5,475 research outputs found

    Determining the strange and antistrange quark distributions of the nucleon

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    The difference between the strange and antistrange quark distributions, \delta s(x)=s(x)-\sbar(x), and the combination of light quark sea and strange quark sea, \Delta (x)=\dbar(x)+\ubar(x)-s(x)-\sbar(x), are originated from non-perturbative processes, and can be calculated using non-perturbative models of the nucleon. We report calculations of δs(x)\delta s(x) and Δ(x)\Delta(x) using the meson cloud model. Combining our calculations of Δ(x)\Delta(x) with relatively well known light antiquark distributions obtained from global analysis of available experimental data, we estimate the total strange sea distributions of the nucleon.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures; talk given by F.-G. at QNP0

    Quantum Entanglement of Moving Bodies

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    We study the properties of quantum information and quantum entanglement in moving frames. We show that the entanglement between the spins and the momenta of two particles can be interchanged under a Lorentz transformation, so that a pair of particles that is entangled in spin but not momentum in one reference frame, may, in another frame, be entangled in momentum at the expense of spin-entanglement. Similarly, entanglement between momenta may be transferred to spin under a Lorentz transformation. While spin and momentum entanglement each is not Lorentz invariant, the joint entanglement of the wave function is.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures. An error was corrected in the numerical data and hence the discussion of the data was changed. Also, references were added. Another example was added to the pape

    Electron surface layer at the interface of a plasma and a dielectric wall

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    We study the potential and the charge distribution across the interface of a plasma and a dielectric wall. For this purpose, the charge bound to the wall is modelled as a quasi-stationary electron surface layer which satisfies Poisson's equation and minimizes the grand canonical potential of the wall-thermalized excess electrons constituting the wall charge. Based on an effective model for a graded interface taking into account the image potential and the offset of the conduction band to the potential just outside the dielectric, we specifically calculate the potential and the electron distribution for magnesium oxide, silicon dioxide and sapphire surfaces in contact with a helium discharge. Depending on the electron affinity of the surface, we find two vastly different behaviors. For negative electron affinity, electrons do not penetrate into the wall and an external surface charge is formed in the image potential, while for positive electron affinity, electrons penetrate into the wall and a space charge layer develops in the interior of the dielectric. We also investigate how the electron surface layer merges with the bulk of the dielectric.Comment: 15 pages, 9 figures, accepted versio

    General Relativistic Simulations of Slowly and Differentially Rotating Magnetized Neutron Stars

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    We present long-term (~10^4 M) axisymmetric simulations of differentially rotating, magnetized neutron stars in the slow-rotation, weak magnetic field limit using a perturbative metric evolution technique. Although this approach yields results comparable to those obtained via nonperturbative (BSSN) evolution techniques, simulations performed with the perturbative metric solver require about 1/4 the computational resources at a given resolution. This computational efficiency enables us to observe and analyze the effects of magnetic braking and the magnetorotational instability (MRI) at very high resolution. Our simulations demonstrate that (1) MRI is not observed unless the fastest-growing mode wavelength is resolved by more than about 10 gridpoints; (2) as resolution is improved, the MRI growth rate converges, but due to the small-scale turbulent nature of MRI, the maximum growth amplitude increases, but does not exhibit convergence, even at the highest resolution; and (3) independent of resolution, magnetic braking drives the star toward uniform rotation as energy is sapped from differential rotation by winding magnetic fields.Comment: 21 pages, 11 figures, published in Phys.Rev.

    New parton distributions in fixed flavour factorization scheme from recent deep-inelastic-scattering data

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    We present our QCD analysis of the proton structure function F2p(x,Q2)F_2^p(x,Q^2) to determine the parton distributions at the next-to-leading order (NLO). The heavy quark contributions to F2i(x,Q2)F_2^i(x,Q^2), with ii = cc, bb have been included in the framework of the `fixed flavour number scheme' (FFNS). The results obtained in the FFNS are compared with available results such as the general-mass variable-flavour-number scheme (GM-VFNS) and other prescriptions used in global fits of PDFs. In the present QCD analysis, we use a wide range of the inclusive neutral-current deep-inelastic-scattering (NC DIS) data, including the most recent data for charm F2cF_2^c, bottom F2bF_2^b, longitudinal FLF_L structure functions and also the reduced DIS cross sections σr,NC±\sigma_{r,NC}^\pm from HERA experiments. The most recent HERMES data for proton and deuteron structure functions are also added. We take into account ZEUS neutral current e±pe^ \pm p DIS inclusive jet cross section data from HERA together with the recent Tevatron Run-II inclusive jet cross section data from CDF and D{\O}. The impact of these recent DIS data on the PDFs extracted from the global fits are studied. We present two families of PDFs, {\tt KKT12} and {\tt KKT12C}, without and with HERA `combined' data sets on e±pe^{\pm}p DIS. We find these are in good agreement with the available theoretical models.Comment: 23 pages, 26 figures and 4 tables. V3: Only few comments and references added in the replaced version, results unchanged. Code can be found at http://particles.ipm.ir/links/QCD.ht

