40 research outputs found

    Wann braucht Ethnografie eine Einverständniserklärung? Praktische Antworten auf ethische Fragen zu ethnografischen Methoden in der HCI-Forschung

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    Die Forschung im Bereich der Mensch-Computer-Interaktion (HCI) nutzt ein zunehmend breiter werdendes Methodenspektrum für eine sich immer weiter auffächernde Bandbreite von Forschungsfeldern. Zahlreiche Studien verlassen für die Datenerhebung den vertraut-kontrollierbaren Kosmos von Laboren und Versuchsständen, um stattdessen im Feld mehr über das Verhalten einer NutzerInnengruppe im „natürlichen“ Kontext zu erfahren. Für jede Forschung gelten unabhängig von Feld und Methode die forschungsethischen Grundprinzipien der Freiwilligkeit, Benefizienz und Gerechtigkeit. Um das Freiwilligkeits-Prinzips in der Forschungspraxis zu gewährleisten, stellt der Einsatz von Einverständniserklärungen als informierte Zustimmung bzw. Informed Consent (IC) einen kritischen Punkt für jedes Studiendesign dar. Für viele qualitative Methoden besteht in Bezug auf das Gebot des IC in der HCI Forschung eine direkte Analogie zu der etablierten Ethikpraxis für quantitative Methoden. Die Ethnografie nimmt hier jedoch eine gewisse Sonderstellung ein. Begründet in ihrem methodischen Kernansatz der in-situ Beobachtung stellt insbesondere das Thema IC immer wieder eine ethische und forschungspraktische Herausforderung dar, da es bei einer feldbasierten und damit interaktionsoffenen Forschung schwieriger ist festzustellen, welche der beteiligten Personen als direkte ForschungsteilnehmerInnen zu konzeptualisieren sind bzw. von welchen Personen ein IC in welcher Form gebraucht wird. Dieser Artikel rückt die Frage nach einem sinnvollen und ethisch korrekten Einsatz von IC in ethnografischen Studien im HCI Bereich ins Zentrum der Betrachtung. Mit der Skala der situationsangemessenen Privatsphärenerwartung und IC (SPIC-Skala) wird ein praxistauglicher Lösungsansatz vorgestellt, der sich bereits in zahlreichen Forschungsprojekten im HCI Kontext bewährt hat. Kernargument der SPIC-Skala ist, dass Forschende sich in ihren IC Maßnahmen an den situationsabhängigen Privatsphärenerwartungen von beteiligten Personen orientieren sollten. Eine solche Wahrung der Privatsphärenerwartungen sehen wir als forschungspraktische Operationalisierung des Freiwilligkeits-Prinzips in offenen Forschungssituationen. Dass ein solches Schema jedoch kein „Freifahrtschein“ sein kann, und immer wieder aufs Neue für den eigenen Kontext geprüft werden muss, wird in einem abschließenden Fazit diskutiert

    Neutrino Target-of-Opportunity Sky Coverage and Scheduler for EUSO-SPB2

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    Very-high-energy neutrinos can be observed by detecting air shower signals. Detection of transient target of opportunity (ToO) neutrino sources is part of a broader multimessenger program. The Extreme Universe Space Observatory on a Super Pressure Balloon 2 (EUSO-SPB2) Mission, launched on May 12, 2023, was equipped with an optical Cherenkov Telescope (CT) designed to detect up-going air showers sourced by Earth-skimming neutrinos that interact near the Earth's limb. Presented here is an overview of the sky coverage and ToO scheduler software for EUSO-SPB2. By using the balloon trajectory coordinates and setting constraints on the positions of the Sun and Moon to ensure dark skies, we can determine if and when a source direction is slightly below the Earth's limb. From a source catalog, CT scheduling and pointing is performed to optimize the search for high-energy neutrinos coming from astrophysical sources. Some sample results for EUSO-SPB2 are shown.Comment: 10 pages, 6 figures, ICRC2023 Conference Proceeding

    “You Never Get a Second Chance”: First Impressions of Physicians Depend on Their Body Posture and Gender

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    A first impression matters, in particular when encounters are brief as in most doctor-patient interactions. In this study, we investigate how physicians’ body postures impact patients’ first impressions of them and extend previous research by exploring posture effects on the perception of all roles of a physician – not just single aspects such as scholarly expertise or empathy. In an online survey, 167 participants ranked photographs of 4 physicians (2 female, 2 male) in 4 postures (2 open, 2 closed). The results show that male physicians were rated more positively when assuming open rather than closed postures with respect to all professional physician roles. Female physicians in open postures were rated similarly positive for items related to medical competence, but they tended to be rated less favorably with respect to social skills (such as the ability to communicate with and relate to the patient). These findings extend what is known about the effects of physicians’ body postures on the first impressions patients form to judge physicians’ medical versus social competencies. We discuss practical implications and the need for more research on interaction effects of body postures and physician gender on first impressions

    Paradigmatic Approach to Support Personalized Counseling With Digital Health (iKNOW)

