385 research outputs found
A Comparative Questionnaire-based Study on Learning Styles and Studying Resources among Undergraduate Medical Students in Public and Private Universities
Background: Learning styles are circumstances beneath which learners most expeditiously and successfully understand, process, store, and recall what they are attempting to learn. The main goal of the current study was to compare different methods of study and learning style predilections amongst undergraduate MBBS students who attend public and private universities.
Methods: The current study was a descriptive cross-sectional research. Data collected were obtained through a questionnaire filled by second- and third-year students in Omdurman Islamic University - OIU (public) and University of Medical Sciences and Technology â UMST (private) using systematic random sampling. Using the SPSS version 23 software, the data were analyzed and Chi-square test was used to test the significance considering the α (alpha) level of significance as 0.05.
Results: The application of the Chi-square test showed that there is no relation between the a method of study used and the studentsâ grades (P = 0.333). The most preferred learning style in OIU was found to be Aural (60.0%), while in UMST it was read/write (57.9%). The most preferred source of studying used in OIU was found to be extracourses (private courses given outside the university), whereas in UMST it was found to be the teachersâ slides.
Conclusion: The most preferred learning style for public university was found to be aural while for private university it was found to read/write. This factor must be taken into consideration while teaching sessions are being conducted. Interestingly, there was no statistical association between the study methodology and studentsâ grades
Determinants de la production dans les exploitations agricoles de la vallee du fleuve dans la commune de Kourtheye au Niger
LâintĂ©rĂȘt dâidentifier les dĂ©terminants de la production dans un contexte de pauvretĂ© et de raretĂ© des facteurs de production sâimpose. Câest pourquoi la prĂ©sente Ă©tude a pour objectif de contribuer Ă la connaissance de ces facteurs de production dans les exploitations agricoles de la commune rurale de KourthĂšye. La mĂ©thodologie adoptĂ©e pour conduire lâĂ©tude a combinĂ© la recherche documentaire et les enquĂȘtes de terrain. Ces derniĂšres ont concernĂ© un Ă©chantillon de 125 exploitants choisis de maniĂšre alĂ©atoire. Une classification et une caractĂ©risation des agriculteurs ont Ă©tĂ© faites par lâAnalyse en Composantes Principales (ACP) et la classification de NuĂ©e dynamique. Elles ont Ă©tĂ© suivies dâune modĂ©lisation Ă©conomĂ©trique des donnĂ©es selon Cobb-Douglas dans sa forme logarithmique. LâĂ©tude rĂ©vĂšle que lâensemble des chefs des mĂ©nages enquĂȘtĂ©s sont des hommes, prĂ©sentant un Ăąge moyen de 51 ans avec une taille moyenne des mĂ©nages de 10 personnes. AprĂšs analyse de variances, les facteurs travail, capital et santĂ© ont Ă©tĂ© retenus et expliquent Ă eux seuls plus de 68 % des variations totales observĂ©es. La classification de NuĂ©e Dynamique, regroupant les producteurs en trois classes homogĂšnes A, B et C montre que les exploitations de type (A) et (B) se caractĂ©risent principalement par des superficies cultivĂ©es limitĂ©es en cultures irriguĂ©es et forte mobilisation de la main dâĆuvre familiale. Le facteur santĂ© prĂ©sente une corrĂ©lation nĂ©gative (- 0 ,48) avec la production en culture irriguĂ©e de mĂȘme (- 0,012) avec la culture sĂšche. Lâapplication de la formule de Cobb Douglas, donne les facteurs explicatifs de la production et leurs coefficients.
Mots clés : Déterminants, cultures irriguées, cultures sÚches, facteur de production, exploitations agricoles, commune de KourthÚye.
