60 research outputs found

    Spectrophotometric and thermodynamic study on reaction of tetra (p-sulphnaphthyl) porphyrin Iron (II) complex with thiols and glycine ethyl ester as amodel for cytochrome (p-450) state c and haemochrome.

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    Studies using spectrophotometric titrations on dilute solution of tetra (p-sulphonaphthyl) porphinato Iron (II) [ TNPS4 Fe (II) ] in the presence of a large excess of thiols and glycine ethyl ester at high (PH=12.8) are reported. evidence for high spin five coordinate Iron (II) and low spin six coordinate Iron (II) complexes were found . Thermodynamic parameters and stability constants were also recorded , refer to exothermic reaction with negative values of ∆H and ∆G for both ligands thiols and glycine ethyl ester . LogKF , Log KD and (n) number of bounded ligands were calculated , to be found for (n=1-1.3) for thiol ligand and (n=1.8-2.1) for glycine ethyl ester ligand , which were assigned to five and six coordinate to the Iron (II) atom , respectively. These results are discussed in relation to the high spin Iron (II) state in the catalytic cycle of cytochrome (p-450) and to the low spin Iron (II) haemochrome

    The economics of recreational park conservation : a case study of Bako National Park

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    The research is done to estimate the individual WTP for conservation of outdoor recreational places with the case study on the Bako National Bako, Kuching, Sarawak. The dichotomous choice of CVM is used in this study conducted through questionnaires. This is to identify the factors that affect the visitors/respondents WTP, estimating the maximum and minimum level they are willing to pay for conservation and preservation motive and at what price level they are capable of paying on the average. Further more, the logit model also is used to analysed the data and the maximum likelihood estimates of this model is encouraging. The median value of WTP for preservation of Bako National Park is estimated to be RM7.765 per person. The results of this study can be used by Bako National Park management as an information guideline for their preservation future plan and campaign especially for virgin forest, swamp forest, beaches and other non market resources

    Assessment of chain-of-custody certification costs for sawnwood manufacturers in Peninsular Malaysia

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    In response to environmental concerns, over the past two decades, many environmental organisations, government entities, wood product manufacturers and other companies in wood products supply chains have developed standards to encourage consumers to purchase wood originating from certified sustainable forests. This paper focuses on the chain-of-custody (CoC) component of certification. A study involving sawnwood manufacturers in Malaysia was conducted to determine an accurate cost of obtaining a Malaysian Timber Certification Council (MTCC) CoC certificate. There are three types of costs to obtain a MTCC–CoC certificate: (1) cost to meet CoC standard or requirement (an indirect cost), (2) auditing cost (a direct cost) and (3) surveillance visit cost (a direct cost). Results indicated that the cost to meet CoC standard is the major component involving 96% of the total cost of certification, whereas the auditing and surveillance visit each only involved 2% of the total certification cost. None of the three CoC costs were statistically correlated with company size (as measured by annual sales) but there was a statistically significant relationship between cost of surveillance visit and company size when measured by annual production

    Optical and structural properties of the GaAs heterostructures grown using AlGaAs superlattice buffer layer on compliant Si(100) substrates with the preformed porous-Si (por-Si) layer

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    360 nm and 700 nm thick GaAs layers were grown by MO MOCVD growth technique directly on compliant Si (100) substrate and on supper-lattice (SL) AlGaAs buffer layer. The XRD study revealed better structural quality for the sample grown on SL / por-Si buffer. AFM study revealed a smoother sample surface with blocks of more regular rectangular shape and larger size as well. Photoluminescence spectra of the samples revealed an energy shift of PL maximum intensity for both samples. Sample grown on SL buffer also showed higher PL intensity corresponding to better crystalline perfection

    MicroRaman Study of Nanostructured Ultra-Thin AlGaN/GaN Thin Films Grown on Hybrid Compliant SiC/Por-Si Substrates

