29 research outputs found

    A75 Modern concepts of cellular and molecular mechanisms of breast cancer and their prognostic significance

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    Breast cancer is one of the most common cancers in women. The incidence of breast cancer in 2014 in the Republic of Mordovia was 69.9 per 100,000 female populations. Breast cancer occurs when excessive expression of oncoproteins switches in the case of transformation of proto-oncogene in PRADI. In primary breast tumors, mutations and the expression of the three oncogenes Her2/neu, C-mys, Int-2, as well as in supressonyh genes – the p53 gene and the retinoblastoma gene RB are the most common. Several studies found that oncogene – C-mys was expressed in 16.8% of primary breast cancer cases and in 35% cases with subsequent development of metastases. Proteins that stimulate the phosphorylation of mitogen-activated protein kinasescan activateunder the influence of growth factors. Development of breast cancer is regulated by a complex interaction of many hormones and growth factors. Currently, one of the leading theories of developing breast cancer is the increased hormonal stimulation of proliferative processes in the development of neoplasia. One of the manifestations of hormonal imbalance in tumor during a regular decrease in blood competitive inhibitor of the biological effects of estrogen – progesterone, which is in correlation with the stage of the spread of neoplasia. The role of the overproduction of estrogen in the pathogenesis of breast cancer is confirmed by the fact that in women who underwent oophorectomy before the age of 38years, the risk of breast cancer development is 1.5 times less than in those who did not have such operation. Excessive accumulation of lipid peroxidation products in the area of neoplasia activates mechanisms violation of intercellular interaction that caused the destruction of the lipid components of membranes.The study group included 112 patients treated at the State Institution of Health of the Republic of Mordovia “National Oncology Center”. To identify the nature of tumors, all patients underwent immunohistochemical analysis. Androgen receptors were found in 48% of breast cancer cases, the expression level of androgen receptor in the tumor was much lower than the expression level of estrogen and progesterone receptors. Low levels of progesterone receptor expression in breast cancer cells were combined with high levels of expression of Ki-67 antigen, HER-2 oncoprotein in tumor cells. Patients with HER-2 (3+) and (2+) had more frequent multiple metastases in lymph nodes compared to patients with HER-2 (0) and (1+) phenotypes. Maximum expression of HER-2 oncoprotein in tumor cells indicated high metastatic potential and poor prognosis.It may be concluded that the cellular and molecular mechanisms of breast cancer are complex. Therefore, carcinogenesis has a “multistep” nature and at least two or more mutations in the cells of the same clone – parent and child are required to generate malignant tumors. Thus, the development of oncogenic transformation does not necessarily mean the process of tumor formation


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    In Russia, only low amylose short grain varieties were previously grown, but recently, because of the growth of consumption of this cereal, domestic varieties with various quality have become necessary. Absence of information on the genetics of this trait constrains selection in the given direction. Despite a considerable number of foreign works on localisation of genes defining quality of rice grain, there are no similar Russian works yet. Definition of the possibility of using loci identified from studying foreign samples, for marker assisted selection of domestic germplasm became the purpose of our research and possible localisation before the unknown loci defining the quality of rice grain. We used both neutral markers and those associated with quality. Polymorphism of the allocated groups of varieties with the contrasting quality trait was studied using 57 markers. Polymorphism of domestic varieties of rice with contrasting quality traits such as “weight of 1000 grains”, “translucency”, “husk content”, “the maintenance of the whole kernel in a croup” was studied with use of the SSR markers to reveal chromosomal regions associated with the division of Russian rice varieties into groups based on the traits being studied. It was shown that 12 markers authentically divided groups with the various grain form, 3, with a various exit of the whole kernel, and 1 marker group, with various translucency and husk content. The markers authentically dividing groups of varieties with various weight of 1000 grains, groats exit, the protein and amylose content were not revealed. Data about the association of markers RM3276, RM5707, RM5508, RM7110, RM509, RM600, RM136 with the quality trait in references were not revealed. Probably, the genes defining the quality of rice grain, specific for domestic gemplasm, are located around the given markers

    Modern trends in perinatal and neonatal mortality in the Moscow region

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    The dynamics of perinatal and neonatal mortality in the Moscow region in comparison with indicators of the Central Federal District and the Russian Federation as a whole is analyzed in the article. The ratio of stillbirth and early neonatal mortality is given in the article. Characteristic of the causes of death in newborns considering birthweight are given


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    Although brain metastases are one of the most frequently diagnosed sequelae of systemic malignancy, their optimal management still is not well defined. In that respect the different diagnostic and therapeutic approaches of BMs patients is an issue for serious discussions. Among the most commonly used diagnostic tools are computed tomography (CT) scans, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scans, single photon emission computed tomography (SPECT) and positron emission tomography (PET) scans etc. Nowadays the aforementioned diagnostic modalities are usually combined in order to obtain complete diagnostic information important for establishing the optimal treatment. With the present report we try to elaborate on the value of the modern diagnostic tools in differentiating between tumor progressions versus radiation necrosis in irradiated patients with resected brain metastases. Although the present advancement of the modern imaging modalities differentiating between tumor progression versus radiation necrosis is often difficult. Application of the metabolic imaging modalities like SPECT, PET and proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy (1H-MRS) contributes for the diagnose but still pathological specimens remain a gold standard for distinguishing tumor from necrosis, because none of the imaging modalities is possible to reliably differentiate necrosis from progression in 100% of the cases

    Export of Biomass and Metals from Aquatic to Terrestrial Ecosystems via the Emergence of Dragonflies (Insecta: Odonata)

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    Long-term monitoring of the abundance and spatial distribution of 18 widespread species of Odonata has made it possible to assess their contribution to the export of aquatic productivity that entered the Barabinsk forest-steppe ecosystem. The annual emergence of Odonata varies from 0.8 to 4.9 g/m2 of the land area and from 2.3 to 13.3 g/m2 of the water area, which is 4–5 times larger than that in Diptera. The total flux of organic matter from water to terrestrial ecosystems remains relatively stable (sixfold interannual variability) irrespective of large interannual variations in the abundance of separate species (e.g., 42-fold interannual variability in Libellula quadrimaculata). The metal content was determined in nine Odonata species. Export of metals by dragonflies decreases in the series K > Na > Mg > Ca > Fe > Zn > Cu > Mn > Pb > Ni > Cr > Cd. Therefore, odonates appear to be quantitatively and qualitatively important providers of aquatic resources to the forest-steppe landscape of Western Siberia

    Export of Biomass and Metals from Aquatic to Terrestrial Ecosystems via the Emergence of Dragonflies (Insecta: Odonata)

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    Long-term monitoring of the abundance and spatial distribution of 18 widespread species of Odonata has made it possible to assess their contribution to the export of aquatic productivity that entered the Barabinsk forest-steppe ecosystem. The annual emergence of Odonata varies from 0.8 to 4.9 g/m2 of the land area and from 2.3 to 13.3 g/m2 of the water area, which is 4–5 times larger than that in Diptera. The total flux of organic matter from water to terrestrial ecosystems remains relatively stable (sixfold interannual variability) irrespective of large interannual variations in the abundance of separate species (e.g., 42-fold interannual variability in Libellula quadrimaculata). The metal content was determined in nine Odonata species. Export of metals by dragonflies decreases in the series K > Na > Mg > Ca > Fe > Zn > Cu > Mn > Pb > Ni > Cr > Cd. Therefore, odonates appear to be quantitatively and qualitatively important providers of aquatic resources to the forest-steppe landscape of Western Siberia


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    Critical species of Odonata in the Asian part of the former USSR and the Republic of Mongolia

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