English Title: Determinants of farming production in the River Valley of Kourtheye
The interest of identifying the determinants of production in a poverty and scarcity context of production factors is essential. This is why this study aims to contribute to the knowledge of these factors of production on farms in the rural commune of KourthĂšye. The methodology adopted to conduct the study combined Documentary Research with field surveys. These concerned a sample of 125 farmers. A classification and characterization of the farmers were made by the principal components analysis (PCA) and the classification of Dynamic cloud. They are followed by an econometric modelling of the data according to Cobb-Douglas in its logarithmic form. The study reveals that all the heads of the households surveyed are exclusively men, with an average age of 51 years with an average household size of 10 peoples. After analyzing the variance, the labour, capital and health factors were selected and alone explain more than 68% of the total variations observed. The classification of Dynamic Cloud, grouping producers into three homogeneous classes A, B and C shows that operators of type (A) and (B) are mainly characterized by cultivated areas limited to irrigated crops and strong mobilization of family work force. The health factor is negatively correlated regardless of the type of cropping. The health factor shows a negative correlation regardless of the type of crop. The application of the Cobb Douglas formula gives the explanatory factors of production and their coefficients.
Keywords: determinants, irrigated crops, dry crops, production factor, farming, KourthĂšye municipalit
Leishmaniases in West Africa: Past and Current
Leishmaniases are vector-borne diseases. Cutaneous leishmaniasis (CL) is endemic in West Africa. Sporadic and anecdotal cases of visceral leishmaniasis (VL) have been reported in the past. Recent data showed the changing of epidemiology of leishmaniases in West Africa, with the occurrence of outbreak of CL due to Leishmania major in urban and rural areas. CL is transmitted by Phlebotomus duboscqi. The role of Sergentomyia (Spelaeomyia) darlingi as vector in rural areas has been evoked but not confirmed. Cases of VL due to Leishmania spp. have been described in West Africa; however, parasites species were not identified and dogs were suspected to be the reservoir. No humansâ case of symptomatic VL due to L. infantum has been described in West Africa. Recent data in rural areas of Senegal confirmed dog as reservoir of L. infantum. In the same study in Senegal, Sergentomyia sandflies were found infected with L. infantum, indicating a possible role in leishmaniasis transmission. Coinfection leishmaniases-HIV is reported but rare. In this chapter, we included most recent publications and propose an updated landscape of CL and VL epidemiology in West Africa
Popularization of traditional processing of cowpea into Couscous (Beroua) in the West (Dogondoutchi) and Mid-South (Maradi and Zinder) of Niger
In Niger, there is a rich diversity of food processing sits from cowpea (Vigna unguiculata). Like most processed products, beroua or cowpea couscous is produced using artisanal processes. It is originated from the people of Arawa (Dogondoutchi). This transformation spread to the Maradi and Zinder regions, where studies have shown variability in the processing of cowpea grains into beroua. This study aimed to describe local knowledge around the different processes of processing cowpea into beroua through important areas of cowpea agricultural production in Niger, notably Dosso, Maradi and Zinder. The results show that beroua has been known for several years by local populations, its production and consumption are based on traditional knowledge and know-how. Cultural and technical exchanges between peoples transformed the beroua popular quickly. The beroua, through marketing and various exhibitions, has contributed to the popularization of Niger's traditional dishes both at national and international level
Valid Consent for Genomic Epidemiology in Developing Countries
Drawing on experience gained from ongoing research in Mali, this paper describes practical ethical challenges relating to the achievement of valid consent in genomic epidemiology
ModÚle multi-bulles pour la cavitation : comparaison avec un modÚle basé sur l'équation de Rayleigh-Plesset
Dans le modĂšle multi-bulles pour la cavitation, on considĂšre deux bulles non identiques localisĂ©es dans un volume de contrĂŽle. La prĂ©sence de deux bulles introduit une instabilitĂ©. Le modĂšle intĂšgre le constat expĂ©rimental de disparition trĂšs prĂ©coce de petites bulles d'une part et d'autre part la prise en compte de l'interaction entre les bulles par la possibilitĂ© d'Ă©change de volume de vide entre des bulles voisines. Dans cette Ă©tude nous comparons dans un cas simple le modĂšle multi-bulles avec un modĂšle basĂ© sur l'Ă©quation de Rayleigh-Plesset oĂč on prend en compte plus que deux bulles
Prise en Charge des Appendicites CompliquĂ©es de lâAdulte Ă lâHĂŽpital National de Niamey
Objectif : rapporter les rĂ©sultats de la prise en charge des appendicites compliquĂ©es chez lâadulte Ă lâHĂŽpital National de Niamey (HNN).
