15 research outputs found

    Nearshore Monitoring with X-Band Radar: Maximising Utility in Dynamic and Complex Environments

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    Coastal management and engineering applications require data that quantify the nature and magnitude of changes in nearshore bathymetry. However, bathymetric surveys are usually infrequent due to high costs and complex logistics. This study demonstrates that ground‐based X‐band radar offers a cost‐effective means to monitor nearshore changes at relatively high frequency and over large areas. A new data quality and processing framework was developed to reduce uncertainties in the estimates of radar‐derived bathymetry and tested using data from an 18‐month installation at Thorpeness (UK). In addition to data calibration and validation, two new elements are integrated to reduce the influence of data scatter and outliers: (a) an automated selection of periods of ‘good data’ and (b) the application of a depth‐memory stabilisation. For conditions when the wave height is >1 m, the accuracy of the radar‐derived depths is shown to be ±0.5 m (95% confidence interval) at 40x40 m spatial resolution. At Thorpeness, radar‐derived bathymetry changes exceeding this error were observed at timescales ranging from three weeks to six months. These data enabled quantification of changes in nearshore sediment volume at frequencies and spatial cover that would be difficult and/or expensive to obtain by other methods. It is shown that the volume of nearshore sediment movement occurring at timescale as short as few weeks are comparable with the annual longshore transport rates reported in this area. The use of radar can provide an early warning of changes in offshore bathymetry likely to impact vulnerable coastal locations

    Shoreface sand supply and mid- to late Holocene aeolian dune formation on the storm-dominated macrotidal coast of the southern North Sea

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    Although pulses of coastal dune development in the course of the Holocene have been attributed to variations in the availability of sand, to modulation of sand supply by sea level change, and to changes in wind conditions, identifying the processes driving such pulses has been rather elusive. The shore deposits bordering the tide- and storm wave-dominated southern North Sea evince complex mid- to late Holocene stratigraphy and sediment heterogeneity. These deposits include a unique 7 km-long, 0.3-0.6 km-wide, and up to 7 m-high aeolian sand unit, the Ghyvelde dune, occurring astride the French-Belgian border in an apparently 'anomalous inland location. The dune overlies, and is surrounded by, tidal sandy and muddy deposits incorporating freshwater peat. Data from four mechanical cores and eight auger holes, and three radiocarbon ages and one OSL age suggest that this inland dune was part of an ancestral North Sea sand flat and mudflat environment. Confronting the dune stratigraphy with the prevailing tide- and storm-controlled dynamics of shoreline progradation in this area indicates that dune formation occurred under a pulse of abundant sand supply resulting from the attachment, to a mid-Holocene North Sea tidal-flat shore, of a shoreface tidal bank under repeated storms. This mode of onshore sand supply generates extremely rapid progradation (up to 1 km over a century) of the sand flat shore, the surface of which serves as a large aeolian fetch zone for active backshore dune accumulation, while parts of this surface trap, locally, significant amounts of mud that are subsequently fossilised by aeolian sand. The potential influence of sea level and storminess in modulating the timing of shoreface sand supply and late Holocene coastal dune development in the southern North Sea, reported in studies from other areas, remains to be established

    Nonlinear dynamics of the sea level time series in the eastern English Channel

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    International audienceAbstract Coastal flooding due to surge events represents natural hazards with huge potential consequences for coastal regions. Sea level time series display variations on a large range of timescales, with a deterministic component associated with tidal variations and a stochastic component primarily associated with meteorological forcing, the non-tidal residual. The deterministic component can be evaluated using a model taking into account astronomical forcing and topographic information. The measured sea level is the sum of a slowly varying mean sea level component, the tidal term and the stochastic term. Here, we consider hourly time series recorded in the ports of Boulogne-sur-Mer, Calais, and Dunkirk, in the eastern English Channel. Measured data and modeled data, both provided by the SHOM (“Service hydrographique et ocĂ©anographique de la marine,” hydrographic and oceanographic services of the French Navy), are analyzed using Fourier spectral analysis. The statistics of return times of extreme events are also estimated directly from the time series and compared between modeled and measured data. It is found that return times from tidal or measured time series are quite different for large thresholds and that they also have a very different Fourier power spectrum, the measured data having a power-law regime which is not found in the modeled tidal data. It is also shown, using Hilbert–Huang transform, that non-tidal residual time series are intermittent and possess multifractal scaling properties. Finally, water level non-tidal residual relationship is explored, and it is shown that the larger mean values of the surge (negative and positive parts) are obtained for the medium level of the tidal value