1,297 research outputs found

    Physics case of the very high energy electron--proton collider, VHEeP

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    The possibility of a very high energy electron-proton (VHEeP) collider with a centre-of-mass energy of 9 TeV has been presented at previous workshops. These proceedings briefly summarise the VHEeP concept, which was recently published, and developments since then, as well as future directions. At the VHEeP collider, with a centre-of-mass energy 30 times greater than HERA, parton momentum fractions, xx, down to about 10−810^{-8} are accessible for photon virtualities, Q2Q^2, of 1 GeV2^2. This extension in the kinematic range to low xx complements proposals for other electron-proton or electron-ion colliders.Comment: 6 pages, 2 figures, for proceedings of DIS 2017 worksho

    Paths reunited: initiation of the classical and lectin pathways of complement activation

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    Understanding the structural organisation and mode of action of the initiating complex of the classical pathway of complement activation (C1) has been a central goal in complement biology since its isolation almost 50 years ago. Nevertheless, knowledge is still incomplete, especially with regard to the interactions between its subcomponents C1q, C1r and C1s that trigger activation upon binding to a microbial target. Recent studies have provided new insights into these interactions, and have revealed unexpected parallels with initiating complexes of the lectin pathway of complement: MBL–MASP and ficolin–MASP. Here, we develop and expand these concepts and delineate their implications towards the key aspects of complement activation via the classical and lectin pathways

    Bifurcated polarization rotation in bismuth-based piezoelectrics

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    ABO3 perovskite-type solid solutions display a large variety of structural and physical properties, which can be tuned by chemical composition or external parameters such as temperature, pressure, strain, electric, or magnetic fields. Some solid solutions show remarkably enhanced physical properties including colossal magnetoresistance or giant piezoelectricity. It has been recognized that structural distortions, competing on the local level, are key to understanding and tuning these remarkable properties, yet, it remains a challenge to experimentally observe such local structural details. Here, from neutron pair-distribution analysis, a temperature-dependent 3D atomic-level model of the lead-free piezoelectric perovskite Na0.5Bi0.5TiO3 (NBT) is reported. The statistical analysis of this model shows how local distortions compete, how this competition develops with temperature, and, in particular, how different polar displacements of Bi3+ cations coexist as a bifurcated polarization, highlighting the interest of Bi-based materials in the search for new lead-free piezoelectrics

    Machine learning the deuteron

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    We use machine learning techniques to solve the nuclear two-body bound state problem, the deuteron. We use a minimal one-layer, feed-forward neural network to represent the deuteron S- and D-state wavefunction in momentum space, and solve the problem variationally using ready-made machine learning tools. We benchmark our results with exact diagonalisation solutions. We find that a network with 6 hidden nodes (or 24 parameters) can provide a faithful representation of the ground state wavefunction, with a binding energy that is within 0.1% of exact results. This exploratory proof-of-principle simulation may provide insight for future potential solutions of the nuclear many-body problem using variational artificial neural network techniques.Comment: 8 pages, 7 figures - Final published version including extended analysis and appendice

    Determination of positron annihilation lifetime spectroscopy instrument timing resolution function and source terms using standard samples

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    The extraction of material positron lifetime components from positron annihilation lifetime spectroscopy measurements, performed using conventional unmoderated radionuclide positron sources, requires accurate knowledge of both the spectrometer instrument timing resolution function (IRF) and annihilation events extrinsic to the material, the source correction terms. Here we report the results from study of spectrometer performance made using two reference samples, high purity polycrystalline aluminium, and stainless steel supplied by the National Metrology Institute of Japan (NMIJ RM 5607-a). Both prepared with directly deposited 22NaCl positron sources. The IRFs obtained by fitting spectra from both reference samples were monitored with time to evaluate spectrometer stability and to compare methods of IRF determination. Using the aluminium IRFs the analysis of spectra from the NMIJ stainless steel reference samples yielded a single lifetime component with value 106.9(9) ps

    Revised structural phase diagram of (Ba0.7Ca0.3TiO3)-(BaZr0.2Ti0.8O3)

