603 research outputs found

    Empiric antibiotics for sepsis

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    The Mask

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    The Political Economy of Book Publishing: A Critical View of Eco-Poetics and National Consciousness

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    The publishing of·poetry are far below that of other genres of literature. The reluctance of Nigerian book publishers to ·'accept'po'etry as its medium of discourse arid consequent dearth of1poetry text is eith'er by design or ori purpose: the 'bias ·against poetry cannot be ''unconnected;'with the underc.urrent .of commercial .motives by publishers. Nigerian publishers 'give pri~rity to the publication of course books like ·pre-primary, primary 'and secondary texts. At best, they consider popular narratives and drama with lighter themes of love, humour;- comedy that entertain the r~aders. They neglect the grave and delicate issJes like hunger, poverty and wanton·e 1 xploitation and destruction of the natural environment which is of global concern. No rigorous attempt has been made to study and analyze the intrinsic qualities embedded in poetic discourse: The invaluable contribution of poetry to social change and worl.d emiironme'ntal sustainability thus· remained unharnessed. \ .. This pape~ intends to look at the place of natur~-poetry and book publishing. Through ecocritical discourse i.t intends to look at the ideological and social relevance of poetry a,nd project viable reasons why publishers should · give poetry a fresh place, focus and due recognition . It will also. look at the views of poets on what poetry is and its intrinsic and extrinsic value to humanity and . I , society. Through poetry, contemporary Nigeri~. n poets foreground the fight again~t wanton dislocation of Nigeria ecosystem; · and ithrough ~a me reveal the evil of exploitation· of Nigeria natural environment. This paper will examine t~e way nature-poets like Tanure Ojaide and Niyi Osundare have used poetry 'to promote a healthy' and sustainable environment

    Yoruba Green-Proverbs in English: A Green Study of Niyi Osundare's Midlife

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    In an attempt to promote African culture and tradition, current literary trends have been witnessing an increasing use of proverbs in African writing. This study of proverbs has application in a number of fields, especially in environmental studies and literature and those who study folklore and literature explore proverbs for its cultural and aesthetic values. Green/nature proverbs are becoming important literary resource tool today and thus our objective is to explore how Osundare employs nature proverbs derived from the Yoruba language and how he creatively deploys these to promote his poetic vision of the natural environment. Proverbs in Midlife are largely derived from Yoruba proverbs and Osundare being a nature poet undertakes a green inquiry into proverbs derived from Yoruba rhetoric and prosody. In this collection, we examine how the poet in question deplores proverbs that focus on fauna, flora and landscape and also how he employs nature images as metaphor to comment on social concerns

    Why Are Competitor\u27s Advertising Links Displayed When I Google My Product? An Analysis Of Internet Search Engine Liability for Trademark Infringement, 5 J. Marshall Rev. Intell. Prop. L. 431 (2006)

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    Traditional federal trademark law is being challenged in the current case of Google v. AmericanBlind. When internet issues clash with trademark infringement, courts are often faced with the dangerous task of either refusing to stretch not specifically internet tailored trademark law to grant remedy to a perceived wrong or refusing to grant remedy because of the chilling effect the remedy may have on traditional trademark. By analyzing the history of trademark law in relation with internet issues, focusing on domain name cases, pop-up advertising cases, and search engine cases, it becomes clear that specific congressional action is the most viable solution

    Inter-Police Interactions and Mental Health Attitudes

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    In the United States police officers are constantly impacted from multiple different sources. Previous literature, such as Karaffa and Koch (2016) have investigated the way that influence from police administrations and peers can create a stigma in police officers. The stigma in question is officers\u27 stigma towards seeking mental health treatment. Peer influence has been one of the focuses of research on ways to combat this stigma in law enforcement. Kumar (2019) has established that when within police culture there are differences between the views of rookies and senior officers. These differences have yet to be properly explored throughout the literature, leaving a gap in knowledge as to what exact impact they have. The main goal of my research was to examine the differences that senior officers and rookie officers have, and more specifically to examine if the differing stigmas of senior officers can impact rookie officers\u27 own stigmas. The factors that I examined included the officers\u27 perceptions of their own stigmas, how they feel in regards to seeking mental health treatment, and how they perceive the influence of their senior officers\u27 stigmas. There was not any major statistical significance in the correlations between stigma and peer influence. However, the data gathered from the Greeley Police Department raised multiple questions for future research. The lack of significant differences in this research was able to show that officers took time to carefully answer the survey questions and took their answers regarding mental health stigma seriously

    Review of Business Strategies for Environmental Leadership and Sustainability Matters

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    Environmental leadership and sustainability has not much been pursued by most business organization in that, the main focus of most business organizations today is to make profit and to satisfy the customer. Modern business strategies demand the protection of the natural environment. Many people are now expecting corporate institutions to be socially responsible. Environmental deterioration caused by corporate activities is reducing the quality state of our environmental. Institutions must now develop strategies that can help protect and sustain the environment. There are many strategies firms can practice to sustain the environment. These strategies are known as Environmental business strategy. In the literature review two of these strategies were reviewed: Purchasing environmental strategy and Marketing environmental strategy. Keywords: Sustainability, Strategies, marketing, Business Models, Environmental leadership DOI: 10.7176/JESD/12-2-04 Publication date: January 31st 202

    Deconstructing African History from Western Historicism

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    If a people were to write their own history to be solely accepted as an ideal, it would not be abnormal for them to do so in their own favour. The history of the African peoples as documented by Western literatures, mostly comprises the exaltation of European culture through various stereotypical labellings of African history and culture.In the same vein, most Africans would be tempted to rewrite African history in favour of the cultures/ traditions of the African people themselves. Western historicism, however, has gradually denied the African an identity, primarily by eulogising its vindictive colonial presence in Africa, with the purpose of creating a cultural superstructure for the West. Through critical analysis and the conversational method, we submit that a balanced reordering of history in a sane manner is quickened when informed African scholars in their various disciplines take up the task of historiography to create their own peculiar narrative that will provide both the scholarly agenda and its related content, to set the African people on a course of wholesome prosperity