335 research outputs found

    Synthesis composite of TiO2/chitosan and TiO2/ bentonite for removing turbidity from Ismailia Canal as water treatment plant

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    The conditions of water in Ismailia canal (Mostorod refinery site) are alarming now because it looks more cloudy and dirty. Water was contaminated not only organic trashes, but also inorganic. The adsorption capacity of clays is often used to remove undesirable substances from aqueous solutions. Chitosan is widely used in biological applications due to its biocompatibility and biodegradability. The aim of the present study is to review the possible applications of the nanotechnology for the removal of pollutants from wastewater by TiO2/Bentonite and TiO2/Chitosan, when added this composite to wastewater and when exposed to visible light they will generate OH radical compounds that can degrade organic pollutants and compounds superoxide, at pH 2

    Forecasting the Labour Markets for Research Scientsits and Engineers in the European Union

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    The aim of this study is to assess whether the higher education systems in the Member States of the European Union will produce sufficient numbers of science & technology (S&T) graduates to meet the demands for research scientists and engineers (RSE’s) up to 2002. On the demand side, we distinguish between job openings due to employment growth (expansion demand) and due to outflow (replacement demand). Employment of RSE’s is modelled as an error correction mechanism with R&D expenditure as the explanatory variable. A recent survey of European R&D establishments enables us to determine replacement demand. On the supply side, the labour market inflow of RSE’s is derived from data on S&T-graduates and RSE employment. We produce forecasts for demand and supply for 14 Member States of the EU under four alternative scenarios, which are based on two dimensions: economic growth and human capital policy. The forecasts are first used to identify labour market discrepancies by country and by field of study. Then we identify the opportunities for international labour mobility to solve the bottlenecks in the labour markets. The forecasting results indicate considerable shortages of RSE’s in certain fields of study in various Member States of the EU under certain scenarios. At the same time, for the EU as a whole there are excess supplies in each of the four fields of study distinguished, no matter which scenario will unfold up to 2002, illustrating the importance of international labour mobility.education, training and the labour market;

    Analytical Characterization of Rococo Paintings in Egypt: Preliminary Results from El-Gawhara Palace at Cairo

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    El-Gawhara palace (1813–1814 AD) is situated south of the Mosque of Muhammad Ali in the Cairo Citadel. This palace is an important example of the best early 19th century rococo decorations in Egypt. The present study reports some of the results obtained from the application of different analytical techniques to characterize some rococo paintings at El-Gawhara palace at Cairo, Egypt. The characterization of the studied paintings was carried out by means of optical microscopy (OM), scanning electron microscopy equipped with an energy dispersive X-ray detector (EDS) and Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FT−IR). The obtained results allowed the identification of the chemical composition, structure and the painting technique employed in these paintings. This methodology reveals some useful information on some rococo paintings dating back to the 19th century in Egypt

    Wat doen ingenieurs en wat verdienen ze ermee?

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