335 research outputs found

    Обеспечение точности обобщенной интервальной оценки качества изделий

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    Разработан метод интервальной оценки качества изделий, отличительной особенностью которого является получение весовых коэффициентов обобщенного показателя с использованием нечетких функций принадлежности гауссового типа. Их использование позволяет повысить точность и достоверность принятия решения при определении категории качества изделий различного целевого назначения в соответствии с вербально-числовой шкалой функции желательности Харрингтона.Розроблено метод інтервальної оцінки якості виробів, відмітною особливістю якого є отримання вагових коефіцієнтів узагальненого показника з використанням нечітких функцій приналежності гауссового типу. Їх використання дозволяє підвищити точність та вірогідність прийняття рішення під час визначення категорії якості виробів різного цільового призначення відповідно до вербально-числової шкали функції бажаності Харрінгтона.The method of interval estimation of the products’ quality, the distinctive feature of which is a receipt of gravimetric coefficients of the generalized index with the use of unclear membership functions of gauss type, is developed. Their usage allows to promote exactness and authenticity of decision-making at determination category of products’ quality of the different target destination in accordance with the verbally-numerical scale of desirability function of Harrington

    Unambiguous comparison of the states of multiple quantum systems

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    We consider N quantum systems initially prepared in pure states and address the problem of unambiguously comparing them. One may ask whether or not all NN systems are in the same state. Alternatively, one may ask whether or not the states of all N systems are different. We investigate the possibility of unambiguously obtaining this kind of information. It is found that some unambiguous comparison tasks are possible only when certain linear independence conditions are satisfied. We also obtain measurement strategies for certain comparison tasks which are optimal under a broad range of circumstances, in particular when the states are completely unknown. Such strategies, which we call universal comparison strategies, are found to have intriguing connections with the problem of quantifying the distinguishability of a set of quantum states and also with unresolved conjectures in linear algebra. We finally investigate a potential generalisation of unambiguous state comparison, which we term unambiguous overlap filtering.Comment: 20 pages, no figure

    Identifying chemokines as therapeutic targets in renal disease: Lessons from antagonist studies and knockout mice

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    Chemokines, in concert with cytokines and adhesion molecules, play multiple roles in local and systemic immune responses. In the kidney, the temporal and spatial expression of chemokines correlates with local renal damage and accumulation of chemokine receptor-bearing leukocytes. Chemokines play important roles in leukocyte trafficking and blocking chemokines can effectively reduce renal leukocyte recruitment and subsequent renal damage. However, recent data indicate that blocking chemokine or chemokine receptor activity in renal disease may also exacerbate renal inflammation under certain conditions. An increasing amount of data indicates additional roles of chemokines in the regulation of innate and adaptive immune responses, which may adversively affect the outcome of interventional studies. This review summarizes available in vivo studies on the blockade of chemokines and chemokine receptors in kidney diseases, with a special focus on the therapeutic potential of anti-chemokine strategies, including potential side effects, in renal disease. Copyright (C) 2004 S. Karger AG, Basel

    Het Dutch Wildlife Health Centre – kennis over wildziekten in Nederland

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    Veel dierziekten inclusief zoönosen hebben wilde dieren als reservoir. Kennis over ziekten onder wilde dieren is van belang voor zowel de dier- en volksgezondheid, en vormt een essentieel onderdeel van het One health-concept. Een expertisecentrum wildziekten, waar dergelijke kennis vermeerderd en gebundeld wordt, ontbrak in Nederland. Mede daarom is het Dutch Wildlife Health Centre (DWHC) opgericht

    Indigenous oyster fisheries persisted for millennia and should inform future management

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    Historical ecology has revolutionized our understanding of fisheries and cultural landscapes, demonstrating the value of historical data for evaluating the past, present, and future of Earth’s ecosystems. Despite several important studies, Indigenous fisheries generally receive less attention from scholars and managers than the 17th–20th century capitalist commercial fisheries that decimated many keystone species, including oysters. We investigate Indigenous oyster harvest through time in North America and Australia, placing these data in the context of sea level histories and historical catch records. Indigenous oyster fisheries were pervasive across space and through time, persisting for 5000–10,000 years or more. Oysters were likely managed and sometimes “farmed,” and are woven into broader cultural, ritual, and social traditions. Effective stewardship of oyster reefs and other marine fisheries around the world must center Indigenous histories and include Indigenous community members to co-develop more inclusive, just, and successful strategies for restoration, harvest, and management.Results - Indigenous fisheries of abundance. - Oysters in monuments and ritual landscapes. - Not all forgotten: Indigenous use of oysters. Indigenous - Capitalist commercial fisheries and ecological collapse. Discussion Method

