49 research outputs found

    Genome analysis of American minks reveals link of mutations in Ras-related protein-38 gene to Moyle brown coat phenotype

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    Over 35 fur colours have been described in American mink (Neovison vison), only six of which have been previously linked to specific genes. Moyle fur colour belongs to a wide group of brownish colours that are highly similar to each other, which complicates selection and breeding procedures. We performed whole genome sequencing for two American minks with Moyle (m/m) and Violet (a/a m/m /p/p) phenotypes. We identified two frame-shift mutations in the gene encoding Ras-related protein-38 (RAB38), which regulates the trafficking of tyrosinase-containing vesicles to maturing melanosomes. The results highlight the role of RAB38 in the biogenesis of melanosomes and melanin and the genetic mechanism contributing to hair colour variety and intensity. These data are also useful for tracking economically valuable fur traits in mink breeding programmes

    Features of the course of hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome in HIV-infected patients

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    Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) is a significant medical and social problem for many developed countries. HIV infection is featured with developing chronic kidney pathology as well as acute renal damage. In some regions, hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome (HFRS) can contribute somehow to developing renal pathology in HIVinfected subjects. The aim of the study was to identify clinical and laboratory features of HFRS course during HIV infection. A retrospective study was conducted by forming two groups: group 1 consisted of 9 patients suffered from HFRS together with verified HIV infection, group 2 — 53 patients with HFRS but lacking any clinical and epidemiological indications supporting HIV infection. Subjects in both groups were age- and sex-matched. The average age of the patients in group 1 and group 2 was 34 and 31 years, respectively. For statistical analysis, the licensed SPSS 22.0 software was used. A significance level p for statistical criteria was set equal to 0.05. In general, HFRS course in all patients was accompanied by characteristic signs: intoxication syndrome, impaired vision, hemorrhagic rash, pain in the lumbar region, decreased diuresis, thrombocytopenia, proteinuria, polymorphic urinary syndrome and azotemia. HFRS patients with concomitant HIV infection often complain of dry mouth, bloating, visible shortness of breath. Laboratory changes describe more severe kidney damage. A direct strong correlation was shown between leukocyte count and level of blood urea in patients with concomitant HIV infection (r = 0.798; p = 0.01). The combination of HFRS and HIV was accompanied by a milder HFRS course — rate of mild disease was almost 6-fold higher among patients of this group. In this case, no cases of severe hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome combined with HIV were noted. Our study allowed to obtain unambiguous data. Predisposition of HIV-infected patients to renal pathology may be a determining factor in kidney damage upon emerging HFRS: more prominent rise in creatinine and urea level. Moreover, according to rating scale for assessing HFRS severity, it formally turned out that during concomitant HIV infection patients more often fit to a mild disease severity, even in the presence of more pronounced renal manifestations. The occurrence of acute renal pathology in HIV-infected patients is a life-threatening condition, a factor of deterioration of chronic renal pathology and a predictor of death. Consequently, this patient population requires thorough monitoring both at inpatient and outpatient stages

    Virtual Biotechnological Lab Development

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    © 2016, Springer Science+Business Media New York.In this paper, we describe the analysis that was made on the matter of usage of biotechnological simulations in virtual reality. We used the results to design the guide of requirements for mechanics, environment, visual, and technological aspects of development of the virtual labs especially for education problems. We also showcase our simulation of the biomedical virtual lab as an example of how described methodologies can be implemented

    Comparison of Different Approaches to Surface Functionalization of Biodegradable Polycaprolactone Scaffolds

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    Due to their good mechanical stability compared to gelatin, collagen or polyethylene glycol nanofibers and slow degradation rate, biodegradable poly-epsilon-caprolactone (PCL) nanofibers are promising material as scaffolds for bone and soft-tissue engineering. Here, PCL nanofibers were prepared by the electrospinning method and then subjected to surface functionalization aimed at improving their biocompatibility and bioactivity. For surface modification, two approaches were used: (i) COOH-containing polymer was deposited on the PCL surface using atmospheric pressure plasma copolymerization of CO2 and C2H4, and (ii) PCL nanofibers were coated with multifunctional bioactive nanostructured TiCaPCON film by magnetron sputtering of TiC-CaO-Ti3POx target. To evaluate bone regeneration ability in vitro, the surface-modified PCL nanofibers were immersed in simulated body fluid (SBF, 1x) for 21 days. The results obtained indicate different osteoblastic and epithelial cell response depending on the modification method. The TiCaPCON-coated PCL nanofibers exhibited enhanced adhesion and proliferation of MC3T3-E1 cells, promoted the formation of Ca-based mineralized layer in SBF and, therefore, can be considered as promising material for bone tissue regeneration. The PCL-COOH nanofibers demonstrated improved adhesion and proliferation of IAR-2 cells, which shows their high potential for skin reparation and wound dressing