    Multivariate Fitting and the Error Matrix in Global Analysis of Data

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    When a large body of data from diverse experiments is analyzed using a theoretical model with many parameters, the standard error matrix method and the general tools for evaluating errors may become inadequate. We present an iterative method that significantly improves the reliability of the error matrix calculation. To obtain even better estimates of the uncertainties on predictions of physical observables, we also present a Lagrange multiplier method that explores the entire parameter space and avoids the linear approximations assumed in conventional error propagation calculations. These methods are illustrated by an example from the global analysis of parton distribution functions.Comment: 13 pages, 5 figures, Latex; minor clarifications, fortran program made available; Normalization of Hessian matrix changed to HEP standar

    Switching Mechanism in Single-Layer Molybdenum Disulfide Transistors: an Insight into Current Flow across Schottky Barriers

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    In this article, we study the properties of metal contacts to single-layer molybdenum disulfide (MoS2) crystals, revealing the nature of switching mechanism in MoS2 transistors. On investigating transistor behavior as contact length changes, we find that the contact resistivity for metal/MoS2 junctions is defined by contact area instead of contact width. The minimum gate dependent transfer length is ~0.63 {\mu}m in the on-state for metal (Ti) contacted single-layer MoS2. These results reveal that MoS2 transistors are Schottky barrier transistors, where the on/off states are switched by the tuning the Schottky barriers at contacts. The effective barrier heights for source and drain barriers are primarily controlled by gate and drain biases, respectively. We discuss the drain induced barrier narrowing effect for short channel devices, which may reduce the influence of large contact resistance for MoS2 Schottky barrier transistors at the channel length scaling limit.Comment: ACS Nano, ASAP (2013

    Pair production of the T-odd leptons at the LHC

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    The T-odd leptons predicted by the littlest HiggsHiggs model with T-parity can be pair produced via the subprocesses gg→ℓH+ℓH−gg\to \ell^{+}_{H}\ell^{-}_{H}, qqˉ→ℓH+ℓH−q\bar{q}\to \ell^{+}_{H}\ell^{-}_{H}, γγ→ℓH+ℓH−\gamma\gamma\to \ell^{+}_{H}\ell^{-}_{H} and VV→ℓH+ℓH− VV \to \ell^{+}_{H}\ell^{-}_{H} (VV=WW or ZZ) at the CERNCERN Large Hadron Collider (LHC)(LHC). We estimate the hadronic production cross sections for all of these processes and give a simply phenomenology analysis. We find that the cross sections for most of the above processes are very small. However, the value of the cross section for the Drell−YanDrell-Yan process qqˉ→ℓH+ℓH−q\bar{q}\to \ell^{+}_{H}\ell^{-}_{H} can reach 270fb270fb.Comment: 12 pages, 2 figure

    A comprehensive ovine model of blood transfusion

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    Background: The growing awareness of transfusion-associated morbidity and mortality necessitates investigations into the underlying mechanisms. Small animals have been the dominant transfusion model but have associated limitations. This study aimed to develop a comprehensive large animal (ovine) model of transfusion encompassing: blood collection, processing and storage, compatibility testing right through to post-transfusion outcomes. Materials and methods: Two units of blood were collected from each of 12 adult male Merino sheep and processed into 24 ovine-packed red blood cell (PRBC) units. Baseline haematological parameters of ovine blood and PRBC cells were analysed. Biochemical changes in ovine PRBCs were characterized during the 42-day storage period. Immunological compatibility of the blood was confirmed with sera from potential recipient sheep, using a saline and albumin agglutination cross-match. Following confirmation of compatibility, each recipient sheep (n = 12) was transfused with two units of ovine PRBC. Results: Procedures for collecting, processing, cross-matching and transfusing ovine blood were established. Although ovine red blood cells are smaller and higher in number, their mean cell haemoglobin concentration is similar to human red blood cells. Ovine PRBC showed improved storage properties in saline-adenine-glucose-mannitol (SAG-M) compared with previous human PRBC studies. Seventy-six compatibility tests were performed and 17·1% were incompatible. Only cross-match compatible ovine PRBC were transfused and no adverse reactions were observed. Conclusion: These findings demonstrate the utility of the ovine model for future blood transfusion studies and highlight the importance of compatibility testing in animal models involving homologous transfusions
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