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    iKNOW is the first evidence-based digital tool to support personalized counseling for women in Germany with a hereditary cancer risk. The counseling tool is designed for carriers of pathogenic gBRCA (germline breast cancer gene) variants that increase the lifetime risk of breast and ovarian cancer. Carriers of pathogenic variants are confronted with complex, individualized risk information, and physicians must be able to convey this information in a comprehensible way to enable preference-sensitive health decisions. In this paper, we elaborate on the clinical, regulatory, and practical premises of personalized counseling in Germany. By operationalizing these premises, we formulate 5 design principles that, we suggest, are specific enough to develop a digital tool (eg, iKNOW), yet wide-ranging enough to inform the development of counseling tools for personalized medicine more generally: (1) digital counseling tools should implement the current standard of care (eg, based on guidelines); (2) digital counseling tools should help to both standardize and personalize the counseling process (eg, by enabling the preference-sensitive selection of counseling contents from a common information base); (3) digital counseling tools should make complex information easy to access both cognitively (eg, by using evidenced-based risk communication formats) and technically (eg, by means of responsive design for various devices); (4) digital counseling tools should respect the counselee's data privacy rights (eg, through strict pseudonymization and opt-in consent); and (5) digital counseling tools should be systematically and iteratively evaluated with the users in mind (eg, using formative prototype testing to ensure a user-centric design and a summative multicenter, randomized controlled trial). On the basis of these paradigmatic design principles, we hope that iKNOW can serve as a blueprint for the development of more digital innovations to support personalized counseling approaches in cancer medicine

    Neutrino propagation in the Earth and emerging charged leptons with nuPyProp\texttt{nuPyProp}

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    Ultra-high-energy neutrinos serve as messengers of some of the highest energy astrophysical environments. Given that neutrinos are neutral and only interact via weak interactions, neutrinos can emerge from sources, traverse astronomical distances, and point back to their origins. Their weak interactions require large target volumes for neutrino detection. Using the Earth as a neutrino converter, terrestrial, sub-orbital, and satellite-based instruments are able to detect signals of neutrino-induced extensive air showers. In this paper, we describe the software code nuPyProp\texttt{nuPyProp} that simulates tau neutrino and muon neutrino interactions in the Earth and predicts the spectrum of the Ď„\tau-lepton and muons that emerge. The nuPyProp\texttt{nuPyProp} outputs are lookup tables of charged lepton exit probabilities and energies that can be used directly or as inputs to the nuSpaceSim\texttt{nuSpaceSim} code designed to simulate optical and radio signals from extensive air showers induced by the emerging charged leptons. We describe the inputs to the code, demonstrate its flexibility and show selected results for Ď„\tau-lepton and muon exit probabilities and energy distributions. The nuPyProp\texttt{nuPyProp} code is open source, available on github.Comment: 42 pages, 21 figures, code available at https://github.com/NuSpaceSim/nupypro

    The Transcriptome of Compatible and Incompatible Interactions of Potato (Solanum tuberosum) with Phytophthora infestans Revealed by DeepSAGE Analysis

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    Late blight, caused by the oomycete Phytophthora infestans, is the most important disease of potato (Solanum tuberosum). Understanding the molecular basis of resistance and susceptibility to late blight is therefore highly relevant for developing resistant cultivars, either by marker-assissted selection or by transgenic approaches. Specific P. infestans races having the Avr1 effector gene trigger a hypersensitive resistance response in potato plants carrying the R1 resistance gene (incompatible interaction) and cause disease in plants lacking R1 (compatible interaction). The transcriptomes of the compatible and incompatible interaction were captured by DeepSAGE analysis of 44 biological samples comprising five genotypes, differing only by the presence or absence of the R1 transgene, three infection time points and three biological replicates. 30.859 unique 21 base pair sequence tags were obtained, one third of which did not match any known potato transcript sequence. Two third of the tags were expressed at low frequency (<10 tag counts/million). 20.470 unitags matched to approximately twelve thousand potato transcribed genes. Tag frequencies were compared between compatible and incompatible interactions over the infection time course and between compatible and incompatible genotypes. Transcriptional changes were more numerous in compatible than in incompatible interactions. In contrast to incompatible interactions, transcriptional changes in the compatible interaction were observed predominantly for multigene families encoding defense response genes and genes functional in photosynthesis and CO2 fixation. Numerous transcriptional differences were also observed between near isogenic genotypes prior to infection with P. infestans. Our DeepSAGE transcriptome analysis uncovered novel candidate genes for plant host pathogen interactions, examples of which are discussed with respect to possible function

    EUSO-Offline: A comprehensive simulation and analysis framework

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    The complexity of modern cosmic ray observatories and the rich data sets they capture often require a sophisticated software framework to support the simulation of physical processes, detector response, as well as reconstruction and analysis of real and simulated data. Here we present the EUSO-Offline framework. The code base was originally developed by the Pierre Auger Collaboration, and portions of it have been adopted by other collaborations to suit their needs. We have extended this software to fulfill the requirements of Ultra-High Energy Cosmic Ray detectors and very high energy neutrino detectors developed for the Joint Exploratory Missions for an Extreme Universe Observatory (JEM-EUSO). These path-finder instruments constitute a program to chart the path to a future space-based mission like POEMMA. For completeness, we describe the overall structure of the framework developed by the Auger collaboration and continue with a description of the JEM-EUSO simulation and reconstruction capabilities. The framework is written predominantly in modern C++ (compliled against C++17) and incorporates third-party libraries chosen based on functionality and our best judgment regarding support and longevity. Modularity is a central notion in the framework design, a requirement for large collaborations in which many individuals contribute to a common code base and often want to compare different approaches to a given problem. For the same reason, the framework is designed to be highly configurable, which allows us to contend with a variety of JEM-EUSO missions and observation scenarios. We also discuss how we incorporate broad, industry-standard testing coverage which is necessary to ensure quality and maintainability of a relatively large code base, and the tools we employ to support a multitude of computing platforms and enable fast, reliable installation of external packages. Finally, we provide a few examples of simulation and reconstruction applications using EUSO-Offline