163 research outputs found

    Coproduction and cost efficiency: a structured literature review

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    Purpose \u2013 Coproduction is both a recurrent way of organizing public services and a maturing academic field. The academic debate has analyzed several facets, but one deserves further analysis: its impact on the cost efficiency of public services. The purpose of this paper is to aim at systematizing the findings on the relationship between coproduction and cost efficiency and at developing insights for future research. Design/methodology/approach \u2013 This paper is based on a structured literature review (SLR), following the approach proposed by Massaro, Dumay and Guthrie. The SLR approach differs from traditional narrative reviews since, like other meta-analysis methods, it adopts a replicable and transparent process. At the same time, when compared to most common meta-analysis or systematic review logics, it is better suited to incorporate evidence from case studies and etnographies. This makes the method especially suited to public administration and management studies. Findings \u2013 Results shed light on the nature of the academic literature relating coproduction to cost efficiency, on what type of costs are affected and how and on the meaningfulness of productivity measures when public services are co-produced. Originality/value \u2013 In times of fiscal distress for many governments, the paper contributes to research and practice in systematically re-assessing the effects of coproduction on public budgets

    Coproduction and cost efficiency: a structured literature review

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    Purpose - Coproduction is both a recurrent way of organizing public services and a maturing academic field. The academic debate has analyzed several facets, but one deserves further analysis: its impact on the cost efficiency of public services. The purpose of this paper is to aim at systematizing the findings on the relationship between coproduction and cost efficiency and at developing insights for future research.Design/methodology/approach - This paper is based on a structured literature review (SLR), following the approach proposed by Massaro, Dumay and Guthrie. The SLR approach differs from traditional narrative reviews since, like other meta-analysis methods, it adopts a replicable and transparent process. At the same time, when compared to most common meta-analysis or systematic review logics, it is better suited to incorporate evidence from case studies and etnographies. This makes the method especially suited to public administration and management studies.Findings - Results shed light on the nature of the academic literature relating coproduction to cost efficiency, on what type of costs are affected and how and on the meaningfulness of productivity measures when public services are co-produced.Originality/value - In times of fiscal distress for many governments, the paper contributes to research and practice in systematically re-assessing the effects of coproduction on public budgets

    Radiofrequency to Microwave Coherent Manipulation of an Organometallic Electronic Spin Qubit Coupled to a Nuclear Qudit

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    We report here a comprehensive characterization of a 3d organometallic complex, [V(Cp)2Cl2] (Cp = cyclopentadienyl), which can be considered as a prototypical multilevel nuclear qudit (nuclear spin I = 7/2) hyperfine coupled to an electronic qubit (electronic spin S = 1/2). By combining complementary magnetic resonant techniques, such as pulsed electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) and broadband nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR), we extensively characterize its Spin Hamiltonian parameters and its electronic and nuclear spin dynamics. Moreover, we demonstrate the possibility to manipulate the qubit-qudit multilevel structure by resonant microwave and radiofrequency pulses, driving coherent Rabi oscillations between targeted electronuclear states. The obtained results demonstrate that this simple complex is a promising candidate for quantum computing applications

    Radiofrequency to Microwave Coherent Manipulation of an Organometallic Electronic Spin Qubit Coupled to a Nuclear Qudit

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    [Image: see text] We report here a comprehensive characterization of a 3d organometallic complex, [V(Cp)(2)Cl(2)] (Cp = cyclopentadienyl), which can be considered as a prototypical multilevel nuclear qudit (nuclear spin I = 7/2) hyperfine coupled to an electronic qubit (electronic spin S = 1/2). By combining complementary magnetic resonant techniques, such as pulsed electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) and broadband nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR), we extensively characterize its Spin Hamiltonian parameters and its electronic and nuclear spin dynamics. Moreover, we demonstrate the possibility to manipulate the qubit–qudit multilevel structure by resonant microwave and radiofrequency pulses, driving coherent Rabi oscillations between targeted electronuclear states. The obtained results demonstrate that this simple complex is a promising candidate for quantum computing applications

    Relaxation dynamics in a Fe7 nanomagnet

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    We investigate the phonon-induced relaxation dynamics in the Fe 7 magnetic molecule, which is made of two Fe 3 + triangles bridged together by a central Fe 3 + ion. The competition between different antiferromagnetic exchange interactions leads to a low-spin ground state multiplet with a complex pattern of low-lying excited levels. We theoretically investigate the decay of the time correlation function of molecular observables, such as the cluster magnetization, due to the spin-phonon interaction. We find that more than one time contributes to the decay of the molecular magnetization. The relaxation dynamics is probed by measurements of the nuclear spin-lattice relaxation rate 1 /T 1 . The interpretation of these measurements allows the determination of the magnetoelastic coupling strength and to set the scale factor of the relaxation dynamics time scales. In our theoretical interpretation of 1 /T 1 data we also take into account the wipeout effect at low temperature