RĂ©sultats : Pendant la pĂ©riode de lâĂ©tude 8127 urgences abdominales avaient Ă©tĂ© enregistrĂ©es dont 1837 dâorigine appendiculaire, parmi lesquelles 512 Ă©taient des appendicites compliquĂ©es, soit 6,3 % des urgences abdominales et 27,9 % de toutes les pathologies appendiculaires. Il sâagissait de 337 (65,8 %) hommes et 175 (34,2 %) femmes ; soit un sex ratio de 1,9. LâĂąge mĂ©dian des patients Ă©tait de 30 ans, avec 75% de patients dâĂąge infĂ©rieur ou Ă©gal Ă 40 ans (3Ăš quartile=40 ans) ainsi que des extrĂȘmes allant de 16 ans et de 90 ans. Le dĂ©lai dâadmission mĂ©dian Ă©tait de 5 jours (Q1=3, Q3=7) avec un taux de 49,6 %(n=254) de patients admis aprĂšs 48 heures. Les appendicites compliquĂ©es retrouvĂ©es Ă©taient la pĂ©ritonite appendiculaire dans 74 % des cas (n=379) suivie de lâabcĂšs appendiculaire dans 21,5 % des cas (n=110) et du plastron appendiculaire dans 4,5%(n=23) des cas. La chirurgie Ă©tait pratiquĂ©e dans 95,5% des cas (n = 489). La voie dâabord utilisĂ©e Ă©tait la laparotomie mĂ©diane sus et sous ombilicale dans 81 % des cas (n=415) et lâincision de Mac Burney dans 14,5%(n=74). Lâappendice Ă©tait gangrĂ©nĂ© dans 95,7 % des cas (n=490) Ă lâexploration. Le geste rĂ©alisĂ© Ă©tait lâappendicectomie dans 89,9 % des cas (n= 460). LâĂ©tude rapporte que 93,3%(n=478) des patients avaient un sĂ©jour total (prĂ© et postopĂ©ratoire) †10 jours avec des extrĂȘmes allant dâun jour et de 76 jours dâhospitalisation. La morbimortalitĂ© globale Ă©tait de 11,5 %(n= 59). La suppuration pariĂ©tale Ă©tait retrouvĂ©e dans 10 % des cas (n= 51). La mortalitĂ© Ă©tait de 1,5 % (n = 8) tous enregistrĂ©s parmi les cas de pĂ©ritonite appendiculaire. Le sĂ©jour hospitalier total (initial et post-appendicectomie) variait de un(1) jour Ă 76 jours ; 93,36%(n=478) avaient un sĂ©jour †10 jours. La mĂ©diane de sĂ©jour hospitalier Ă©tait de 14,5 jours ; 75% des patients passaient moins de 28 jours en hospitalisation (3Ăš quartile=28 jours).
Conclusion : Les appendicites compliquĂ©es sont frĂ©quentes Ă lâHNN avec une morbimortalitĂ© importante. Le retard de la prise en charge constitue un facteur influencant la survenue des complications.
Objective : To report the results of the management of complicated appendicitis in adults at the National Hospital of Niamey (HNN). Patients and method: This was a 10-year retrospective, descriptive, and analytical study including all patients over 15 years of age who had been managed for complicated appendicitis at HNN. Results: During the study period, 8127 abdominal emergencies were recorded, of which 1837 were of appendicular origin, of which 512 were complicated appendicitis, i.e. 6.3% of abdominal emergencies and 27.9% of all appendicular pathologies. These were 337 (65.8%) men and 175 (34.2%) women; i.e. a sex ratio of 1.9. The median age of patients was 30 years, with 75% of patients less than or equal to 40 years of age (3rd quartile=40 years) as well as extremes ranging from 16 years to 90 years. The median time to admission was 5 days (Q1=3, Q3=7) with a rate of 49.6% (n=254) of patients admitted after 48 hours. Complicated appendicitis was appendicular peritonitis in 74% of cases (n=379) followed by appendicular abscess in 21.5% of cases (n=110) and appendicular plastron in 4.5% (n=23) of cases. Surgery was performed in 95.5% of cases (n = 489). The approach used was median laparotomy above and subumbilical laparotomy in 81% of cases (n=415) and Mac Burney incision in 14.5% (n=74). The appendix was gangrenous in 95.7% of cases (n=490) on exploration. Appendectomy was performed in 89.9% of cases (n=460). The study reports that 93.3% (n=478) of patients had a total stay (pre and postoperative) †10 days with extremes ranging from one day and 76 days of hospitalization. Overall morbidity mortality was 11.5% (n=59). Parietal suppuration was found in 10% of cases (n=51). Mortality was 1.5% (n=8), all recorded among cases of appendicular peritonitis.
