162 research outputs found

    Final-state interactions in the response of nuclear matter

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    Final-state interactions in the response of a many-body system to an external probe delivering large momentum are normally described using the eikonal approximation, for the trajectory of the struck particle, and the frozen approximation, for the positions of the spectators. We propose a generalization of this scheme, in which the initial momentum of the struck particle is explicitly taken into account. Numerical calculations of the nuclear matter response at 1 <q<< |{\bf q}| < 2 GeV/c show that the inclusion of this momentum dependence leads to a sizable effect in the low energy tail. Possible implications for the analysis of existing electron-nucleus scattering data are discussed.Comment: 21 pages, 4 figure

    Deuteron distribution in nuclei and the Levinger's factor

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    We compute the distribution of quasideuterons in doubly closed shell nuclei. The ground states of 16^{16}O and 40^{40}Ca are described in lsls coupling using a realistic hamiltonian including the Argonne v8v_{8}^\prime and the Urbana IX models of two-- and three--nucleon potentials, respectively. The nuclear wave function contains central and tensor correlations, and correlated basis functions theory is used to evaluate the distribution of neutron-proton pairs, having the deuteron quantum numbers, as a function of their total momentum. By computing the number of deuteron--like pairs we are able to extract the Levinger's factor and compare to both the available experimental data and the predictions of the local density approximation, based on nuclear matter estimates. The agreement with the experiments is excellent, whereas the local density approximation is shown to sizably overestimate the Levinger's factor in the region of the medium nuclei.Comment: 26 pages, 8 figures, typeset using REVTe

    Neutron star matter equation of state and gravitational wave emission

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    The EOS of strongly interacting matter at densities ten to fifteen orders of magnitude larger than the typical density of terrestrial macroscopic objects determines a number of neutron star properties, including the pattern of gravitational waves emitted following the excitation of nonradial oscillation modes. This paper reviews some of the approaches employed to model neutron star matter, as well as the prospects for obtaining new insights from the experimental study of gravitational waves emitted by neutron stars.Comment: 15 pages, 8 figures. To be published as a Brief Review in Modern Physics Letters

    Multipair contributions to the spin response of nuclear matter

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    We analyse the effect of non-central forces on the magnetic susceptibility of degenerate Fermi systems. These include the presence of contributions from transitions to states containing more than one quasiparticle-quasihole pair, which cannot be calculated within the framework of Landau Fermi-liquid theory, and renormalization of the quasiparticle magnetic moment, as well as explicit non-central contributions to the quasiparticle interaction. Consequently, the relationship between the Landau parameters and the magnetic susceptibility for Fermi systems with non-central forces is considerably more complicated than for systems with central forces. We use sum-rule arguments to place a lower bound on the contribution to the static susceptibility coming from transitions to multipair states

    Spin susceptibility of neutron matter at zero temperature

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    The Auxiliary Field Diffusion Monte Carlo method is applied to compute the spin susceptibility and the compressibility of neutron matter at zero temperature. Results are given for realistic interactions which include both a two-body potential of the Argonne type and the Urbana IX three-body potential. Simulations have been carried out for about 60 neutrons. We find an overall reduction of the spin susceptibilty by about a factor 3 with respect to the Pauli susceptibility for a wide range of densities. Results for the compressibility of neutron matter are also presented and compared with other available estimates obtained for semirealistic nucleon-nucleon interactions by using other techniques

    Magnetars as cooling neutron stars with internal heating

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    We study thermal structure and evolution of magnetars as cooling neutron stars with a phenomenological heat source in a spherical internal layer. We explore the location of this layer as well as the heating rate that could explain high observable thermal luminosities of magnetars and would be consistent with the energy budget of neutron stars. We conclude that the heat source should be located in an outer magnetar's crust, at densities rho < 5e11 g/cm^3, and should have the heat intensity of the order of 1e20 erg/s/cm^3. Otherwise the heat energy is mainly emitted by neutrinos and cannot warm up the surface.Comment: 8 pages, 5 figures, submitted to MNRA

    Thermodynamic Properties of Holographic Multiquark and the Multiquark Star

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    We study thermodynamic properties of the multiquark nuclear matter. The dependence of the equation of state on the colour charges is explored both analytically and numerically in the limits where the baryon density is small and large at fixed temperature between the gluon deconfinement and chiral symmetry restoration. The gravitational stability of the hypothetical multiquark stars are discussed using the Tolman-Oppenheimer-Volkoff equation. Since the equations of state of the multiquarks can be well approximated by different power laws for small and large density, the content of the multiquark stars has the core and crust structure. We found that most of the mass of the star comes from the crust region where the density is relatively small. The mass limit of the multiquark star is determined as well as its relation to the star radius. For typical energy density scale of 10GeV/fm310\text{GeV}/\text{fm}^{3}, the converging mass and radius of the hypothetical multiquark star in the limit of large central density are approximately solar mass and 15-27 km. The adiabatic index and sound speed distributions of the multiquark matter in the star are also calculated and discussed. The sound speed never exceeds the speed of light and the multiquark matters are thus compressible even at high density and pressure.Comment: 27 pages, 17 figures, 1 table, JHEP versio

    Ground State Correlations in 16O and 40Ca

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    We study the ground state properties of doubly closed shell nuclei 16^{16}O and 40^{40}Ca in the framework of Correlated Basis Function theory using state dependent correlations, with central and tensor components. The realistic Argonne v14v_{14} and v8v'_{8} two-nucleon potentials and three-nucleon potentials of the Urbana class have been adopted. By means of the Fermi Hypernetted Chain integral equations, in conjunction with the Single Operator Chain approximation, we evaluate the ground state energy, one- and two-body densities and electromagnetic and spin static responses for both nuclei. In 16^{16}O we compare our results with the available Monte Carlo and Coupled Cluster ones and find a satisfying agreement. As in the nuclear matter case with similar interactions and wave functions, the nuclei result under-bound by 2--3 MeV/A.Comment: 33 RevTeX pages + 8 figures, to appear in Phys.Rev.

    A Self-Consistent Solution to the Nuclear Many-Body Problem at Finite Temperature

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    The properties of symmetric nuclear matter are investigated within the Green's functions approach. We have implemented an iterative procedure allowing for a self-consistent evaluation of the single-particle and two-particle propagators. The in-medium scattering equation is solved for a realistic (non-separable) nucleon-nucleon interaction including both particle-particle and hole-hole propagation. The corresponding two-particle propagator is constructed explicitely from the single-particle spectral functions. Results are obtained for finite temperatures and an extrapolation to T=0 is presented.Comment: 11 pages 5 figure

    Short-range correlations in low-lying nuclear excited states

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    The electromagnetic transitions to various low-lying excited states of 16O, 48Ca and 208Pb are calculated within a model which considers the short-range correlations. In general the effects of the correlations are small and do not explain the required quenching to describe the data.Comment: 6 pages, 2 postscript figures, 1 tabl