1,323 research outputs found

    Konsentrasi Asam Lemak Tidak Teresterifikasi (Nonesterified Fatty Acid, NEFA), Albumin, Kalsium Dan Fosfor Dalam Plasma Sebagai Indikator Status Nutrisi Sapi Perah Laktasi

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    Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui status gizi sapi perah laktasi didasarkan pada konsentrasi NEFA (nonesterified Asam Lemak), albumin, kalsium, dan fosfor dalam plasma. Tiga puluh dua sapi perah kepala di periode menyusui kedua digunakan untuk up mengambil plasma darah. Uji t dan regresi sama digunakan untuk berbagai penentu dari konsentrasi. Hasil pengamatan yang berarti dan berbagai konsentrasi NEFA 0.17 mEq.L-1 dan 0,11-0,22 mEq.L-1, albumin 2.69 g% dan 2,51-2,87 g%. Kemudian, mean dan berbagai konsentrasi kalsium plasma 9.39 mg% dan 8,90-9,88 mg%, 8.60 dan 8,10-9,10 mg% dari konsentrasi fosfor plasma. Regresi sama berat plasma NEFA (Y) tubuh (X1), produksi susu (X2) adalah Y = 0,163 X1 + 0,215 X2 (R2 = 11,2%, P> 0,05). Regresi sama plasma albumin (Y), berat badan (X1), produksi susu (X2) adalah Y = 0,197 X1 + 0,006 X2 (R2 = 12,3%, P> 0,05). Regresi sama plasma kalsium (Y), berat badan (X1), produksi susu (X2) adalah Y = -0,099 X1 + 0,389 X2 (R2 = 11,9%, P> 0,05), plasma fosfor (Y), berat badan (X1 ), produksi susu (X2) adalah Y = 0.72 X1 + 0,394 X2 (R2 = 19,2%, P> 0,05). Oleh karena itu, cadangan energi (konsentrasi NEFA), kalsium dan fosfor dalam plasma yang paling persyaratan untuk peningkatan produksi susu

    Perturbative Computation of Glueball Superpotentials for SO(N) and USp(N)

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    We use the superspace method of hep-th/0211017 to prove the matrix model conjecture for N=1 USp(N) and SO(N) gauge theories in four dimensions. We derive the prescription to relate the matrix model to the field theory computations. We perform an explicit calculation of glueball superpotentials. The result is consistent with field theory expectations.Comment: 24 pages, 10 figure

    Efisiensi Teknis USAha Tani Padi Petani Peserta dan Petani Nonpeserta Program Sl-ptt di Kabupaten Sukabumi

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    The objectives of this study were to analyze the influence of farmers\u27 participation in SL-PTT rice program on the technical efficiency of farm businesses run by the farmers. The measurement of technical efficiency was conducted by using Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) oriented toward the inputs of 35 SL-PTT rice program participants and 35 non-participant farmers of SL-PTT rice program in Cisaat District of Sukabumi Regency, particularly during the harvest season III in 2014. The significant difference of the mean value of technical efficiency between the participant farmers and non-participant farmers of SL-PTT rice program was examined by using t-test (different test). The results show that the average value of technical efficiency for all respondents is 0,83. The average value of the technical efficiency of the participant farmers in SL-PTT rice program (0,84) is higher than that of the non-participant farmers in SL-PTT rice program (0,82). The t-test results also show that the values of technical efficiency between both types of farmers are not significantly different. The development of SL-PTT program can be achieved by improving the delivery methods on the PTT technological information to the participant farmers i.e. by involving farmers who hold a role as progressive farmers to convey information and advice to other farmers

    Pengaruh Pemeliharaan Aset Dan Kualitas Pegawai Terhadap Optimalisasi Pemanfaatan Aset Di Rumah Sakit Umum Kota Tangerang Selatan

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    The background of this research is the fact that the optimization of Asset Utilization in General Hospitals in South Tangerang City has not been successful.The purpose of this study is to analyze the effect of asset maintenance and employee quality on optimization of asset utilization at a general hospital in South Tangerang City. The approach used is quantitative. This study uses the correlation method. The population in this study were employees of the General Hospital Administration of South Tangerang City. The sampling technique used is saturated sampling, the number of samples are 35 respondents. This data was analyzed using multiple linear regression analysis. The results showed that asset maintenance and employee quality had a positive and significant impact on the optimization of asset utilization at the General Hospital in South Tangerang City, either partially or simultaneousl

    Pemahaman Teks Diskusi Oleh Siswa SMP Negeri 2 Pontianak Tahun Pelajaran 2014/2015

