446 research outputs found

    Norm Conflict, Fragmentation, and the European Court of Human Rights

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    In Al-Jedda v. United Kingdom, the European Court of Human Rights addressed the petition of a person detained by U.K. occupation forces in Iraq pursuant to United Nations Security Council authorization. One issue before the court in Al-Jedda—whether the petitioner’s rights against the U.K. government under the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms might disapply the Security Council authorization—illustrates the problem of norm conflict between intergovernmental regimes. The Al-Jedda court avoided directly pitting the differing norms at issue (Security Council resolutions versus European human rights treaty provisions), but in doing so left open such a conflict for where one such norm explicitly requires violation of the other. When this question arises, the court should not hold that the applicability of European treaty norms disapplies Security Council resolutions or other United Nations acts, because so holding would further fragment the international system and leave states in positions where they will be bound to violate at least some of their international obligations

    UV Emission line shifts of symbiotic binaries

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    Relative and absolute emission line shifts have been previously found for symbiotic binaries, but their cause was not clear. This work aims to better understand the emission line shifts. Positions of strong emission lines were measured on archival UV spectra of Z And, AG Dra, RW Hya, SY Mus and AX Per and relative shifts between the lines of different ions compared. Profiles of lines of RW Hya and Z And were also examined. The reality of the relative shift between resonance and intercombination lines of several times ionised atoms was clearly shown except for AG Dra. This redshift shows a well defined variation with orbital phase for Z And and RW Hya. In addition the intercombination lines from more ionised atoms and especially OIV are redshifted with respect to those from less ionised atoms. Other effects are seen in the profiles. The resonance-intercombination line shift variation can be explained in quiescence by P Cygni shorter wavelength component absorption, due to the wind of the cool component, which is specially strong in inferior conjunction of this cool giant. The velocity stratification permits absorption of line emission. The relative intercombination line shifts may be connected with varying occultation of line emission near an accretion disk, which is optically thick in the continuum.Comment: 14 pages, 11 figures, to appear in A&

    Beyond the Linearity of Current-Voltage Characteristics in Multiwalled Carbon Nanotubes

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    We present local and non-local electron transport measurements on individual multi-wall nanotubes for bias voltage between 0 and about 4 V. Local current-voltage characteristics are quite linear. In contrast, non-local measurements are highly non-linear; the differential non-local conductance can even become negative in the high-bias regime. We discuss the relationship between these results and transport parameters such as the elastic length, the number of current carrying shells, and the number of conducting modes.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figure