    Acquired Haemophilia A. Which is the best therapeutic choice in older adults? Single center study of 4 cases

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    Acquired haemophilia A (AHA) is a rare bleeding disorder due to autoantibodies directed against coagulation factor VIII. The treatment is based on recombinant activated factor VII and activated prothrombin complex concentrate. However, mainly in older patients, severe thrombotic complications have been reported. Here we report the different therapeutic approaches in 4 cases of elderly patients with AHA and co-morbidities

    Transplantation of clinical-grade human neural stem cells reduces neuroinflammation, prolongs survival and delays disease progression in the SOD1 rats.

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    Abstract Stem cells are emerging as a therapeutic option for incurable diseases, such as Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS). However, critical issues are related to their origin as well as to the need to deepen our knowledge of the therapeutic actions exerted by these cells. Here, we investigate the therapeutic potential of clinical-grade human neural stem cells (hNSCs) that have been successfully used in a recently concluded phase I clinical trial for ALS patients (NCT01640067). The hNSCs were transplanted bilaterally into the anterior horns of the lumbar spinal cord (four grafts each, segments L3–L4) of superoxide dismutase 1 G93A transgenic rats (SOD1 rats) at the symptomatic stage. Controls included untreated SOD1 rats (CTRL) and those treated with HBSS (HBSS). Motor symptoms and histological hallmarks of the disease were evaluated at three progressive time points: 15 and 40 days after transplant (DAT), and end stage. Animals were treated by transient immunosuppression (for 15 days, starting at time of transplantation). Under these conditions, hNSCs integrated extensively within the cord, differentiated into neural phenotypes and migrated rostro-caudally, up to 3.77 ± 0.63 cm from the injection site. The transplanted cells delayed decreases in body weight and deterioration of motor performance in the SOD1 rats. At 40DAT, the anterior horns at L3–L4 revealed a higher density of motoneurons and fewer activated astroglial and microglial cells. Accordingly, the overall survival of transplanted rats was significantly enhanced with no rejection of hNSCs observed. We demonstrated that the beneficial effects observed after stem cell transplantation arises from multiple events that counteract several aspects of the disease, a crucial feature for multifactorial diseases, such as ALS. The combination of therapeutic approaches that target different pathogenic mechanisms of the disorder, including pharmacology, molecular therapy and cell transplantation, will increase the chances of a clinically successful therapy for ALS

    Magnetic properties and hyperfine interactions in Cr8, Cr7Cd, and Cr7Ni molecular rings from 19F-NMR

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    A detailed experimental investigation of the 19F nuclear magnetic resonance is made on single crystals of the homometallic Cr8 antiferromagnetic molecular ring and heterometallic Cr7Cd and Cr7Ni rings in the low temperature ground state. Since the F - ion is located midway between neighboring magnetic metal ions in the ring, the 19F-NMR spectra yield information about the local electronic spin density and 19F hyperfine interactions. In Cr 8, where the ground state is a singlet with total spin ST = 0, the 19F-NMR spectra at 1.7 K and low external magnetic field display a single narrow line, while when the magnetic field is increased towards the first level crossing field, satellite lines appear in the 19F-NMR spectrum, indicating a progressive increase in the Boltzmann population of the first excited state ST = 1. In the heterometallic rings, Cr7Cd and Cr7Ni, whose ground state is magnetic with ST = 3/2 and ST = 1/2, respectively, the 19F-NMR spectrum has a complicated structure which depends on the strength and orientation of the magnetic field, due to both isotropic and anisotropic transferred hyperfine interactions and classical dipolar interactions. From the 19F-NMR spectra in single crystals we estimated the transferred hyperfine constants for both the F--Ni 2+ and the F--Cd2+ bonds. The values of the hyperfine constants compare well to the ones known for F--Ni 2+ in KNiF3 and NiF2 and for F --Cr3+ in K2NaCrF6. The results are discussed in terms of hybridization of the 2s, 2p orbitals of the F- ion and the d orbitals of the magnetic ion. Finally, we discuss the implications of our results for the electron-spin decoherence
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