66 research outputs found

    Unified Abstract Mechanism to Model Language Learning Activities

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    Language learning applications define exercises that are pedagogical tools to introduce new language concepts. The development of this type of applications is complex due to the diversity of language learning methodologies, the variety of execution environments and the number of different technologies that can be used. This article proposes a conceptual model to develop the activities of language learning applications. It defines a new abstraction mechanism to model these activities as part of a model-driven approach to develop applications supporting different language learning processes running on different hardware and software platforms. We define a metamodel that describes the entities and relationships representing language learning activities as well as a series of examples that use the proposed abstraction mechanism to represent different language learning activities. The modelling process is simplified using a common representation that does not affect neither the visual presentation, nor the interaction of each activity. The article includes an evaluation that analyses the product correctness, robustness, extensibility, and reusability of the obtained code. These results conclude that the code generated using the proposed approach overcomes the code generated following a traditional approach

    Transformation architecture for multi-layered WebApp source code generation

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    The evolution of Web technologies leads to software premature obsolescence requiring technology-independent representations to increase the reuse rates during the development process. They also require integration into service-oriented architectures to exchange information with different Web systems supporting runtime interoperability. Web Applications (WebApps) run on devices with different capabilities and limitations increasing the complexity of the development process. To address these challenges, different proposals have emerged to facilitate the development of WebApps, which is still an open research field with many challenges to address. This paper presents a model transformation architecture based on software standards to automatically generate full stack multi-layered WebApps covering Persistence, Service, and Presentation layers. This transformation architecture also generates the set of test cases to test WebApp business logic. The proposed transformation architecture only requires a UML platform-independent class model as an input to generate fully functional Web applications in a three-tier architecture including the three layers, while most proposals focus on the generation of the Presentation layer. In addition, this architecture employs software industry standards to enable an easy integration into third-party tools and development environments. The transformation Architecture proposed has been empirically validated on the case study of a fully functional travel management WebApp that is generated using a UML class diagram employing a third-party tool integrated into the same integrated development environment

    Estado actual de la programación del riego en limero mediante medidas del estado hídrico

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    : En el presente trabajo se realiza una revisi´on sobre aspectos relativos a la utilizaci´on de medidas continuas del estado h´ıdrico del limonero en la programaci´on del riego. Para ello, se analiz´o, la sensibilidad de distintos indicadores del estado h´ıdrico medidos de forma continua o discontinua en las plantas, su significado fisiol´ogico, la obtenci´on de niveles de referencia de los indicadores y los primeros resultados sobre programaci´on del riego

    Novel endosomolytic compounds enable highly potent delivery of antisense oligonucleotides

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    The therapeutic and research potentials of oligonucleotides (ONs) have been hampered in part by their inability to effectively escape endosomal compartments to reach their cytosolic and nuclear targets. Splice-switching ONs (SSOs) can be used with endosomolytic small molecule compounds to increase functional delivery. So far, development of these compounds has been hindered by a lack of high-resolution methods that can correlate SSO trafficking with SSO activity. Here we present in-depth characterization of two novel endosomolytic compounds by using a combination of microscopic and functional assays with high spatiotemporal resolution. This system allows the visualization of SSO trafficking, evaluation of endosomal membrane rupture, and quantitates SSO functional activity on a protein level in the presence of endosomolytic compounds. We confirm that the leakage of SSO into the cytosol occurs in parallel with the physical engorgement of LAMP1-positive late endosomes and lysosomes. We conclude that the new compounds interfere with SSO trafficking to the LAMP1-positive endosomal compartments while inducing endosomal membrane rupture and concurrent ON escape into the cytosol. The efficacy of these compounds advocates their use as novel, potent, and quick-acting transfection reagents for antisense ONs

    Biopsychosocial factors related to the length of hospital stay in older people

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    This study aimed to know what variables influence increased length of hospital stay. A descriptive, cross-sectional study was conducted through an integrated geriatric assessment of 81 people over 65 years of age, admitted to a tertiary acute care hospital. Data were collected through the Pfeiffer Scale, Barthel Index, Goldberg Questionnaire, Family APGAR and Gijón Scale. The length of hospital stay increased in people over 80 years, people living alone or in a retirement home, patients with great physical dependence and those with a risk or problem of social exclusion. The most influential variable for longer hospitalization was cognitive impairment (pEste estudio tuvo como objetivo conocer qué variables influyen en el aumento de la duración de la estancia hospitalaria. Se trata de un estudio descriptivo transversal en el que se realizó una Valoración Geriátrica Integral a 81 personas mayores de 65 años de edad que ingresaron en un hospital de agudos de tercer nivel. Para ello, los datos fueron recogidos por medio de la Escala de Pfeiffer, el Índice de Barthel, el Cuestionario de Goldberg, el APGAR familiar y la Escala de Gijón. Se observó un aumento de la duración de la estancia hospitalaria entre los mayores de 80 años, las personas que vivían solas o en una residencia geriátrica, los pacientes que presentaban gran dependencia física y también, entre quienes tenían un riesgo o problema de exclusión social. La variable que más influyó en la mayor duración de la hospitalización fue el deterioro cognitivo (pEste estudo teve como objetivo conhecer quais as variáveis que influenciam o aumento do tempo de internação hospitalar. Trata-se de estudo descritivo e transversal, conduzido mediante ampla avaliação geriátrica de 81 pessoas com mais de 65 anos, internadas em hospital terciário de cuidados agudos. Os dados foram coletados através da Escala Pfeiffer, Índice de Barthel, Questionário de Goldberg, Apgar da Família e Escala de Gijón. Observou-se aumento no tempo de internação entre pessoas com mais de 80 anos, pessoas que vivem sozinhas ou em lar de idosos, pacientes que tinham grande dependência física, e entre aqueles com algum risco ou problema de exclusão social. A variável mais influente, para a maior duração da hospitalização, foi a deterioração cognitiva (p<0,05), em comparaç��o à maior colaboração do paciente sem essa condição ou ao seu desejo de superar a fase aguda da patologia que levou à internação hospitalar