480 research outputs found

    Pine Sawdust as a Roughage Replacement in Feeder Cattle Diets

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    Eight lots, five or six heifers each, (42 heifers total) were fed one of four diets for 119 days to study the effect of sawdust inclusion in a growing diet on the performance of feeder calves. The diets were alfalfa-concentrate, sawdust-concentrate, corn silage and sawdust silage. (See table 1 for specific diet composition). Trace mineral salt and dicalcium phosphate were fed free choice and vitamin A was supplemented to provide a calculated 10,000 to 12,000 I.U. per head per day. Brome-alfalfa loose hay was provided for the first week during adaptation to the experimental diets

    Pine Sawdust as a Roughage Replacement in Cattle Finishing Diets

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    Two lots of 12 heifers each were full fed daily one of two diets for 115 days to study the effect of sawdust replacement of ground alfalfa in a finishing diet on the performance and carcass characteristics of beef heifers. Diet composition is shown in table 1. Trace mineral salt and dicalcium phosphate were provided free choice

    Isolation of the Abortive Factor in Ponderosa Pine Needles

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    Chick embryos can serve as an economical means to screen pine needle extracts for possible abortive components which affect cattle grazing alpine pastures. Lipid-like extracts from pine needles did not appear to be toxic to chick embryos, while carbohydrates components were toxic at low levels. Protein components were not screened in this study

    Toxicity Study Using Pine Sawdust as a Roughage Replacement in Gestating Beef Heifer Rations

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    The purpose of this was to determine what difficulties might be encountered as a result of feeding raw pine sawdust to beef heifers during the last trimester of gestation

    Het Bedrijfs Begeleidings-Systeem voor de visteelt

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    In het kader van de thema-avond over IKB is mij gevraagd iets te komen vertellen over het project BedrijfsBegeleidingSysteem voor de visteelt (BBS), dat sinds enkele maanden loopt. Ik moet dan meteen opmerken dat het project BBS niet specifiek gericht is op IKB; het is gericht op slechts een schakel in de keten: de visteler. Daarnaast is het een onderzoeksproject, zij het sterk gericht op praktische toepassing en kennisoverdracht. Toch bevat het project enkele aanknopingspunten voor een IKB-benadering in de visteelt. Zo wordt binnen het project aandacht besteed aan residuen van diergeneesmiddelen, waar de heer Goebbels meer specifiek op ingaat. Voordat ik inga op deze specifieke raakvlakken met IKB, eerst iets over de achtergrond en doelstelling van het project BB

    Corn Stover Residue and Alfalfa Products for Wintering Beef Steers

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    Alfalfa hay, dehydrated alfalfa meal and alfalfa press-cake could be used as supplements to corn stover. Alfalfa press-cake is a by-product of Pro-Xan1, a leaf protein concentrate extracted from green-chopped alfalfa. Pro-Can contains the high protein and xanthophyll fraction desirable in poultry rations. According to Enochian2, xanthophyll from Pro-Xan is utilized 1.7 times more efficiently in poultry rations than xanthophyll from dehydrated alfalfa. If the high fiber, press-cake by-product of the Pro-Xan process can be utilized in ruminants as efficiently as dehydrated alfalfa, the press-cake may be a suitable substitute for the dehydrated alfalfa. The objective of this study was to conduct a feeding trial where each of the alfalfa products was compared in rations containing stover silage and ground stover stacks for wintering beef cattle. These studies were then complimented with two digestion-nitrogen valance trials

    A bio-economic model for commercial on-growing of pike-perch (Sander lucioperca)

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    One of the major aims of the project ‘Lucioperca’ is the assessment of economic feasibility of farming of pike-perch. In order to make this assessment, a model was constructed which could process all required input and give the answers necessary. The model consists of a spreadsheet model of seven linked sheets which cover aspects like, productivity (growth and density), investments, unit prices, cost of production and cash flow. The model covers the on-growing cycle starting with a fingerling of 10 grams up to a variable end-weight.The model shows that on-growing of pike-perch in a recirculation system can be marginally profitable under the assumptions used with an Internal Rate of Return of 8,01% and a production price of 4,74 euro per kg. The profitability is very sensitive for the market price attained. Scale of production and productivity are other factors of major importance

    Effect of Silage Additives on the Quality and Utilization of Corn Silage by Lambs

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    The objectives of this research were to determine the effect of treating corn forage with a viable microbial inoculant, a source of ammoniacal nitrogen and a mixture of propionic and acetic acid. Response to these additives was compared with untreated forage in terms of chemical fermentation characteristics, digestibility of silage nutrients and nitrogen utilization by lambs

    Bedrijfsvergelijking in de visteelt

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    De systematiek en berekening van kengetallenvoor een viskwekerij, met name gericht op de palingkweek maar ook bruikbaar voor andere vissoorte