5 research outputs found

    Growth of a human mammary tumor cell line is blocked by galangin, a naturally occurring bioflavonoid, and is accompanied by down-regulation of cyclins D3, E, and A

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    INTRODUCTION: This study was designed to determine if and how a non-toxic, naturally occurring bioflavonoid, galangin, affects proliferation of human mammary tumor cells. Our previous studies demonstrated that, in other cell types, galangin is a potent inhibitor of the aryl hydrocarbon receptor (AhR), an environmental carcinogen-responsive transcription factor implicated in mammary tumor initiation and growth control. Because some current breast cancer therapeutics are ineffective in estrogen receptor (ER) negative tumors and since the AhR may be involved in breast cancer proliferation, the effects of galangin on the proliferation of an ER(-), AhR(high )line, Hs578T, were studied. METHODS: AhR expression and function in the presence or absence of galangin, a second AhR inhibitor, Ξ±-naphthoflavone (Ξ±-NF), an AhR agonist, indole-3-carbinol, and a transfected AhR repressor-encoding plasmid (FhAhRR) were studied in Hs578T cells by western blotting for nuclear (for instance, constitutively activated) AhR and by transfection of an AhR-driven reporter construct, pGudLuc. The effects of these agents on cell proliferation were studied by (3)H-thymidine incorporation and by flow cytometry. The effects on cyclins implicated in mammary tumorigenesis were evaluated by western blotting. RESULTS: Hs578T cells were shown to express high levels of constitutively active AhR. Constitutive and environmental chemical-induced AhR activity was profoundly suppressed by galangin as was cell proliferation. However, the failure of Ξ±-NF or FhAhRR transfection to block proliferation indicated that galangin-mediated AhR inhibition was either insufficient or unrelated to its ability to significantly block cell proliferation at therapeutically relevant doses (IC(50 )= 11 ΞΌM). Galangin inhibited transition of cells from the G(0)/G(1 )to the S phases of cell growth, likely through the nearly total elimination of cyclin D3. Expression of cyclins A and E was also suppressed. CONCLUSION: Galangin is a strong inhibitor of Hs578T cell proliferation that likely mediates this effect through a relatively unique mechanism, suppression of cyclin D3, and not through the AhR. The results suggest that this non-toxic bioflavonoid may be useful as a chemotherapeutic, particularly in combination with agents that target other components of the tumor cell cycle and in situations where estrogen receptor-specific therapeutics are ineffective

    Apc Mutation Enhances PyMT-Induced Mammary Tumorigenesis

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    The Adenomatous Polyposis Coli (APC) tumor suppressor gene is silenced by hypermethylation or mutated in up to 70% of human breast cancers. In mouse models, Apc mutation disrupts normal mammary development and predisposes to mammary tumor formation; however, the cooperation between APC and other mutations in breast tumorigenesis has not been studied. To test the hypothesis that loss of one copy of APC promotes oncogene-mediated mammary tumorigenesis, ApcMin/+ mice were crossed with the mouse mammary tumor virus (MMTV)-Polyoma virus middle T antigen (PyMT) or MMTV-c-Neu transgenic mice. In the PyMT tumor model, the ApcMin/+ mutation significantly decreased survival and tumor latency, promoted a squamous adenocarcinoma phenotype, and enhanced tumor cell proliferation. In tumor-derived cell lines, the proliferative advantage was a result of increased FAK, Src and JNK signaling. These effects were specific to the PyMT model, as no changes were observed in MMTV-c-Neu mice carrying the ApcMin/+ mutation. Our data indicate that heterozygosity of Apc enhances tumor development in an oncogene-specific manner, providing evidence that APC-dependent pathways may be valuable therapeutic targets in breast cancer. Moreover, these preclinical model systems offer a platform for dissection of the molecular mechanisms by which APC mutation enhances breast carcinogenesis, such as altered FAK/Src/JNK signaling