516 research outputs found

    Fractional Chern insulator on a triangular lattice of strongly correlated t2gt_{2g} electrons

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    We discuss the low-energy limit of three-orbital Kondo-lattice and Hubbard models describing t2gt_{2g} orbitals on a triangular lattice near half-filling. We analyze how very flat bands with non-trivial topological character, a Chern number C=1, arise both in the limit of infinite on-site interactions as well as in more realistic regimes. Exact diagonalization is then used to investigate fractional filling of an effective one-band spinless-fermion model including nearest-neighbor interaction VV; it reveals signatures of fractional Chern insulators (FCIs) for several filling fractions. In addition to indications based on energies, e.g. flux insertion and fractional statistics of quasiholes, Chern numbers are obtained. It is shown that FCIs are robust against disorder in the underlying magnetic texture that defines the topological character of the band. We also investigate competition between FCI states and a charge density wave (CDW) and discuss particle-hole asymmetry as well as Fermi-surface nesting. FCI states turn out to be rather robust and do not require very flat bands, but can also arise when filling or an absence of Fermi-surface nesting disfavor the competing CDW. Nevertheless, very flat bands allow FCI states to be induced by weaker interactions than those needed for more dispersive bands.Comment: 14 pages, 13 figure

    Covariance forecasting in equity markets

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    We compare the performance of popular covariance forecasting models in the context of a portfolio of major European equity indices. We find that models based on high-frequency data offer a clear advantage in terms of statistical accuracy. They also yield more theoretically consistent predictions from an empirical asset pricing perspective, and, lead to superior out-of-sample portfolio performance. Overall, a parsimonious Vector Heterogeneous Autoregressive (VHAR) model that involves lagged daily, weekly and monthly realised covariances achieves the best performance out of the competing models. A promising new simple hybrid covariance estimator is developed that exploits option-implied information and high-frequency data while adjusting for the volatility riskpremium. Relative model performance does not change during the global financial crisis, or, if a different forecast horizon, or, intraday sampling frequency is employed. Finally, our evidence remains robust when we consider an alternative sample of U.S. stocks

    Induction of lymphoidlike stroma and immune escape by tumors that express the chemokine CCL21

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    Tumor manipulation of host immunity is important for tumor survival and invasion. Many cancers secrete CCL21, a chemoattractant for various leukocytes and lymphoid tissue inducer cells, which drive lymphoid neogenesis. CCL21 expression by melanoma tumors in mice was associated with an immunotolerant microenvironment, which included the induction of lymphoid-like reticular stromal networks, an altered cytokine milieu, and the recruitment of regulatory leukocyte populations. In contrast, CCL21-deficient tumors induced antigen-specific immunity. CCL21-mediated immune tolerance was dependent on host rather than tumor expression of the CCL21 receptor, CCR7, and could protect distant, coimplanted CCL21-deficient tumors and even nonsyngeneic allografts from rejection. We suggest that by altering the tumor microenvironment, CCL21-secreting tumors shift the host immune response from immunogenic to tolerogenic, which facilitates tumor progression

    PNAS plus: plasmodium falciparum responds to amino acid starvation by entering into a hibernatory state

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    The human malaria parasite Plasmodium falciparum is auxotrophic for most amino acids. Its amino acid needs are met largely through the degradation of host erythrocyte hemoglobin; however the parasite must acquire isoleucine exogenously, because this amino acid is not present in adult human hemoglobin. We report that when isoleucine is withdrawn from the culture medium of intraerythrocytic P. falciparum, the parasite slows its metabolism and progresses through its developmental cycle at a reduced rate. Isoleucine-starved parasites remain viable for 72 h and resume rapid growth upon resupplementation. Protein degradation during starvation is important for maintenance of this hibernatory state. Microarray analysis of starved parasites revealed a 60% decrease in the rate of progression through the normal transcriptional program but no other apparent stress response. Plasmodium parasites do not possess a TOR nutrient-sensing pathway and have only a rudimentary amino acid starvation-sensing eukaryotic initiation factor 2Ī± (eIF2Ī±) stress response. Isoleucine deprivation results in GCN2-mediated phosphorylation of eIF2Ī±, but kinase-knockout clones still are able to hibernate and recover, indicating that this pathway does not directly promote survival during isoleucine starvation. We conclude that P. falciparum, in the absence of canonical eukaryotic nutrient stress-response pathways, can cope with an inconsistent bloodstream amino acid supply by hibernating and waiting for more nutrient to be provided

    A SDN-based WiFi-VLC Coupled System for Optimised Service Provision in 5G Networks

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    Abstractā€” Visible Light Communication (VLC) is a powerful supplement, which has gained tremendous attention recently and has become a favorable technology in short-range communication scenarios for the Fifth Generation (5G) networks. VLC possesses a number of prominent features to address the highly demanding 5G system requirements for high capacity, high data rate, high spectral efficiency, high energy efficiency, low battery consumption, and low latency. However, this prominent performance is limited by the imperfect reception, since line of sight channel condition may not always exist in practice. This paper presents and experimentally validates a SDN-based VLC system, which is coupled with WiFi access technology in order to improve the network QoS, reassuring zero packet loss reception quality when the user is moving between two consecutive VLC transmitters

    DIANA-microT Web server upgrade supports Fly and Worm miRNA target prediction and bibliographic miRNA to disease association

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    microRNAs (miRNAs) are small endogenous RNA molecules that are implicated in many biological processes through post-transcriptional regulation of gene expression. The DIANA-microT Web server provides a user-friendly interface for comprehensive computational analysis of miRNA targets in human and mouse. The server has now been extended to support predictions for two widely studied species: Drosophila melanogaster and Caenorhabditis elegans. In the updated version, the Web server enables the association of miRNAs to diseases through bibliographic analysis and provides insights for the potential involvement of miRNAs in biological processes. The nomenclature used to describe mature miRNAs along different miRBase versions has been extensively analyzed, and the naming history of each miRNA has been extracted. This enables the identification of miRNA publications regardless of possible nomenclature changes. User interaction has been further refined allowing users to save results that they wish to analyze further. A connection to the UCSC genome browser is now provided, enabling users to easily preview predicted binding sites in comparison to a wide array of genomic tracks, such as single nucleotide polymorphisms. The Web server is publicly accessible in www.microrna.gr/microT-v4
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