559 research outputs found

    A constitutive law for dense granular flows

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    A continuum description of granular flows would be of considerable help in predicting natural geophysical hazards or in designing industrial processes. However, the constitutive equations for dry granular flows, which govern how the material moves under shear, are still a matter of debate. One difficulty is that grains can behave like a solid (in a sand pile), a liquid (when poured from a silo) or a gas (when strongly agitated). For the two extreme regimes, constitutive equations have been proposed based on kinetic theory for collisional rapid flows, and soil mechanics for slow plastic flows. However, the intermediate dense regime, where the granular material flows like a liquid, still lacks a unified view and has motivated many studies over the past decade. The main characteristics of granular liquids are: a yield criterion (a critical shear stress below which flow is not possible) and a complex dependence on shear rate when flowing. In this sense, granular matter shares similarities with classical visco-plastic fluids such as Bingham fluids. Here we propose a new constitutive relation for dense granular flows, inspired by this analogy and recent numerical and experimental work. We then test our three-dimensional (3D) model through experiments on granular flows on a pile between rough sidewalls, in which a complex 3D flow pattern develops. We show that, without any fitting parameter, the model gives quantitative predictions for the flow shape and velocity profiles. Our results support the idea that a simple visco-plastic approach can quantitatively capture granular flow properties, and could serve as a basic tool for modelling more complex flows in geophysical or industrial applications.Comment: http://www.nature.com/nature/journal/v441/n7094/abs/nature04801.htm

    Effective boundary conditions for dense granular flows

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    We derive an effective boundary condition for granular flow taking into account the effect of the heterogeneity of the force network on sliding friction dynamics. This yields an intermediate boundary condition which lies in the limit between no-slip and Coulomb friction; two simple functions relating wall stress, velocity, and velocity variance are found from numerical simulations. Moreover, we show that this effective boundary condition corresponds to Navier slip condition when GDR MiDi's model is assumed to be valid, and that the slip length depends on the length scale that characterises the system, \emph{viz} the particle diameter.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figure

    Shear bands in granular flow through a mixing length model

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    We discuss the advantages and results of using a mixing-length, compressible model to account for shear banding behaviour in granular flow. We formulate a general approach based on two function of the solid fraction to be determined. Studying the vertical chute flow, we show that shear band thickness is always independent from flowrate in the quasistatic limit, for Coulomb wall boundary conditions. The effect of bin width is addressed using the functions developed by Pouliquen and coworkers, predicting a linear dependence of shear band thickness by channel width, while literature reports contrasting data. We also discuss the influence of wall roughness on shear bands. Through a Coulomb wall friction criterion we show that our model correctly predicts the effect of increasing wall roughness on the thickness of shear bands. Then a simple mixing-length approach to steady granular flows can be useful and representative of a number of original features of granular flow.Comment: submitted to EP

    On the dependence of the avalanche angle on the granular layer thickness

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    A layer of sand of thickness h flows down a rough surface if the inclination is larger than some threshold value theta which decreases with h. A tentative microscopic model for the dependence of theta with h is proposed for rigid frictional grains, based on the following hypothesis: (i) a horizontal layer of sand has some coordination z larger than a critical value z_c where mechanical stability is lost (ii) as the tilt angle is increased, the configurations visited present a growing proportion $_s of sliding contacts. Instability with respect to flow occurs when z-z_s=z_c. This criterion leads to a prediction for theta(h) in good agreement with empirical observations.Comment: 6 pages, 2 figure

    Continuous Avalanche Segregation of Granular Mixtures in Thin Rotating Drums

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    We study segregation of granular mixtures in the continuous avalanche regime (for frequencies above ~ 1 rpm) in thin rotating drums using a continuum theory for surface flows of grains. The theory predicts profiles in agreement with experiments only when we consider a flux dependent velocity of flowing grains. We find the segregation of species of different size and surface properties, with the smallest and roughest grains being found preferentially at the center of the drum. For a wide difference between the species we find a complete segregation in agreement with experiments. In addition, we predict a transition to a smooth segregation regime - with an power-law decay of the concentrations as a function of radial coordinate - as the size ratio between the grains is decreased towards one.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures, http://polymer.bu.edu/~hmaks

    The reversible polydisperse Parking Lot Model

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    We use a new version of the reversible Parking Lot Model to study the compaction of vibrated polydisperse media. The particle sizes are distributed according to a truncated power law. We introduce a self-consistent desorption mechanism with a hierarchical initialization of the system. In this way, we approach densities close to unity. The final density depends on the polydispersity of the system as well as on the initialization and will reach a maximum value for a certain exponent in the power law.Comment: 7 pages, Latex, 12 figure

    Granular flow down a rough inclined plane: transition between thin and thick piles

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    The rheology of granular particles in an inclined plane geometry is studied using molecular dynamics simulations. The flow--no-flow boundary is determined for piles of varying heights over a range of inclination angles θ\theta. Three angles determine the phase diagram: θr\theta_{r}, the angle of repose, is the angle at which a flowing system comes to rest; θm\theta_{m}, the maximum angle of stability, is the inclination required to induce flow in a static system; and θmax\theta_{max} is the maximum angle for which stable, steady state flow is observed. In the stable flow region θr<θ<θmax\theta_{r}<\theta<\theta_{max}, three flow regimes can be distinguished that depend on how close θ\theta is to θr\theta_{r}: i) θ>>θr\theta>>\theta_{r}: Bagnold rheology, characterized by a mean particle velocity vxv_{x} in the direction of flow that scales as vxh3/2v_{x}\propto h^{3/2}, for a pile of height hh, ii) θθr\theta\gtrsim\theta_{r}: the slow flow regime, characterized by a linear velocity profile with depth, and iii) θθr\theta\approx\theta_{r}: avalanche flow characterized by a slow underlying creep motion combined with occasional free surface events and large energy fluctuations. We also probe the physics of the initiation and cessation of flow. The results are compared to several recent experimental studies on chute flows and suggest that differences between measured velocity profiles in these experiments may simply be a consequence of how far the system is from jamming.Comment: 19 pages, 14 figs, submitted to Physics of Fluid

    Thick surface flows of granular materials: The effect of the velocity profile on the avalanche amplitude

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    A few years ago, Bouchaud al. introduced a phenomenological model to describe surface flows of granular materials [J. Phys. Fr. I, 4, 1383 (1994)]. According to this model, one can distinguish between a static phase and a rolling phase that are able to exchange grains through an erosion/accretion mechanism. Boutreux et al. [Phys. Rev. E, 58, 4692 (1998)] proposed a modification of the exchange term in order to describe thicker flows where saturation effects are present. However, these approaches assumed that the downhill convection velocity of the grains is constant inside the rolling phase, a hypothesis that is not verified experimentally. In this article, we therefore modify the above models by introducing a velocity profile in the flow, and study the physical consequences of this modification in the simple situation of an avalanche in an open cell. We present a complete analytical description of the avalanche in the case of a linear velocity profile, and generalize the results for a power-law dependency. We show, in particular, that the amplitude of the avalanche is strongly affected by the velocity profile.Comment: 7 figures, accepted for publication in Phys. Rev.