    Radiasi di Sekitar Menara Base Transceiver Station di Bandung dan Jakarta

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    Telah dilakukan penelitian Pengaruh Medan Elektromagnetik Terhadap Kesehatan Masyarakat Di Sekitar Menara Pemancar Telepon Seluler (BTS) di Jakarta dan Bandung bertujuan untuk mengetahui besar pajanan medan elektromagnetik yang berasal dari menara telepon seluler (BTS) dan kondisi kesehatan (kecemasan) ma syarakat yang bermukim di sekitar BTS. Disain penelitian adalah cross-sectional dengan jumlah sampel di masing-masing lokasi adalah 10 (7 BTS dengan sistem GSM dan 3 BTS dengan sistem CDMA) yang dipilih secara purposif. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan cara pengukuran rapat daya di 16 titik di sekeliling BTS (setiap 22,5o sudut penjuru angin) pada jarak 100 meter. Berdasarkan hasil pengukuran tersebut, p ada arah dengan rapat daya paling besar, pengukuran dilanjutkan pada pada jarak 50, 150, 200, 250, dan 300 meter. Alat ukur yang digunakan adalah Radio Frequency Electromagnetic Field Strength Meters SPECTRAN® HF-2025E. Data hasil pengukuran medan elektromagnetik akan dipetakan berdasarkan titik pengukuran di masing-masing BTS, dan dibandingkan dengan peraturan yang ada. Hasil: Pada jarak 100 meter dari BTS, rapat daya frekuensi 900 MHz berkisar antara tidak terdeteksi sampai 396 W/cm2 dengan modus 2 W/cm2. Pada frekuensi 1800 MHz berkisar antara tidak terdeteksi sampai 282 W/cm2 dengan modus 0,4 W/cm2 dan pada frekuensi 2200 MHz antara tidak terdeteksi sampai 140 W/Cm2dengan modus 13 W/cm2. Berdasarkan jarak pengukuran, rapat daya pada frekuensi 900 MHz paling tinggi terukur pada jarak 250 meter dari BTS, sebesar 700 W/cm2; frekuensi 1800 MHz , paling tinggi 540 W/cm2 terukur pada jarak 100 meter; pada frekuensi 2200 MHz paling tinggi 570 W/cm2 terukur pada jarak 250 meter. Kesimpulan: Secara umum radiasi di sekitar BTS telah melampaui masih di bawah nilai yang direkomendasikan oleh WHO dan ITU maupun Keputusan Ditjen Parpostel tahun 2007, tetapi di beberapa titik pengukuran telah melampaui nilai yang direkomendasikan oleh peraturan tersebut. Mengingat efek yang ditimbulkan oleh pajanan radiasi ini bersifat kronis, maka perlu adanya pemantauan besaran radiasi maupun kondisi kesehatan masyarakat di sekitar BTS.Kata Kunci: Menara telepon seluler, radiasi, medan elektromagnetikAbstractResearch of Health Effect of Electromagnetic Fields to People around the Base Transceiver Station (BTS) in Jakarta and Bandung. The aim of the research is to study the health effects of BTS existence and BTS radiation exposure to the community who lives near the stations. The research design was cross-sectional with the number of samples in each location was 10 (7 BTSs with GSM system and 3 BTSs with CDMA system). The samples were chosen purposively. Data collection was performed by measuring the power density in 16 points with a radius of 100 meters around the BTS (every 22,5o angle). According to these measurement results, a further measurement was performed for every 50, 150,200, and 300 meters in the direction where the largest power density was found. The measuring tool used was Radio Frequency Electromagnetic Field Strength Meters SPECTRAN® HF-2025E. Afterwards, electromagnetic field measurement data was mapped based on the measurement points in each BTS and compared with the existingregulations. Result: At a distance of 100 meters from BTS, the power density of 900 MHz wave was ranged from undetected to 396 W/cm2 with a modus value of 2 W/cm2. For the 1800 MHz wave, the power density was ranged from undetected to 282 W/cm2 with a modus value of 0,4 W/cm2. Meanwhile, the 2200 MHz wave was found to beranged from undetected to 140 W/cm2 with a modus value of 13 W/cm2. Based on the measurement distance, the highest power density of 900 MHz wave was measured at around 700 W/cm2 in 250 meters radius from BTS. Conclusion: It can be concluded that generally, the radiation around BTS was still below the threshold recommended by WHO and ITU, as well as Decree of Director General of Resources and Devices of Post and Informatics year 2007; but there were some points which had radiation value far above the threshold. Considering the effects of exposure to radiation which are chronic, it is necessary to monitor the magnitude of both the radiation and the health of community living near BTS.Keywords: Base Transceiver Station, radiation, electromagnetic fiel

    Framing activities and the co-evolvement of products and operations in new ventures

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    New ventures need to simultaneously develop both their first offering and the operations of the venture itself. This paper extends the notion of problem-solution co-evolvement from product design to venture design, presenting results from four new Finnish ventures in the midst of creating their first offering market-ready. Based on qualitative analysis of interviews of the entrepreneur teams of these ventures, it is suggested that differences in how the venture idea is initially approached translates into different types of co-evolvement between the offering and the operations of the new ventures. In two of the companies, the product frame had been collaboratively created and remained relatively stable. Development activities within product, business model and working practices did not require large changes in the other arenas. In contrast, the product frame was shifting in the two other ventures, and the co- evolvement of the product problem and solutions had major implications for the business model and operations, and vice versa. The entrepreneurs in these companies would have seemingly benefited from having more structured systematic micro-level working practices to balance the variance in the offering and operations. By conceptually linking venture formation to co-evolvement resulting from the initial frame of development efforts, the study serves to strengthen the link between product development and entrepreneurship research.Peer reviewe

