28 research outputs found

    Recent methods in the production of activated carbon from date palm residues for the adsorption of textile dyes: A review

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    Textile dyes are organic compounds that can pose an environmental threat if not properly treated. They can cause many problems ranging from human health, ecosystem disturbances, and the reduction of the esthetic value of water bodies. The adsorption process using activated carbon (AC) has been proven to be effective in treating dyes in wastewater. However, the production of AC is limited by the non-renewables and relatively expensive precursor of coal. Date palm residues (DPRs) provide a good alternative for AC’s precursor due to their continuous supply, availability in a large amount, and having good physiochemical properties such as high oxygen element and fixed carbon. This study provides a review of the potential of date palm residues (DPRs) as AC in adsorbing textile dyes and the recent technological advances adopted by researchers in producing DPR-based AC. This review article focuses solely on DPR and not on other biomass waste. This study presents a background review on date palms, textile dyes, biochar, and AC, followed by production methods of AC. In the literature, DPR was carbonized between 250 and 400°C. The conventional heating process employed an activation temperature of 576.85–900°C for physical activation and a maximum of 800°C for physicochemical activation. Chemical agents used in the chemical activation of DPR included NaOH, KOH, ZnCl2, H3PO4, and CaCl2. The maximum surface area obtained for DPR-AC was 1,092.34 and 950 m2/g for physical and chemical activation, respectively. On the other hand, conditions used in microwave heating were between 540 and 700 W, which resulted in a surface area of 1,123 m2/g. Hydrothermal carbonization (HTC) utilized carbonization temperatures between 150 and 250°C with pressure between 1 and 5 MPa, thus resulting in a surface area between 125.50 and 139.50 m2/g. Isotherm and kinetic models employed in the literature are also discussed, together with the explanation of parameters accompanied by these models. The conversion of DPR into AC was noticed to be more efficient with the advancement of activation methods over the years.King Abdulaziz City for Science and Technology - grant no. 13-ENV1102-02

    The effect of sand storms on acute asthma in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia

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    Objective: Major sand storms are frequent in the Middle East. This study aims to investigate the role of air particulate matter (PM) level in acute asthma in children in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. Methods: An aerosol spectrometer was used to evaluate PM < 10μm in diameter (PM 10 ) and PM < 2.5 μm in diameter (PM 2.5 ) concentrations in the air every 30 minutes throughout February and March 2012 in Riyadh. Data on children 2-12 years of age presenting to the emergency department of a major children′s hospital with acute asthma during the same period were collected including their acute asthma severity score. Results: The median with interquartile range (IQR) levels of PM 10 and PM 2.5 were 454 μg/m 3 (309,864) and 108 μg/m 3 (72,192) respectively. There was no correlation between the average daily PM 10 levels and the average number of children presenting with acute asthma per day (r = -0.14, P = 0.45), their daily asthma score (r = 0.014, P = 0.94), or admission rate ( r= -0.08, P = 0.65). This was also true for average daily PM 2.5 levels. In addition, there was no difference in these variables between days with PM 10 >1000 μg/m 3 , representing major sand storms, plus the following 5 days and other days with PM 10 < 1000 μg/m 3 . Conclusion: Sand storms, even major ones, had no significant impact on acute asthma exacerbations in children in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. The very high levels of PM, however, deserve further studying especially of their long-term effects

    Soil phosphorus fractionation in calcareous soil as affected by organic amendments application

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    Understanding of P transformations following organic amendments addition to highly calcareous soils is necessary for developing better management practices that can help enhance P fertilizer use efficiency. Phosphorus solubility and availability for plant uptake under the con- ditions of arid calcareous soil is very low, making P nutrient supply a critical issue under these conditions. The aim of this study was to evaluate the impact of various types of organic amend- ments (chicken compost, cow compost and a mixture of humic-fulvic acid) applied alone at dif- ferent rates of KH 2 PO 4 fertilizer on P fractions in calcareous soil using the sequential chemical extraction method. Amended calcareous soil was incubated under laboratory conditions and soil samples were collected at 0, 4, 8 and 16 weeks of the incubation periods. Soil was sequentially extracted and analyzed for P different fractions. The results indicated that the addition of chicken and cow compost increased soluble and exchangeable-P and Ca-P fractions in calcareous soil and the increases depend on application rates. The results indicated that combination of chicken and cow compost with different KH 2 PO 4 fertilizer application rates increased the concentration of sol- uble and exchangeable-P in the soil compared to organic amendments or KH 2 PO 4 fertilizer applied alone. The P associated with Ca was the dominant P fractions in soil, ranging between 51 to 59% regardless of the different treatment and the period of incubations. The Al- and Fe-associated Pfractions varied between 2 and 9%, with the maximum value being observed at the eighth week of incubation. The residual-P fraction ranged between 5 and 22% at different incubation periods

    The effect of sand storms on acute asthma in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.

