3,458 research outputs found

    Neural Connectivity with Hidden Gaussian Graphical State-Model

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    The noninvasive procedures for neural connectivity are under questioning. Theoretical models sustain that the electromagnetic field registered at external sensors is elicited by currents at neural space. Nevertheless, what we observe at the sensor space is a superposition of projected fields, from the whole gray-matter. This is the reason for a major pitfall of noninvasive Electrophysiology methods: distorted reconstruction of neural activity and its connectivity or leakage. It has been proven that current methods produce incorrect connectomes. Somewhat related to the incorrect connectivity modelling, they disregard either Systems Theory and Bayesian Information Theory. We introduce a new formalism that attains for it, Hidden Gaussian Graphical State-Model (HIGGS). A neural Gaussian Graphical Model (GGM) hidden by the observation equation of Magneto-encephalographic (MEEG) signals. HIGGS is equivalent to a frequency domain Linear State Space Model (LSSM) but with sparse connectivity prior. The mathematical contribution here is the theory for high-dimensional and frequency-domain HIGGS solvers. We demonstrate that HIGGS can attenuate the leakage effect in the most critical case: the distortion EEG signal due to head volume conduction heterogeneities. Its application in EEG is illustrated with retrieved connectivity patterns from human Steady State Visual Evoked Potentials (SSVEP). We provide for the first time confirmatory evidence for noninvasive procedures of neural connectivity: concurrent EEG and Electrocorticography (ECoG) recordings on monkey. Open source packages are freely available online, to reproduce the results presented in this paper and to analyze external MEEG databases

    Quantum equilibration of the double-proton transfer in a model system porphine

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    There is a renewed interest in the derivation of statistical mechanics from the dynamics of closed quantum systems. A central part of this program is to understand how closed quantum systems, i.e., in the absence of a thermal bath, initialized far-from-equilibrium can share a dynamics that is typical to the relaxation towards thermal equilibrium. Equilibration dynamics has been traditionally studied with a focus on the so-called quenches of large-scale many-body systems. We consider here the equilibration of a two-dimensional molecular model system describing the double proton transfer reaction in porphine. Using numerical simulations, we show that equilibration indeed takes place very rapidly (∼200 fs) for initial states induced by pump–dump laser pulse control with energies well above the synchronous barrier. The resulting equilibration state is characterized by a strong delocalization of the probability density of the protons that can be explained, mechanistically, as the result of (i) an initial state consisting of a large superposition of vibrational states, and (ii) the presence of a very effective dephasing mechanism

    polo encodes a protein kinase homolog required for mitosis in Drosophila

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    We show that mutation in polo leads to a variety of abnormal mitoses in Drosophila larval neuroblasts. These include otherwise normal looking mitotic spindles upon which chromosomes appear overcondensed; normal bipolar spindles with polyploid complements of chromosomes; bipolar spindles in which one pole can be unusually broad; and monopolar spindles. We have cloned the polo gene from a mutant allele carrying a P-element transposon and sequenced cDNAs corresponding to transcripts of the wild-type locus. The sequence shows that polo encodes a 577-amino-acid protein with an amino-terminal domain homologous to a serine-threonine protein kinase. polo transcripts are abundant in tissues and developmental stages in which there is extensive mitotic activity. The transcripts show no obvious spatial pattern of distribution in relation to the mitotic domains of cellularized embryos but are specifically concentrated in dividing cells in larval discs and brains. In the cell cycles of both syncytial and cellularized embryos, the polo kinase undergoes cell cycle-dependent changes in its distribution: It is predominantly cytoplasmic during interphase; it becomes associated with condensed chromosomes toward the end of prophase; and it remains associated with chromosomes until telophase, whereupon it becomes cytoplasmic

    Effects of a resistance-training programme on endoplasmic reticulum unfolded protein response and mitochondrial functions in PBMCs from elderly subjects

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    10 p.Aging has been related with a decline in the ability to handle protein folding, which leads to endoplasmic reticulum stress and alterations in unfolded protein response (UPR). Importantly, physical activity could activate the UPR and attenuate or prevent age-induced endoplasmic reticulum (ER) dysfunction. The current study evaluated the effects of a resistance exercise on UPR and mitochondrial functions in peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) from elderly subjects. Thirty healthy women and men (age, 72.8, sx− = 2.2 years) were randomized to a training group, which performed an 8-week resistance training programme, or a control group, which followed their daily routines. The phosphorylation of PERK and IRE1, as well as ATF4, and XBP1 protein expression, significantly increased following the training, while expression of BiP, AFT6 and CHOP remain without changes. Additionally, the intervention also induced an increase in PGC-1α and Mfn1 protein levels, while no changes were found in Drp1 expression. Finally, the resistance protocol was not able to activate PINK1/Parkin and Bnip3/Nix pathways. The results obtained seem to indicate that 8-week resistance exercise activates the UPR, stimulates mitochondrial biogenesis, maintains mitochondrial dynamics and prevents mitophagy activation by unfolded proteins in PBMCs from elderly subjects.S

    Abordagem multivariada para a seleção da raça Brahman utilizando valores genéticos para características de crescimento, fertilidade e carcaça.

