379 research outputs found

    Responding to the risk of reducing resources: development of a framework for future change programmes in environmental health services

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    Environmental Health services in the UK have been subject to significant resource reduction over the last 5 years. It is suggested that services risk becoming unsustainable unless efficient and effective ways of working are employed. With this in mind this paper presents the findings of research into the experience of practitioners who are developing and delivering evolving Environmental Health services in English local authorities in the context of deep cutting budget reductions. The research explores the experience of change and identifies lessons learnt in the development and execution of new models of Environmental Health service delivery to mitigate against risks of unsustainable or undeliverable services. Interviews were carried out with the participants to capture their experience of change and the impact on service delivery. A range of service delivery models have been examined including outsourcing, shared services, regional delivery models and discussion of mutual arrangements and at various stages of development from planning through to full transformation. Field work was undertaken between 2014 and 2016. Thematic analysis of interview transcripts has identified six emergent themes of the experience of change: managing changes effectively; understanding the reasons for change; understanding the nature of Environmental Health; meaningful consultation; viability of the proposal; planning and timeliness. Environmental Health services undergoing transformation may benefit from taking into account the lessons learnt by organisations that have previously undergone significant change in their response to the risk of a reducing resource. Keywords: Environmental Health; austerity; regulation; emerging risk; outsourcing; managing change

    Responding to the risk of reducing resource: a study of the evolution of English environmental health services

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    Environmental Health services in the UK have been subject to significant resource reduction over the last 3 years. It is suggested that services risk becoming unsustainable unless efficient and effective ways of working are employed. With this in mind this paper presents the findings of research into the experience of practitioners who are developing and delivering evolving environmental health services in English local authorities in the context of deep cutting budget reductions. The research aims to explore the experience of change and identify lessons learnt in the development and execution of new models of environmental health service delivery to mitigate against risks of unsustainable or undeliverable services. Participants were chosen from a range of local authority officers, managers, commissioners and leading members of the professional body who have been closely involved in the planning and delivery stages of environmental health service changes. Interviews were carried out with the participants to capture their experience of change and the impact on service delivery. A range of service delivery models have been examined including outsourcing, shared services, regional delivery models and discussion of mutual arrangements and at various stages of development from planning through to full transformation. Field work was undertaken between June 2014 and November 2015. Thematic analysis of interview transcripts has identified six emergent themes of the experience of change: managing changes effectively; understanding the reasons for change; understanding the nature of environmental health; meaningful consultation; viability of the proposal; planning and timeliness. Environmental health services undergoing transformation may benefit from taking into account the lessons learnt by organisations that have previously undergone significant change in their response to the risk of a reducing resource. The emergent themes are being developed to provide a framework of lessons learnt for environmental health services to consider when making changes to their model of service delivery

    A non-equilibrium ortho-to-para ratio of water in the Orion PDR

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    The ortho-to-para ratio (OPR) of H2_2O is thought to be sensitive to the temperature of water formation. The OPR of H2_2O is thus useful to study the formation mechanism of water. We investigate the OPR of water in the Orion PDR (Photon-dominated region), at the Orion Bar and Orion S positions, using data from {\it Herschel}/HIFI. We detect the ground-state lines of ortho- and para-H2_218^{18}O in the Orion Bar and Orion S and we estimate the column densities using LTE and non-LTE methods. Based on our calculations, the ortho-to-para ratio (OPR) in the Orion Bar is 0.1 - 0.5, which is unexpectedly low given the gas temperature of \sim 85 K, and also lower than the values measured for other interstellar clouds and protoplanetary disks. Toward Orion S, our OPR estimate is below 2. This low OPR at 2 positions in the Orion PDR is inconsistent with gas phase formation and with thermal evaporation from dust grains, but it may be explained by photodesorption

    Physical and chemical differentiation of the luminous star-forming region W49A - Results from the JCMT Spectral Legacy Survey