    Potential barriers and facilitators for implementation of an integrated care pathway for hearing-impaired persons: an exploratory survey among patients and professionals

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    BACKGROUND: Because of the increasing costs and anticipated shortage of Ear Nose and Throat (ENT) specialists in the care for hearing-impaired persons, an integrated care pathway that includes direct hearing aid provision was developed. While this direct pathway is still under investigation, in a survey we examined expectations and potential barriers and facilitators towards this direct pathway, of patients and professionals involved in the pathway. METHODS: Two study populations were assessed: members of the health professions involved in the care pathway for hearing-impaired persons (general practitioners (GPs), hearing aid dispensers, ENT-specialists and clinical audiologists) and persons with hearing complaints. We developed a comprehensive semi-structured questionnaire for the professionals, regarding expectations, barriers, facilitators and conditions for implementation. We developed two questionnaires for persons with hearing complaints, both regarding evaluations and preferences, and administered them after they had experienced two key elements of the direct pathway: the triage and the hearing aid fitting. RESULTS: On average GPs and hearing aid dispensers had positive expectations towards the direct pathway, while ENT-specialists and clinical audiologists had negative expectations. Professionals stated both barriers and facilitators towards the direct pathway. Most professionals either supported implementation of the direct pathway, provided that a number of conditions were satisfied, or did not support implementation, unless roughly the same conditions were satisfied. Professionals generally agreed on which conditions need to be satisfied. Persons with hearing complaints evaluated the present referral pathway and the new direct pathway equally. Many, especially older, participants stated however that they would still visit the GP and ENT-specialist, even when this would not be necessary for reimbursement of the hearing aid, and found it important that the ENT-specialist or Audiological Centre evaluated their hearing aid. CONCLUSION: This study identified professional concerns about the direct pathway for hearing-impaired persons. Gaps exist in expectations amongst professions. Also gaps exist between users of the pathway, especially between age groups and regions. Professionals are united in the conditions that need to be fulfilled for a successful implementation of the direct pathway. Implementation on a regional level is recommended to best satisfy these conditions

    Receptor-Mediated Endocytosis of α-Galactosidase A in Human Podocytes in Fabry Disease

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    Injury to the glomerular podocyte is a key mechanism in human glomerular disease and podocyte repair is an important therapeutic target. In Fabry disease, podocyte injury is caused by the intracellular accumulation of globotriaosylceramide. This study identifies in the human podocyte three endocytic receptors, mannose 6-phosphate/insulin-like growth II receptor, megalin, and sortilin and demonstrates their drug delivery capabilities for enzyme replacement therapy. Sortilin, a novel α-galactosidase A binding protein, reveals a predominant intracellular expression but also surface expression in the podocyte. The present study provides the rationale for the renal effect of treatment with α-galactosidase A and identifies potential pathways for future non-carbohydrate based drug delivery to the kidney podocyte and other potential affected organs

    What are the current barriers to effective cancer care coordination? A qualitative study

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>National cancer policies identify the improvement of care coordination as a priority to improve the delivery of health services for people with cancer. Identification of the current barriers to effective cancer care coordination is needed to drive service improvement.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>A qualitative study was undertaken in which semi-structured individual interviews and focus groups were conducted with those best placed to identify issues; patients who had been treated for a range of cancers and their carers as well as health professionals involved in providing cancer care. Data collection continued until saturation of concepts was reached. A grounded theory influenced approach was used to explore the participants' experiences and views of cancer care coordination.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Overall, 20 patients, four carers and 29 health professionals participated. Barriers to cancer care coordination related to six aspects of care namely, recognising health professional roles and responsibilities, implementing comprehensive multidisciplinary team meetings, transitioning of care: falling through the cracks, inadequate communication between specialist and primary care, inequitable access to health services and managing scarce resources.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>This study has identified a number of barriers to coordination of cancer care. Development and evaluation of interventions based on these findings is now required.</p