28 research outputs found

    Phosphate solubilizing and PGR activities of ericaceous shrubs microorganisms isolated from Mediterranean forest soil

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    Many soil microorganisms are able to transform insoluble forms of phosphorus into an accessible soluble form, thus contributing to plant nutrition through exhibiting other beneficial traits such as production of organic acids, siderophore indole acetic acid (IAA) and production of hydrogen cyanide (HCN). Achieving this purpose, ericoid fungi and actinobacteria were isolated from roots and rhizospheric soil of Calluna vulgaris L., belonging to the ericaceous family. All isolates were shown to be able to solubilize insoluble phosphate in liquid cultures and to produce transparent halos of solubilization on PVK solid medium. The actinobacteria isolate AH6 was the most efficient compared to others, producing 145.5 mg/L of phosphate and 141 mu g/L of IAA. However, fungi isolate S2 and S3 had high solubilization capacity and produced a high concentration of IAA in comparison with S1, which was a good siderophore producer. We applied a sequencing approach by amplifying the ITS region for fungi and 16S for actinobacteria. Most of the actinobacteria isolates belong to the Streptomyces genus while fungi were identified as related to ericoid mycorrhizal fungi. To evaluate the effectiveness of selected rhizobacteria and symbiotic fungi isolates and to confirm their role as biofertilizers, inoculation experimentations on plants are required

    Activity of tepotinib in brain metastases (BM): Preclinical models and clinical data from patients (pts) with MET exon 14 (METex14) skipping NSCLC

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    Abstract 1286P Background BM occur in 20–40% of NSCLC harboring METex14 skipping. We investigated the activity of the MET inhibitor tepotinib in BM in preclinical models and in pts from the VISION study (NCT02864992). Methods Penetration of the blood–brain barrier was assessed in Wistar rats (n=3) at 3.66 mg/kg/h iv tepotinib by determining the unbound brain (fu br)-to-plasma (fu pl) concentration or exposure ratio (Kp u,u). Efficacy was assessed in two lung cancer patient-derived xenografts (PDX) from BM harboring high MET amplification (MET gain in copy number: LU5349 = 11, LU5406 = 24) grown in NOD-SCID mice. Subcutaneous PDX (n=5/group) or PDX orthotopically implanted into the brain (n=10/group) were treated with tepotinib 125 mg/kg or vehicle control orally once daily. Intracranial tumor growth was monitored by gadolinium-based MRI. In VISION Cohort A, pts with METex14 skipping NSCLC received tepotinib 500 mg once daily. Systemic objective response, as assessed per RECIST v1.1 by independent review committee (IRC) was a preplanned analysis in pts with baseline brain lesions identified by IRC (BM-IRC) or investigator assessment (BM-INV). Results Preclinical data indicated high binding of tepotinib in the brain, with unbound tepotinib in brain tissue lower than in plasma (fu br = 0.4%, fu pl = 4%). Concentrations of unbound tepotinib in the brain were 25% of plasma (Kp u,u = 0.25).Tepotinib treatment resulted in tumor regression in both PDX models (mean % tumor volume: –84% in LU5349, –63% in LU5406). As of 1 Jan 2020, 22/152 pts enrolled in Cohort A had baseline BM, with similar baseline pt characteristics and comparable systemic response data (Table) as the overall population. Table: 1286P BM-IRC BM-INV Number of patients with BM; n Non-target lesions 14 12 Target lesions 0 1 Objective response rate, % (95% CI) 57.1% (28.9, 82.3) 53.8% (25.1, 80.8) Best overall response; n Partial response 8 7 Stable disease 3 3 Conclusions Tepotinib administration resulted in tumor regression in MET-driven lung cancer BM PDX models. Clinical activity in pts with NSCLC harboring METex14 skipping with baseline BM was consistent with the overall population in VISION. Cohort C aims to assess intracranial response