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    The massive and luminous star-forming region W49A is a well known Galactic candidate to probe the physical conditions and chemistry similar to those expected in external starburst galaxies. We aim to probe the physical and chemical structure of W49A on a spatial scale of ~0.8 pc based on the JCMT Spectral Legacy Survey, which covers the frequency range between 330 and 373 GHz. The wide 2x2 arcminutes field and the high spectral resolution of the HARP instrument on JCMT provides information on the spatial structure and kinematics of the cloud. For species where multiple transitions are available, we estimate excitation temperatures and column densities. We detected 255 transitions corresponding to 60 species in the 330-373 GHz range at the center position of W49A. Excitation conditions can be probed for 16 molecules. The chemical composition suggests the importance of shock-, PDR-, and hot core chemistry. Many molecular lines show a significant spatial extent across the maps including high density tracers (e.g. HCN, HNC, CS, HCO+) and tracers of UV-irradiation (e.g. CN and C2H). Large variations are seen between the sub-regions with mostly blue-shifted emission toward the Eastern tail, mostly red-shifted emission toward the Northern clump, and emission peaking around the expected source velocity toward the South-west clump. A comparison of column density ratios of characteristic species observed toward W49A to Galactic PDRs suggests that while the chemistry toward the W49A center is driven by a combination of UV-irradiation and shocks, UV-irradiation dominates for the Northern Clump, Eastern tail, and South-west clump regions. A comparison to a starburst galaxy and an AGN suggests similar C2H, CN, and H2CO abundances (with respect to the dense gas tracer 34CS) between the ~0.8 pc scale probed for W49A and the >1 kpc regions in external galaxies with global star-formation.Comment: Proposed for acceptance in A&A, abstract abridge

    Advance Australia fair? (in)equality, prosperity and sustainability in shaping Australia's future

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    Scholarships & Prizes Office. University of Sydne

    Triggered/sequential star formation? A multi-phase ISM study around the prominent IRDC G18.93-0.03

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    G18.93-0.03 is a prominent dust complex within an 0.8deg long filament, with the molecular clump G18.93/m being IR dark from near IR wavelength up to 160mu. Spitzer composite images show an IR bubble spatially associated with G18.93. We use GRS 13CO and IRAM 30m H13CO+ data to disentangle the spatial structure of the region. From ATLASGAL submm data we calculate the gas mass, while we use the H13CO+ line width to estimate its virial mass. Using HERSCHEL data we produce temperature maps from fitting the SED. With the MAGPIS 20cm and SuperCOSMOS Halpha data we trace the ionized gas, and the VGPS HI survey provides information on the atomic hydrogen gas. We show that the bubble is spatially associated with G18.93, located at a kinematic near distance of 3.6kpc. With 280Msun, the most massive clump within G18.93 is G18.93/m. The virial analysis shows that it may be gravitationally bound and has neither Spitzer young stellar objects nor mid-IR point sources within. Fitting the SED reveals a temperature distribution that decreases towards its center, but heating from the ionizing source puts it above the general ISM temperature. We find that the bubble is filled by HII gas, ionized by an O8.5 star. Between the ionizing source and the IR dark clump G18.93/m we find a layered structure, from ionized to atomic to molecular hydrogen, revealing a PDR. Furthermore, we identify an additional velocity component within the bubble's 8mu emission rim at the edge of the infrared dark cloud and speculate that it might be shock induced by the expanding HII region. While the elevated temperature allows for the build-up of larger fragments, and the shock induced velocity component may lead to additional turbulent support, we do not find conclusive evidence that the massive clump G18.93/m is prone to collapse because of the expanding HII region.Comment: Accepted for publication in A&

    SWAS and Arecibo observations of H2O and OH in a diffuse cloud along the line-of-sight to W51

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    Observations of W51 with the Submillimeter Wave Astronomy Satellite (SWAS) have yielded the first detection of water vapor in a diffuse molecular cloud. The water vapor lies in a foreground cloud that gives rise to an absorption feature at an LSR velocity of 6 km/s. The inferred H2O column density is 2.5E+13 cm-2. Observations with the Arecibo radio telescope of hydroxyl molecules at ten positions in W51 imply an OH column density of 8E+13 cm-2 in the same diffuse cloud. The observed H2O/OH ratio of ~ 0.3 is significantly larger than an upper limit derived previously from ultraviolet observations of the similar diffuse molecular cloud lying in front of HD 154368. The observed variation in H2O/OH likely points to the presence in one or both of these clouds of a warm (T > 400) gas component in which neutral-neutral reactions are important sources of OH and/or H2O.Comment: 15 pages (AASTeX) including 4 (eps) figures. To appear in the Astrophysical Journa