    Peningkatan Pengetahuan Calon Pengantin melalui Konseling ASI Eksklusif di Aceh Besar

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    The global movement of nutrition improvement is anoverall effort to strengthen the commitment and action plan to accelerate the improvement of nutrition, especiallyin the first 1,000 days of life, including exclusive breastfeeding. One of the intervention is through nutritional counseling approach about exclusive breastfeeding to prevent stunting problems. To improve the nutrition and health, counseling for a future bride needs special attention. The aim of the study was to increase knowledge about exclusive breastfeeding of future brides through counseling. This quasi-experimental study analyzing a total sample of 30 future brides through non-random assignment. Data of knowledge variables obtained through interview using questionnaire with scale ratio, whereas counseling method was conducted face to face with a leaflet tool. The data were analyzed by Wilcoxon Rank test. The results showed that exclusive breastfeeding counseling could improve the future brides' knowledge (p=0.000) with the mean difference of 6.13 and a deviation of 3.71. The conclusion is that the improvement of future brides' knowledge about exclusive breastfeeding can be done through counseling using media leaflets. The study suggests that every health center can cooperate with Religious Affairs Office to conduct exclusively breastfeeding counseling routinely and become one of programto preventchild stunting

    Peningkatan Indeks Standar Pencemaran Udara (Ispu) Dan Kejadian Gangguan Saluran Pernapasan Di Kota Pekanbaru

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    In 2015, the forest fires are quite severe in Riau Province. This causes the reduction of air quality, which in turn can cause breathing problems. This article aims to determine the relationship of the increase in air pollution index (API) and the cases of respiratory problems in Pekanbaru City in 2015. The study design was cross-sectional. Samples are all people with respiratory problems (Upper Respiratory Tract Infections/URI, asthma, and pneumonia) who visited Puskesmas or health post in Pekanbaru, amounted to 12,939 people. Data collected were daily data of API and Pekanbaru residents visit to Puskesmas and health posts with complaints of respiratory problems. Spearman rho correlation test was used to analyze the data with SPSS software. API from July to October 2015 range was quite wide from 34.7 up to 778.0. Average API in September and October 2015 were more than in the period of July and August 2015. The Spearman rho correlation analysis showed that the API value have significant correlation (p=0.000) with respiratory problems. Correlation between API with URI, asthma, and pneumonia is highest on the lag time 0, respectively 0.779; 0.237; and 0.436. It can be concluded that the increased API will increase URI on the same day

    Determination of the Intershell Conductance in Multiwalled Carbon Nanotubes

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    We report on the intershell electron transport in multiwalled carbon nanotubes (MWNT). To do this, local and nonlocal four-point measurements are used to study the current path through the different shells of a MWNT. For short electrode separations ≲\lesssim 1 μ\mum the current mainly flows through the two outer shells, described by a resistive transmission line with an intershell conductance per length of ~(10 k\Omega)^{-1}/μ\mum. The intershell transport is tunnel-type and the transmission is consistent with the estimate based on the overlap between π\pi-orbitals of neighboring shells.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    Scaling Law in Carbon Nanotube Electromechanical Devices

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    We report a method for probing electromechanical properties of multiwalled carbon nanotubes(CNTs). This method is based on AFM measurements on a doubly clamped suspended CNT electrostatically deflected by a gate electrode. We measure the maximum deflection as a function of the applied gate voltage. Data from different CNTs scale into an universal curve within the experimental accuracy, in agreement with a continuum model prediction. This method and the general validity of the scaling law constitute a very useful tool for designing actuators and in general conducting nanowire-based NEMS.Comment: 12 pages, 4 figures. To be published in Phys. Rev. Let
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