Conclusion: Complicated appendicitis is common at NNH with significant morbidity mortality. Delayed treatment is a factor influencing the occurrence of complications. 
Further evidence supporting a role for gs signal transduction in severe malaria pathogenesis.
With the functional demonstration of a role in erythrocyte invasion by Plasmodium falciparum parasites, implications in the aetiology of common conditions that prevail in individuals of African origin, and a wealth of pharmacological knowledge, the stimulatory G protein (Gs) signal transduction pathway presents an exciting target for anti-malarial drug intervention. Having previously demonstrated a role for the G-alpha-s gene, GNAS, in severe malaria disease, we sought to identify other important components of the Gs pathway. Using meta-analysis across case-control and family trio (affected child and parental controls) studies of severe malaria from The Gambia and Malawi, we sought evidence of association in six Gs pathway candidate genes: adenosine receptor 2A (ADORA2A) and 2B (ADORA2B), beta-adrenergic receptor kinase 1 (ADRBK1), adenylyl cyclase 9 (ADCY9), G protein beta subunit 3 (GNB3), and regulator of G protein signalling 2 (RGS2). Our study amassed a total of 2278 cases and 2364 controls. Allele-based models of association were investigated in all genes, and genotype and haplotype-based models were investigated where significant allelic associations were identified. Although no significant associations were observed in the other genes, several were identified in ADORA2A. The most significant association was observed at the rs9624472 locus, where the G allele (approximately 20% frequency) appeared to confer enhanced risk to severe malaria [OR = 1.22 (1.09-1.37); P = 0.001]. Further investigation of the ADORA2A gene region is required to validate the associations identified here, and to identify and functionally characterize the responsible causal variant(s). Our results provide further evidence supporting a role of the Gs signal transduction pathway in the regulation of severe malaria, and request further exploration of this pathway in future studies
Interet Dâune Supplementation En Spiruline Chez Les Enfants Drepanocytaires Homozygotes A Lâhopital National De Niamey. (Essai Clinique Randomise En Double Aveugle A Propos De 53 Cas)
Spirulina is a micro algae used for thousands of years due to its healing properties. We supplemented children suffering from sickle cell anemia in order to appreciate its impact on the anthropometrical and clinical parameters. It consisted of a randomized clinical double blind test which was carried during a period of 9 months. The study concerned 53 homozygotes children suffering from sickle cell anemia aged 6 months to 15 years. Also, they were visiting the National Hospital of Niamey for follow up. One group (28 children) received 5 g of spirulina daily, and the other group (25 children) received placebo. The aspects studied were: the number of hospitalizations and transfusions, the vaso-occlusive crisis, the body mass index, and the splenomegalia. We found that 84.90% of patients were hospitalized at least once and 45.3% of them have already been transfused. The average number of crisis has greatly decreased in the spirulina group from 2.75 before the study to 1.18 at the end of the study. This, thus, was observed when compared to 2.44 to 1.6 in the placebo group. We also noticed a decrease of the number of hospitalizations and the number of transfusions which is less important in the group supplemented with spirulina. In conclusion, this study showed that supplementation in spirulina had a significant impact on children suffering from sickle cell anemia. This is even despite the fact that the difference between the two groups is not significant in some cases
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