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    OBJECTIVE: Major sand storms are frequent in the Middle East. This study aims to investigate the role of air particulate matter (PM) level in acute asthma in children in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. METHODS: An aerosol spectrometer was used to evaluate PM < 10μm in diameter (PM10) and PM < 2.5 μm in diameter (PM2.5) concentrations in the air every 30 minutes throughout February and March 2012 in Riyadh. Data on children 2-12 years of age presenting to the emergency department of a major children's hospital with acute asthma during the same period were collected including their acute asthma severity score. RESULTS: The median with interquartile range (IQR) levels of PM10 and PM2.5 were 454 μg/m3 (309,864) and 108 μg/m3 (72,192) respectively. There was no correlation between the average daily PM10 levels and the average number of children presenting with acute asthma per day (r = -0.14, P = 0.45), their daily asthma score (r = 0.014, P = 0.94), or admission rate ( r= -0.08, P = 0.65). This was also true for average daily PM2.5 levels. In addition, there was no difference in these variables between days with PM10 >1000 μg/m3, representing major sand storms, plus the following 5 days and other days with PM10< 1000 μg/m3. CONCLUSION: Sand storms, even major ones, had no significant impact on acute asthma exacerbations in children in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. The very high levels of PM, however, deserve further studying especially of their long-term effects

    Conversion of a mixture of date palm wastes to mesoporous activated carbon for efficient dye adsorption

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    In this study, we aimed to develop mixture activated carbon (MAC) from a mixture of date palm wastes (petiole, rachis and fiber) through hydrothermal carbonization and microwave-assisted H3PO4 activation and evaluate its adsorption capacity to remove Remazol brilliant blue R (RBBR) from aqueous solution. The MAC was found to be mesoporous, with an average pore diameter and BET surface area of 2.61 nm and 641.23 m2 g−1, respectively. The zeta potential and FTIR results demonstrated that the surface of MAC was negatively charged in its natural state and filled with functional groups such as phenyl, secondary amine, alkyne, aldehyde, and hydroxy groups. The adsorption capacity and percentage removal of RBBR increased and decreased, respectively, when the initial concentration increased. Maximum removal of RBBR was achieved at pH 3 (96.69 mg g−1) and at 30 °C of solution temperature (85.79 mg g−1). Langmuir and pseudo-first-order were the best isotherm and kinetic models for describing the RBBR-MAC adsorption system, respectively. The thermodynamic parameters of ΔH°, ΔS°, ΔG°, and Ea implied that this adsorption system was exothermic, increased randomness at the liquid-solid interface, and was spontaneous and controlled by the physisorption type of sorption, respectively.King Abdulaziz City for Science and Technology - grant no. 13-ENV1102-02

    Soil phosphorus fractionation in calcareous soil as affected by organic amendments application

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    Understanding of P transformations following organic amendments addition to highly calcareous soils is necessary for developing better management practices that can help enhance P fertilizer use efficiency. Phosphorus solubility and availability for plant uptake under the conditions of arid calcareous soil is very low, making P nutrient supply a critical issue under these conditions. The aim of this study was to evaluate the impact of various types of organic amendments (chicken compost, cow compost and a mixture of humic-fulvic acid) applied alone at different rates of KH2PO4 fertilizer on P fractions in calcareous soil using the sequential chemical extraction method. Amended calcareous soil was incubated under laboratory conditions and soil samples were collected at 0, 4, 8 and 16 weeks of the incubation periods. Soil was sequentially extracted and analyzed for P different fractions. The results indicated that the addition of chicken and cow compost increased soluble and exchangeable-P and Ca-P fractions in calcareous soil and the increases depend on application rates. The results indicated that combination of chicken and cow compost with different KH2PO4 fertilizer application rates increased the concentration of soluble and exchangeable-P in the soil compared to organic amendments or KH2PO4 fertilizer applied alone. The P associated with Ca was the dominant P fractions in soil, ranging between 51 to 59% regardless of the different treatment and the period of incubations. The Al- and Fe-associated P fractions varied between 2 and 9%, with the maximum value being observed at the eighth week of incubation. The residual-P fraction ranged between 5 and 22% at different incubation periods