49 research outputs found

    Teknik "Snap and Share" Pada Aplikasi Steganografi Berbasis Android

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    — Recently, Android based steganography applications has been developed. Unfortunately, they are not taking advantage of Android\u27s tools. Every Android\u27s smartphones or tablets are embedded with digital camera. This digital can be used to create a cover-image, but it has not been developed. The cover-image is usually made by using an available image from the Internet. The stego-image usually only be saved, if we want to share or send the stego-image we will open another application, such as email client or web mail, or social media like Facebook or Twitter. "Snap and Share" technique is used to embed the advantage of digital camera to create cover-image,and the sharing method of stego-image into steganography application, so it can be done in real-time. By using "Snap and Share" technique it can be done in real-time to create cover-image and share the stego-image

    Model Identifikasi Pass Lintas Batas (PLB) Smart Card Dengan Pengenalan Pola Wajah Pelintas Batas Antar Indonesia-Malaysia Berbatas Wilayah Di Kalimantan Barat

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    -Technology to pass the immigration authorities that serve cross-border (PLB) for ease in knowing every passer identity and reduce violations that occur as LocalBorderLinePass abuse at the border. The technology will be useful to assess the immigration authorities in the past the border to make it easier and safer in comparison to manually security, then the method of analysis with a specific purpose to be very necessary. One of the technology is to use limit LocalBorderLinePass identity identification in the form of a smart card with a face pattern recognition in this study using eigenface methods in the face passer, On the problem of this research is based on studies or previous research in general use manual methods which only make use of manual records the identity of citizens, but in this study will try to apply the facial pattern recognition methods on cross-border pass safer and efesiens. The process of smart cards in this study will use the data in the new citizens take dar in 2012 and 2013, where the data will be process further by using a smart card and facial pattern recognition. If the result of the introduction of identity have found it to be determined pattern of trend data that can answer the problem to pass traffic in an efficient strategy

    Model Perhitungan Kebutuhan Bandwidth Jaringan Komputer Menggunakan Sistem Pakar Fuzzy Dengan Metode Adaptive Neuro Fuzzy Inference System(ANFIS) : Studi Kasus PT.GMF Aero Asia Cengkareng

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    -The rapid development of the internet and infrastructure growth requires high bandwidth availability to meet the company's operational end. In balancing the necessity bandwidth with the rent access cost require calculation model efficiency service delivery bandwidth. Input data bandwidth, gained by using the inbound and outbound data. To determine the bandwidth requirement, one of the approach used are Fuzzy Logic. Criteria for determining the bandwidth requirements are processed using a modeling-based Adaptive Neuro Fuzzy Inference System (ANFIS). The resulting output data will determine the bandwidth requirements to be upgrade or not. In this study I have been using several membership functions to produce the alleged level closest to the real conditions. Resulted the smallest error contained in the Hybrid method with type MF trapmf to generate error = 6.0182e-06

    Identifikasi Plat Nomor Kendaraan Berbasis Mobile Dengan Metode Learning Vector Quantization

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    — Owner of car or motorcycle often need some vehicle-related information such as vehicle tax information, the due date and the date of expiry of the vehicle registration tax. Such information should be presented with an easy and fast. In this study, we develop a mobile based application to facilitate users to access information based on the number of vehicles motor vehicle that taken directly using the camera. Number of vehicles identified by the method of Optical Character Recognition (OCR) and Automatic Number Plate Recognition (ANPR). The identification process begins with taking images through a mobile camera. Furthermore, the process of segmentation, feature extraction and character recognition process. To recognize the characters on the number plate of vehicles, the classification process is carried out using Learning Vector Quantization (LVQ). In the test, obtained an average accuracy of 95.32%. Number plate of vehicles that have been identified, sent to the SAMSAT website to obtain information in the form of vehicle tax, tax due dates and other information

    Content Based Image Retrieval Batik Tradisional YOGYAKARTA Menggunakan Ekstrasi Ciri Berdasarkan Tekstur Filter Gabor Wavelets 2D

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    — Content Based Image Retrieval is a searching technique of image from images data in a big scale). In this paper, the image data to be used is traditional Batik Yogyakarta. The main thing that will be discussed in this paper is the processing of image with a filter characteristic texture Gabor Wavelets 2D as an image texture analysis for image recognizing of batik pattern. Keywords— Batik Tradisional Yogyakarta, Pattern Recognition, Analisa Tekstur, Gabor Wavelets, Template Matching