection of epidural stimulation parameters for standing motor rehabilitation

    Interleaved configurations of percutaneous epidural stimulation enhanced overground stepping in a person with chronic paraplegia

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    Descending motor signals are disrupted after complete spinal cord injury (SCI) resulting in loss of standing and walking. We previously restored standing and trunk control in a person with a T3 complete SCI following implantation of percutaneous spinal cord epidural stimulation (SCES). We, hereby, present a step-by-step procedure on configuring the SCES leads to initiate rhythmic lower limb activation (rhythmic-SCES) resulting in independent overground stepping in parallel bars and using a standard walker. Initially, SCES was examined in supine lying at 2 Hz before initiating stepping-like activity in parallel bars using 20 or 30 Hz; however, single lead configuration (+2, −5) resulted in lower limb adduction and crossing of limbs, impairing the initiation of overground stepping. After 6 months, interleaving the original rhythmic-SCES with an additional configuration (−12, +15) on the opposite lead, resulted in a decrease of the extensive adduction tone and allowed the participant to initiate overground stepping up to 16 consecutive steps. The current paradigm suggests that interleaving two rhythmic-SCES configurations may improve the excitability of the spinal circuitry to better interpret the residual descending supraspinal signals with the ascending proprioceptive inputs, resulting in a stepping-like motor behavior after complete SCI

    Targeted Selection of Stimulation Parameters for Restoration of Motor and Autonomic Function in Individuals With Spinal Cord Injury

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    Study Design: This is a report of methods and tools for selection of task and individual configurations targeted for voluntary movement, standing, stepping, blood pressure stabilization, and facilitation of bladder storage and emptying using tonic-interleaved excitation of the lumbosacral spinal cord. Objectives: This study aimed to present strategies used for selection of stimulation parameters for various motor and autonomic functions. Conclusions: Tonic-interleaved functionally focused neuromodulation targets a myriad of consequences from spinal cord injury with surgical implantation of the epidural electrode at a single location. This approach indicates the sophistication of the human spinal cord circuitry and its important role in the regulation of motor and autonomic functions in humans

    Spinal Cord Imaging Markers and Recovery of Volitional Leg Movement With Spinal Cord Epidural Stimulation in Individuals With Clinically Motor Complete Spinal Cord Injury

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    Previous studies have shown that epidural stimulation of the lumbosacral spinal cord (scES) can re-enable lower limb volitional motor control in individuals with chronic, clinically motor complete spinal cord injury (SCI). This observation entails that residual supraspinal connectivity to the lumbosacral spinal circuitry still persisted after SCI, although it was non-detectable when scES was not provided. In the present study, we aimed at exploring further the mechanisms underlying scES-promoted recovery of volitional lower limb motor control by investigating neuroimaging markers at the spinal cord lesion site via magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). Spinal cord MRI was collected prior to epidural stimulator implantation in 13 individuals with chronic, clinically motor complete SCI, and the spared tissue of specific regions of the spinal cord (anterior, posterior, right, left, and total cord) was assessed. After epidural stimulator implantation, and prior to any training, volitional motor control was evaluated during left and right lower limb flexion and ankle dorsiflexion attempts. The ability to generate force exertion and movement was not correlated to any neuroimaging marker. On the other hand, spared tissue of specific cord regions significantly and importantly correlated with some aspects of motor control that include activation amplitude of antagonist (negative correlation) muscles during left ankle dorsiflexion, and electromyographic coordination patterns during right lower limb flexion. The fact that amount and location of spared spinal cord tissue at the lesion site were not related to the ability to generate volitional lower limb movements may suggest that supraspinal inputs through spared spinal cord regions that differ across individuals can result in the generation of lower limb volitional motor output prior to any training when epidural stimulation is provided

    A Single Dermatome Clinical Prediction Rule for Independent Walking 1 Year After Spinal Cord Injury

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    Objective: To derive and validate a simple, accurate CPR to predict future independent walking ability after SCI at the bedside that does not rely on motor scores and is predictive for those initially classified in the middle of the SCI severity spectrum. Design: Retrospective cohort study. Binary variables were derived, indicating degrees of sensation to evaluate predictive value of pinprick and light touch variables across dermatomes. The optimal single sensory modality and dermatome was used to derive our CPR, which was validated on an independent dataset. Setting: Analysis of SCI Model Systems dataset. Participants: Individuals with traumatic SCI. The data of 3679 participants (N=3679) were included with 623 participants comprising the derivation dataset and 3056 comprising the validation dataset. Interventions: Not applicable. Main Outcome Measures: Self-reported ability to walk both indoors and outdoors. Results: Pinprick testing at S1 over lateral heels, within 31 days of SCI, accurately identified future independent walkers 1 year after SCI. Normal pinprick in both lateral heels provided good prognosis, any pinprick sensation in either lateral heel provided fair prognosis, and no sensation provided poor prognosis. This CPR performed satisfactorily in the middle SCI severity subgroup. Conclusions: In this large multi-site study, we derived and validated a simple, accurate CPR using only pinprick sensory testing at lateral heels that predicts future independent walking after SCI

    Tensiomyography detects early hallmarks of bed-rest-induced atrophy before changes in muscle architecture.