    Different concepts for creating antibacterial yet biocompatible surfaces: Adding bactericidal element, grafting therapeutic agent through COOH plasma polymer and their combination

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    Antibacterial coatings have become a rapidly developing field of research, strongly stimulated by the increasing urgency of identifying alternatives to the traditional administration of antibiotics. Such coatings can be deposited onto implants and other medical devices and prevent the inflammations caused by hospital-acquired infections. Nevertheless, the design of antibacterial yet biocompatible and bioactive surfaces is a challenge that biological community has faced for many years but the "materials of dream" have not yet been developed. In this work, the biocompatible yet antibacterial multi-layered films were prepared by a combination of magnetron sputtering (TiCaPCON film), ion implantation (Ag-doped TiCaPCON film), plasma polymerization (COOH layer), and the final immobilization of gentamicin (GM) and heparin (Hepa) molecules. The layer chemistry was thoroughly investigated by means of FTIR and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopies. It was found that the immobilization of therapeutic components occurs throughout the entire thickness of the plasma-deposited COOH layer. The influence of each type of bactericide (Ag+ ions, GM, and Hepa) on antibacterial activity and cell proliferation was analyzed. Our films were cytocompatible and demonstrated superior bactericidal efficiency toward antibioticresistant bacterial E. coli K261 strain. Increased toxicity while using the combination of Ag nanoparticles and COOH plasma polymer is discussed

    Electrospun Biodegradable Nanofibers Coated Homogenously by Cu Magnetron Sputtering Exhibit Fast Ion Release. Computational and Experimental Study

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    Copper-coated nanofibrous materials are desirable for catalysis, electrochemistry, sensing, and biomedical use. The preparation of copper or copper-coated nanofibers can be pretty challenging, requiring many chemical steps that we eliminated in our robust approach, where for the first time, Cu was deposited by magnetron sputtering onto temperature-sensitive polymer nanofibers. For the first time, the large-scale modeling of PCL films irradiation by molecular dynamics simulation was performed and allowed to predict the ions penetration depth and tune the deposition conditions. The Cu-coated polycaprolactone (PCL) nanofibers were thoroughly characterized and tested as antibacterial agents for various Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria. Fast release of Cu2+ ions (concentration up to 3.4 mu g/mL) led to significant suppression of E. coli and S. aureus colonies but was insufficient against S. typhimurium and Ps. aeruginosa. The effect of Cu layer oxidation upon contact with liquid media was investigated by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy revealing that, after two hours, 55% of Cu atoms are in form of CuO or Cu(OH)(2). The Cu-coated nanofibers will be great candidates for wound dressings thanks to an interesting synergistic effect: on the one hand, the rapid release of copper ions kills bacteria, while on the other hand, it stimulates the regeneration with the activation of immune cells. Indeed, copper ions are necessary for the bacteriostatic action of cells of the immune system. The reactive CO2/C2H4 plasma polymers deposited onto PCL-Cu nanofibers can be applied to grafting of viable proteins, peptides, or drugs, and it further explores the versatility of developed nanofibers for biomedical applications use

    Application of the original method of intra-operative electrophysiological stimulation of recurrent laryngeal nerve with surgical interventions on the neck organs

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    The OBJECTIVE was the reduction in the frequency of specific complications of surgical treatment of patients with pathology of the thyroid and parathyroid glands using the original method of monitoring the neuro-functional activity of the recurrent laryngeal nerve.METHODS AND MATERIALS. The research was conducted in two stages. At the first stage, the object of the topographic-anatomical study was 50 male and female corpses. The research, based on the fixed material, was focused upon the study of the anatomic special features of recurrent laryngeal nerves, their relations with neighboring structures, the study of peculiarities of recurrent laryngeal nerve syntopy and its neighboring structures to find the least traumatic way of incision during electroneurophysiological monitoring of activity. At the second stage, the object of the study was 60 patients with a benign pathology of the thyroid gland, who were operated on with the use of the original method of intra-operational visualization and control method over neuro-functional activity of recurrent laryngeal nerve.RESULTS. The frequency of the three different variants of topographic-anatomical position of recurrent laryngeal nerve depends on the side of the body. The safest, stable and the fastest one to be found is the left recurrent laryngeal nerve. Postoperative unilateral paresis of the larynx, diagnosed in 4 of 60 patients, is regarded as postischemic. Two-sided paresis of the larynx was diagnosed in 1 patient.CONCLUSION. This method allows to minimize the development of severe intraoperative complications, to reduce the frequency of postoperative paralysis and paresis of the larynx. Intra-operative visualization of recurrent laryngeal nerves is especially necessary during the repeated surgeries with postoperative scar transformations with wrong syntopy of neck organs and vascular-nerve structures, which makes it possible to minimize the number of postoperative paralyses and paresis of larynx and to get positive effect without carrying out the intubation of trachea among patients with postoperative paralysis of larynx or stenosis, and to avoid more serious damage of larynx or trachea in case of intubation