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    In our study, for the first time we demonstrate the advantages of using a compliant hybrid substrate of porSi/SiC to grow high-quality ultra-thin nanostructured AlxGa1−xN/GaN heterostructures using molecular beam epitaxy with plasma-activated nitrogen. Comparison of our experimental results obtained by micro-Raman spectroscopy, deconvolution, and the fitting of the experimental Raman spectra and subsequent calculations with information from already established literature sources show that the use of such a hybrid SiC/porSi substrate has a number of undeniable advantages for the growth of ultra-thin AlxGa1−xN/GaN nanoheterostructures without requiring the use of thick AIIIN buffer layers. Direct growth on a hybrid compliant substrate of SiC/porSi leads to a substantial relaxation in the elastic stresses between the epitaxial film, porous silicon, and silicon carbide, which consequently affects the structural quality of the ultra-thin AlxGa1−xN/GaN epitaxial layers. The experimental and computational data obtained in our work are important for understanding the physics and technology of AlxGa1−xN/GaN nanoheterostructures and will contribute to their potential applications in optoelectronics. © 2022 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland.Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, Minobrnauka: FSRM-2020-0008, FZGU-2020-0036; Russian Science Foundation, RSF; Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation: 075-15-2021-1351Funding: This work was funded by grant no. 19-72-10007 from the Russian Science Foundation. The work of P.S. and A.M. was supported by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation (grant No. FZGU-2020-0036 and No. FSRM-2020-0008). As a part of access to scientific equipment and methodology, this study was supported by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of Russia under Agreement No. 075-15-2021-1351

    Effect of mergerson efficiency and productivity : Some evidence for banks in Malaysia

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    This study is undertaken to investigate the extent to which mergers lead to efficiency by which services are provided to the public and the productivity of Malaysia’s banking institutions sector. The data cover the period 1993 to 2004, which includes the pre-merger years and the post-merger years. This study attempts to evaluate technical efficiency, efficiency change, technical change and productivity of commercial banks, finance companies and merchant banks using a non-parametric Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) and Malmquist Index approach as the framework for the analyses. It is found that: (1) that on average, productivity across banking institutions increased at annual rate of 5.8% over the study period 1993 to 2004 ; (2) the results also indicated that almost all of the productivity growth comes from technical change (or innovations in banking technology) rather than improvement in efficiency change, which contributes for 6.1% of productivity growth, while the latter accounted for 0.2% decline; (3) the merger process led to productivity improvements whereby, it is observed that the productivity of Malaysia’s banking sector has been improved (in terms of efficiency) after the implementation of merger program for domestic banking institutions in 1999. This might be due to the utilization of their scale economies to improve their efficiencies. However, the productivity of banking institutions has been affected by certain economic conditions in year 2001 and 2004 (such as the September 11 tragedy and the process of capital rationalization that merged entities have undergone

    Adoption rate of sustainable agricultural practices: a focus on Malaysia’s vegetable sector for research implications

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    Sustainable agriculture practices (SAPs) have been widely promoted to improve the sustainability of agricultural systems. The promotion of SAPs is intended to encourage their voluntary adoption. Therefore, the development of sustainable agriculture can be understood through the adoption rate of recommended SAPs. However, little is known about the progress of sustainable agriculture, particularly in Asian countries. To fill part of the knowledge gap, this exploratory study identifies, as a starting point, the current adoption rate of SAPs in the Malaysian vegetable sector. Because the information is not officially collected, a synthesis of ground level information was conducted through a focus group discussion with the Department of Agriculture. The findings suggest that there are varied adoption rates across SAPs. The outputs also point out that the adoption of SAPs is currently at a low level, like most countries. The phenomenon should be investigated from a multi-disciplinary perspective within agricultural systems, integrating (1) socio-economic factors, (2) agro-ecological factors, (3) institutional factors, (4) informational factors, (5) perceived characteristics, and (6) behavioral attributes. By such means, future investigations should be based on a system-orientated integrative framework.Yeong Sheng Tey, Elton Li, Johan Bruwer, Amin Mahir Abdullah, Jay Cummins, Alias Radam, Mohd Mansor Ismail, and Suryani Darha