41 research outputs found

    Evolution of surface defects in platinum alloy wire under drawing

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    The shape and chemical composition of particles polluting the surface of ultrafine wire made of the platinum Pt92.5Pd4Rh3.5 alloy has been revealed by electron microscopy and microspectral analysis. The phenomenon of the appearance of pores in the particles, which are elongated in the direction of drawing, has been discovered. The problem of calculating the stress-strain state is stated by the finite element method. After solving the problem, it is demonstrated that the appearance of additional defects is related to the proportion of stresses in the scheme of metal forming by drawing. © 2017 Author(s).The work was done within the State Task, theme No. 01201375904, and financially supported by the RF Government, No. 211 (contract No. 02.A03.21.0006)


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    Measurements of the relative narrowing of gold wire Zl 99.99 along the route of drawing are made. The presence of a decrease in the level of plasticity with a gradual increase in this value was observed with further thinning of the wire. The minimum point corresponds approximately to the point of dispersion maximum. A hypothesis is advanced on the development of the process of softening when the critical degree of deformation is accumulated.Выполнены измерения относительного сужения золотой проволоки Зл 99,99 по маршруту волочения. Выявлено наличие понижения уровня пластичности с постепенным увеличением этой величины при дальнейшем утонении проволоки. Точка минимума соответствует примерно точке максимума дисперсии. Высказана гипотеза о развитии процесса разупрочнения при накоплении критической степени деформации


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    Выполнены измерения микротвердости скальпированной проволоки из серебра. Показана интенсивность прироста микротвердости по мере съема слоев, что говорит о проникновении пластической деформации в приповерхностные слои заготовки. Сделан прогноз о возможном снижении температуры начала рекристаллизации для этих слоев металла.The microhardness of scalped silver wire is measured. The intensity of the microhardness increment is shown as the layers are removed, which indicates the penetration of plastic deformation into the near-surface layers of the billet. A prognosis is made about a possible decrease in the temperature of the onset of recrystallization for these metal layers


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    Выполнено исследование процессов дефектообразования в технологии производства проволоки из платины марки Пл 2 разных диаметров: 1,2 мм, 60 и 40 мкм. Приведены данные микроспектрального анализа поверхности проволоки, сформулированы причины появления ряда дефектов.The processes of the defects formation were carried in the technology of the wire production from the Pl 2 platinum alloy. There were the different diameters: 1.2 mm, 60 μm and 40 μm. In this article the data of wire surface micro spectral analysis were shown, the reasons of the formation defects were formulated


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    Abstract. Using recent results on companion matrices and some bounds for eigenvalues we get inequalities for real parts of the critical points of polynomials

    Revisiting Pushchino RRAT search using neural network

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    The search for rotating radio transients (RRAT) at declination from -9o to +42o was carried out in the semi-annual monitoring data obtained on the Large Phased Array (LPA) radio telescope at the frequency of 111 MHz. A neural network was used to search for candidates. 4 new RRATs were detected, having dispersion measures (DM) 5-16 pc/cm3. A comparison with an earlier RRAT search conducted using the same data shows that the neural network reduced the amount of interference by 80 times, down to 1.3% of the initial amount of interferences. The loss of real pulsar pulses does not exceed 6% of their total number.Comment: 7 pages, 2 figures, submitted to A&

    Учебный ситуационный центр — инструмент интерактивных образовательных технологий в высшей школе

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    The authors, working at universities in various fields, consider the feasibility of educational situation centers in the process of development of natural sciences disciplines.Авторы статьи, работая в вузах различного профиля, рассматривают целесообразность внедрения учебных ситуационных центров (УСЦ) в процесс освоения дисциплин естественнонаучного цикла

    Clinical case of combined diabetes insipidus and cerebral salt-wasting syndrome in a patient with craniocerebral and spinal injury

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    Introduction. Cerebral salt-wasting syndrome and diabetes insipidus are serious complications of craniocerebral injury and spinal cord injuries. Each of the syndromes in some cases causes a life-threatening condition. This determines the importance of timely diagnosis and emergency intensive care measures. In the literature, there are only single descriptions of combinations of these symptoms in one patient.Clinical case report. A victim with craniocerebral injury and cervical spinal cord injury underwent, according to emergency indications, emptying and drainage of a tense subgaleal hematoma of the fronto-parieto-occipital region, spinal cord decompression, and stabilization of the spine. Postoperative follow-up and intensive care: on the 1st day the rate of diuresis was 2.5 mL/kg/h, blood glucose level – 14.18 mmol/L, and sodium level – 148–158 mmol/L. The patient was diagnosed with diabetes insipidus, and a therapy with desmopressin at a dose of 0.6 mg/day, restoration of fluid volume with hypotonic solutions, and correction of hyperglycemia was started. On the 4th day blood sodium level was 133 mmol/L, and blood glucose level – 8.67 mmol/L. On the 5th day, hyponatremia of 126–115 mmol/L was noted with a diuresis rate of 4 mL/kg/h and glicemya level of 7.86 mmol/L. The development of cerebral salt-wasting syndrome was diagnosed, and the infusion of hydrocortisone 400 mg/day and of 10% NaCl solution was started. On the 6th day glucose level returned to normal. On the 9th day of follow-up, an increase in the volume of diuresis was again observed, and desmopressin therapy was continued. Stable normalization of water-electrolyte balance, urine output, and glucose levels were observed on the 16th day of follow-up.Conclusion. Monitoring of fluid balance and electrolyte composition of blood serum, and adequate replacement therapy were the conditions for successful treatment of a rare combination of diabetes insipidus and cerebral salt-wasting syndrome in patients with concomitant craniocerebral and spinal cord injuries