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    The temperature-composition phase diagram of barium calcium titanate zirconate (x(Ba0.7Ca0.3TiO3)(1-x)(BaZr0.2Ti0.8O3); BCTZ) has been reinvestigated using high-resolution synchrotron x-ray powder diffraction. Contrary to previous reports of an unusual rhombohedral-tetragonal phase transition in this system, we have observed an intermediate orthorhombic phase, isostructural to that present in the parent phase, BaTiO3, and we identify the previously assigned T-R transition as a T-O transition. We also observe the O-R transition coalescing with the previously observed triple point, forming a phase convergence region. The implication of the orthorhombic phase in reconciling the exceptional piezoelectric properties with the surrounding phase diagram is discussed

    Topology and temperature dependence of the diffuse X-ray scattering in Na0.5Bi0.5TiO3 ferroelectric single crystals

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    The results of high-resolution measurements of the diffuse X-ray scattering produced by a perovskite-based Na0.5Bi0.5TiO3 ferroelectric single crystal between 40 and 620 K are reported. The study was designed as an attempt to resolve numerous controversies regarding the average structure of Na0.5Bi0.5TiO3, such as the mechanism of the phase transitions between the tetragonal, P4bm, and rhombohedral | monoclinic, R3c | Cc, space groups and the correlation between structural changes and macroscopic physical properties. The starting point was to search for any transformations of structural disorder in the temperature range of thermal depoling (420–480 K), where the average structure is known to remain unchanged. The intensity distribution around the {032} pseudocubic reflection was collected using a PILATUS 100K detector at the I16 beamline of the Diamond Light Source (UK). The data revealed previously unknown features of the diffuse scattering, including a system of dual asymmetric L-shaped diffuse scattering streaks. The topology, temperature dependence, and relationship between Bragg and diffuse intensities suggest the presence of complex microstructure in the low-temperature R3c | Cc phase. This microstructure may be formed by the persistence of the higher-temperature P4bm phase, built into a lower-temperature R3c | Cc matrix, accompanied by the related long-range strain fields. Finally, it is shown that a correlation between the temperature dependence of the X-ray scattering features and the temperature regime of thermal depoling is present

    Structural and Magnetic Investigations of Single-Crystals of the Neodymium Zirconate Pyrochlore, Nd2Zr2O7

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    We report structural and magnetic properties studies of large high quality single-crystals of the frustrated magnet, Nd2_2Zr2_2O7_7. Powder x-ray diffraction analysis confirms that Nd2_2Zr2_2O7_7 adopts the pyrochlore structure. Room-temperature x-ray diffraction and time-of-flight neutron scattering experiments show that the crystals are stoichiometric in composition with no measurable site disorder. The temperature dependence of the magnetic susceptibility shows no magnetic ordering at temperatures down to 0.5 K. Fits to the magnetic susceptibility data using a Curie-Weiss law reveal a ferromagnetic coupling between the Nd moments. Magnetization versus field measurements show a local Ising anisotropy along the axes of the Nd3+^{3+} ions in the ground state. Specific heat versus temperature measurements in zero applied magnetic field indicate the presence of a thermal anomaly below T∼7T\sim7 K, but no evidence of magnetic ordering is observed down to 0.5 K. The experimental temperature dependence of the single-crystal bulk dc susceptibility and isothermal magnetization are analyzed using crystal field theory and the crystal field parameters and exchange coupling constants determined.Comment: 10 pages, 6 figures, 4 tables. Accepted for publication in Physical Review

    De novo transcriptome assembly and analysis of differentially expressed genes of two barley genotypes reveal root-zone-specific responses to salt exposure

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    Plant roots are the first organs sensing and responding to salinity stress, manifested differentially between different root types, and also at the individual tissue and cellular level. High genetic diversity and the current lack of an assembled map-based sequence of the barley genome severely limit barley research potential. We used over 580 and 600 million paired-end reads, respectively, to create two de novo assemblies of a barley landrace (Sahara) and a malting cultivar (Clipper) with known contrasting responses to salinity. Generalized linear models were used to statistically access spatial, treatment-related, and genotype-specific responses. This revealed a spatial gene expression gradient along the barley root, with more differentially expressed transcripts detected between different root zones than between treatments. The root transcriptome also showed a gradual transition from transcripts related to sugar-mediated signaling at the root meristematic zone to those involved in cell wall metabolism in the elongation zone, and defense response-related pathways toward the maturation zone, with significant differences between the two genotypes. The availability of these additional transcriptome reference sets will serve as a valuable resource to the cereal research community, and may identify valuable traits to assist in breeding programmes
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