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    This research was aimed to know and also described the comprehension of issue in the discussion text, the comprehension of argument in the discussion text, the comprehension of conclusion and the comprehension of language feature in the discussion text on VIII class of SMP Negeri 2 Pontianak. The methodology used in this research is descriptive method and in form of quantitative. The tool that has been used to collect the data is in form of objective test. The population in this research is all of the students of SMP Negeri 2 Pontianak with total number of students 247 students. The sample that has been chosen by drew lots are 37 students. The technique used to analyze in this research is descriptive-quantitative. Based on the data analysis it can be concluded that students' reading comprehension of the issue is about 90,54% in “Very Good” category. Students' reading comprehension of the argument is about 88,51% in “Very Good” category. Students' comprehension of the conclusion is about 81,75% in “Good” category. Students' comprehension of the language feature is about 84,59%

    How Baccalaureate Nursing Students Value an Interprofessional Patient Safety Course for Professional Development

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    Nursing students need foundation knowledge and skills to keep patients safe in continuously changing health care environments. A gap exists in our knowledge of the value students place on interprofessional patient safety education. The purpose of this exploratory, mixed methods study was to understand nursing students' attitudes about the value of an interprofessional patient safety course to their professional development and its role in health professions curricula. Qualitative and quantitative data were collected from formative course performance measures, course evaluations, and interviews with six nursing students. The qualitative themes of awareness, ownership, and action emerged and triangulated with the descriptive quantitative results from student performance and course evaluations. Students placed high value on the course and essential nature of interprofessional patient safety content. These findings provide a first step toward integration of interprofessional patient safety education into nursing curricula and in meeting the Institute of Medicine's goals for the nursing profession

    Open String Amplitudes in Various Gauges

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    Recently, Schnabl constructed the analytic solution of the open string tachyon. Subsequently, the absence of the physical states at the vacuum was proved. The development relies heavily on the use of the gauge condition different from the ordinary one. It was shown that the choice of gauge simplifies the analysis drastically. When we perform the calculation of the amplitudes in Schnabl gauge, we find that the off-shell amplitudes of the Schnabl gauge is still very complicated. In this paper, we propose the use of the propagator in the modified Schnabl gauge and show that this modified use of the Schnabl gauge simplifies the computation of the off-shell amplitudes drastically. We also compute the amplitudes of open superstring in this gauge.Comment: 23 pages, minor correction

    Analisis Pelaksanaan 10 Program Pokok Pemberdayaan Kesejahteraan Keluarga (Pkk) di Desa Sukadamai Kecamatan Ujungbatu Kabupaten Rokan Hulu

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    Based on the observations done by researcher in the field then researcher get the phenomena faced by activator team of family welfare empowerment (PKK) sukadamai village at the time of implementation that is: there is still any some PKK members who don't understand and don't even know about 10 main program of PKK which must be done by PKK. The implementation of other community activities and maternal & child health centre (Posyandu) is still lack of support from the RT and RW, the lack of public participation on community activities. The purpose of this research is to know the execution of 10 main program of PKK in sukadamai village ujungbatu subdistrict of Rokan Hulu regency. This research used qualitative methods by using a descriptive approach. The results of this research showed that 1. Comprehension and implementing pancasila in practice is very good, 2. Implementation of mutual aid (gotong royong) is very good, 3. Food was implemented well enough, 4. Clothing has done very good 5. Housing and the implementation of households, have been implemented with good, 6. Education and skills is already done good, 7. Health is already done good, 8. development of cooperative life have been implemented with good 9. Environmental Sustainability was done good, 10. healthy Planning has been implemented with good

    A Research of Basic Energy Reduction Approach Using PV Power Smoothing EV Storage System and LED Simple Circuit for Create Green Innovation

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    In general, Light Emitting Diode (LED) is low power consumption, and Photovoltaic (PV) generation of Renewable Energy is effective as energy creation. However, LED applications have a problem of LED Circuit Radiation Noise and PV generation applications have a problem of the Output Power fluctuation in the weather. This paper will be proposed as an especial approach of the energy reduction to contribute to the realization of the low carbon society in the world. In this research, without using Common Mode Choke (CMC) Noise Cut filter, the Radiation Noise reduction result in World Standard Guideline by the selection of a simple circuit of the most effective LED lighting of various power reduction methods have been confirmed by the examinations. Additionally, in order to investigate the lighting specification, the simple Lighting evaluation equipment has been developed. As an energy fluctuation reduction research, the new control system of the PV fluctuation electric power using EV battery charge-discharge electric power that is able to be easily connected with a Power Conditioning System (PCS) input is proposed. A simulation result using the actual PV generator output data is provided to confirm the effectiveness of Simple Moving Average (SMA) method. Moreover, the outline of a new large area monitoring control GIS system for the implementation of the PV generator power prognostication without the weather estimation is introduced.九工大・マレーシアプトラ大学国際合同シンポジウム: International Symposium on Applied Engineering and Sciences (SAES), September 30- October 1, 2013, Universiti Putra Malaysia, Malaysi