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    O estudo de análises multivariadas pode ajudar a compreender e otimizar o uso da diferença esperada na progênie (DEP). Por isso, objetivou-se avaliar a eficiência das análises multivariadas na identificação de grupos de animais com DEPs superiores para características produtivas, de carcaça e fertilidade. As DEPs para os pesos aos 120 e 210 dias de idade (P120 e P210), peso aos 365 e 450 dias de idade (P365 e P450), acabamento de carcaça (ACAB), área de olho de lombo (AOL), perímetro escrotal aos 365 e 450 dias de idade (PE365 e PE450) provenientes de 2.621 bovinos da raça Brahman, nascidos entre os anos de 1996 e 2011, foram preditas por meio do método da máxima verossimilhança restrita livre de derivadas (REML). Estas DEPs foramutilizadas para dividir os animais em três grupos por meio do método de k-médias. Foi utilizado teste não paramétrico de Dunn (p<0,05) para comparação de médias. A abordagem multivariada foi eficiente na classificação e agrupamento dos animais semelhantes de acordo com a diferença esperada na progênie para características de crescimento, carcaça e perímetro escrotal. Estes resultados podem ser úteis e ajudar nas tomadas de decisões e, assim, contribuir positivamente para o sucesso dos programas de melhoramento genético, principalmente na seleção e acasalamento otimizado dos animais, candidatos à reprodução. Abstract: The study was carried out to multivariate approaches can help better understand and optimize the use of expected progeny difference for growth traits, carcass and fertility. EPD for weights at 120 and 210 days of age (W120 and W210), weight at 365 and 450 days of age (W365 and W450), carcass finish (CF), the rib eye area (REA), scrotal circumference at 365 and 450 days of age (WE365 and WE450) from 2,621 Brahman cattle born between years 1996 and 2011, were predicted by Restricted Maximum Likelihood Method (REML). These EPDs were used to divide the animals into three groups by k-means method. Nonparametric Dunn test (p<0.05) was used to compare means. The multivariate approach efficiently classified and grouped similar animals according to expected progeny difference for growth, carcass and scrotal circumference traits. These results may be useful and help in take decisions and also positively contribute to success of animal breeding programs, particularly in the selection and breeding of animals

    Dietary inflammatory index and prevalence of overweight and obesity in Brazilian graduates from the Cohort of Universities of Minas Gerais (CUME project)

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    Objectives: The aim of this study was to evaluate the independent association of the dietary inflammatory index (DII ) score with overweight and obesity in Brazilian participants of the Cohort of Universities of Minas Gerais (CUME project). Methods: This was a cross-sectional study consisting of 3,151 graduates and postgraduates (2197 women) with a mean (SD) age of 36.3 y (§9.4 y). Sociodemographic characteristics, lifestyle, and anthropometric data were assessed via online self-reported questionnaire. Additionally, a validated food frequency questionnaire with 144 food items was used to generate energy-adjusted DII (E-DIITM) scores, which evaluated the inflammatory potential of the diet. Results: The prevalence of overweight and obesity were 28.2% and 11%, respectively. Participants in the highest E-DII quartile (most proinflammatory diet) were more likely to be smokers/former smokers; sedentary; and consumers of red and ultra-processed meats, fats and oils (excluding olive oil), bottled fruit juices and soft drinks, sugars, sweets, and higher overall caloric intake, compared with the first quartile of E-DII. Both men and women in the fourth E-DII quartile had the highest prevalence of overweight and obesity (prevalence ratio [PR], 1.35; 95% confidence interval [CI], 1.14 1.59 and PR, 1.97; 95% CI, 1.20 3.22, respectively, in men; PR, 1.38; 95% CI, 1.17 to 1.65 and PR, 1.95; 95% CI, 1.31 2.90, respectively, in women). Conclusion: The most proinflammatory dietary pattern was associated with a higher prevalence of overweight and obesity and other unhealthy lifestyles including being sedentary, smoking, and consuming a obesogenic diet