12 research outputs found

    Wrist-Worn Wearables Based on Force Myography: On the Significance of User Anthropometry

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    Background Force myography (FMG) is a non-invasive technology used to track functional movements and hand gestures by sensing volumetric changes in the limbs caused by muscle contraction. Force transmission through tissue implies that differences in tissue mechanics and/or architecture might impact FMG signal acquisition and the accuracy of gesture classifier models. The aim of this study is to identify if and how user anthropometry affects the quality of FMG signal acquisition and the performance of machine learning models trained to classify different hand and wrist gestures based on that data. Methods Wrist and forearm anthropometric measures were collected from a total of 21 volunteers aged between 22 and 82 years old. Participants performed a set of tasks while wearing a custom-designed FMG band. Primary outcome measure was the Spearman’s correlation coefficient (R) between the anthropometric measures and FMG signal quality/ML model performance. Results Results demonstrated moderate (0.3 ≤|R| < 0.67) and strong (0.67 ≤ |R|) relationships for ratio of skinfold thickness to forearm circumference, grip strength and ratio of wrist to forearm circumference. These anthropometric features contributed to 23–30% of the variability in FMG signal acquisition and as much as 50% of the variability in classification accuracy for single gestures. Conclusions Increased grip strength, larger forearm girth, and smaller skinfold-to-forearm circumference ratio improve signal quality and gesture classification accuracy

    Improved prosthetic hand control with concurrent use of myoelectric and inertial measurements

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    Abstract Background Myoelectric pattern recognition systems can decode movement intention to drive upper-limb prostheses. Despite recent advances in academic research, the commercial adoption of such systems remains low. This limitation is mainly due to the lack of classification robustness and a simultaneous requirement for a large number of electromyogram (EMG) electrodes. We propose to address these two issues by using a multi-modal approach which combines surface electromyography (sEMG) with inertial measurements (IMs) and an appropriate training data collection paradigm. We demonstrate that this can significantly improve classification performance as compared to conventional techniques exclusively based on sEMG signals. Methods We collected and analyzed a large dataset comprising recordings with 20 able-bodied and two amputee participants executing 40 movements. Additionally, we conducted a novel real-time prosthetic hand control experiment with 11 able-bodied subjects and an amputee by using a state-of-the-art commercial prosthetic hand. A systematic performance comparison was carried out to investigate the potential benefit of incorporating IMs in prosthetic hand control. Results The inclusion of IM data improved performance significantly, by increasing classification accuracy (CA) in the offline analysis and improving completion rates (CRs) in the real-time experiment. Our findings were consistent across able-bodied and amputee subjects. Integrating the sEMG electrodes and IM sensors within a single sensor package enabled us to achieve high-level performance by using on average 4-6 sensors. Conclusions The results from our experiments suggest that IMs can form an excellent complimentary source signal for upper-limb myoelectric prostheses. We trust that multi-modal control solutions have the potential of improving the usability of upper-extremity prostheses in real-life applications

    Light-field flow cytometry for high-resolution, volumetric and multiparametric 3D single-cell analysis

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    Abstract Imaging flow cytometry (IFC) combines flow cytometry and fluorescence microscopy to enable high-throughput, multiparametric single-cell analysis with rich spatial details. However, current IFC techniques remain limited in their ability to reveal subcellular information with a high 3D resolution, throughput, sensitivity, and instrumental simplicity. In this study, we introduce a light-field flow cytometer (LFC), an IFC system capable of high-content, single-shot, and multi-color acquisition of up to 5,750 cells per second with a near-diffraction-limited resolution of 400-600 nm in all three dimensions. The LFC system integrates optical, microfluidic, and computational strategies to facilitate the volumetric visualization of various 3D subcellular characteristics through convenient access to commonly used epi-fluorescence platforms. We demonstrate the effectiveness of LFC in assaying, analyzing, and enumerating intricate subcellular morphology, function, and heterogeneity using various phantoms and biological specimens. The advancement offered by the LFC system presents a promising methodological pathway for broad cell biological and translational discoveries, with the potential for widespread adoption in biomedical research