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    In young and older people skeletal muscle mass is reduced after as little as seven days of disuse. The declines in muscle mass after such short periods are of high clinical relevance, particularly in older people who show higher atrophy rate, and a slower, or even a complete lack of muscle mass recovery after disuse. Ten men (24.3± 2.6 years) underwent 35 days of 6° head-down tilt bed rest followed by 30 days of recovery. During bed rest, a neutral energy balance was maintained, with three weekly passive physiotherapy sessions to minimise muscle soreness and joint stiffness. All measurements were performed in a hospital at days 1-10 (BR1-BR10), day 16 (BR16), 28 (BR28) and 35 (BR35) of bed rest, and day 1 (R+1), 3 (R+3) and 30 (R+30) after reambulation. Vastus medialis obliquus (VMO), vastus medialis longus (VML) and biceps femoris (BF) thickness (d) and pennation angle (Θ) were assessed by ultrasonography, while twitch muscle belly displacement (Dm) and contraction time (Tc) were assessed with tensiomyography. After bed rest, d and Θ decreased by 13-17% in all muscles (P<.001) and had recovered at R+30. Dm was increased by 42.3-84.4% (P<.001) at BR35 and preceded the decrease in d by 7, 5 and 3 days in VMO, VML and BF, respectively. Tc increased only in BF (32.1%; P<.001) and was not recovered at R+30. Tensiomyography can detect early bed-rest-induced changes in muscle with higher sensitivity before overt architectural changes and atrophy can be detected

    Robotic Postural Training With Epidural Stimulation for the Recovery of Upright Postural Control in Individuals With Motor Complete Spinal Cord Injury: A Pilot Study

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    Activity-based training and lumbosacral spinal cord epidural stimulation (scES) have the potential to restore standing and walking with self-balance assistance after motor complete spinal cord injury (SCI). However, improvements in upright postural control have not previously been addressed in this population. Here, we implemented a novel robotic postural training with scES, performed with free hands, to restore upright postural control in individuals with chronic, cervical (n = 5) or high-thoracic (n = 1) motor complete SCI, who had previously undergone stand training with scES using a walker or a standing frame for self-balance assistance. Robotic postural training re-enabled and/or largely improved the participants’ ability to control steady standing, self-initiated trunk movements and upper limb reaching movements while standing with free hands, receiving only external assistance for pelvic control. These improvements were associated with neuromuscular activation pattern adaptations above and below the lesion. These findings suggest that the human spinal cord below the level of injury can generate meaningful postural responses when its excitability is modulated by scES, and can learn to improve these responses. Upright postural control improvements can enhance functional motor recovery promoted by scES after severe SCI

    Effects of a short-term high-nitrate diet on exercise performance

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    It has been reported that nitrate supplementation can improve exercise performance. Most of the studies have used either beetroot juice or sodium nitrate as a supplement; there is lack of data on the potential ergogenic benefits of an increased dietary nitrate intake from a diet based on fruits and vegetables. Our aim was to assess whether a high-nitrate diet increases nitric oxide bioavailability and to evaluate the effects of this nutritional intervention on exercise performance. Seven healthy male subjects participated in a randomized cross-over study. They were tested before and after 6 days of a high (HND) or control (CD) nitrate diet (~8.2 mmol 19day(-1) or ~2.9 mmol 19day(-1), respectively). Plasma nitrate and nitrite concentrations were significantly higher in HND (127 \ub1 64 \ub5M and 350 \ub1 120 nM, respectively) compared to CD (23 \ub1 10 \ub5M and 240 \ub1 100 nM, respectively). In HND (vs. CD) were observed: (a) a significant reduction of oxygen consumption during moderate-intensity constant work-rate cycling exercise (1.178 \ub1 0.141 vs. 1.269 \ub1 0.136 L\ub7min(-1)); (b) a significantly higher total muscle work during fatiguing, intermittent sub-maximal isometric knee extension (357.3 \ub1 176.1 vs. 253.6 \ub1 149.0 Nm\ub7s\ub7kg(-1)); (c) an improved performance in Repeated Sprint Ability test. These findings suggest that a high-nitrate diet could be a feasible and effective strategy to improve exercise performance