144 research outputs found

    Free induction signal from biexcitons and bound excitons

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    A theory of the free induction signal from biexcitons and bound excitons is presented. The simultaneous existence of the exciton continuum and a bound state is shown to result in a new type of time dependence of the free induction. The optically detected signal increases in time and oscillates with increasing amplitude until damped by radiative or dephasing processes. Radiative decay is anomalously fast and can result in strong picosecond pulses. The expanding area of a coherent exciton polarization (inflating antenna), produced by the exciting pulse, is the underlying physical mechanism. The developed formalism can be applied to different biexciton transients.Comment: RevTeX, 20 p. + 2 ps fig. To appear in Phys. Rev. B1

    Effects of composition and phase relations on mechanical properties and crystallisation of silicate glasses

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    Crystallization, mechanical properties and workability are all important for commercialization and optimization of silicate glass compositions. However, the inter-relations of these properties as a function of glass composition have received little investigation. Soda-lime-silica glasses with Na2O-MgO-CaO-Al2O3-SiO2 compositions relevant to commercial glass manufacture were experimentally studied and multiple liquidus temperature and viscosity models were used to complement the experimental results. Liquidus temperatures of the fabricated glasses were measured by the temperature gradient technique, and Rietveld refinements were applied to X-Ray powder diffraction (XRD) data for devitrified glasses, enabling quantitative determination of the crystalline and amorphous fractions and the nature of the crystals. Structural properties were investigated by Raman spectroscopy. Acoustic echography, micro-Vicker’s indentation and single-edge notched bend testing methods were used to measure Young’s moduli, hardness and fracture toughness, respectively. It is shown that it is possible to design lower-melting soda-lime-silica glass compositions without compromising their mechanical and crystallization properties. Unlike Young’s modulus, brittleness is highly responsive to the composition in soda-lime-silica glasses, and notably low brittleness values can be obtained in glasses with compositions in the wollastonite primary phase field: an effect that is more pronounced in the silica primary phase field. The measured bulk crystal fractions of the glasses subjected to devitrification at the lowest possible industrial conditioning temperatures, indicate that soda-lime-silica glass melts can be conditioned close to their liquidus temperatures within the compositional ranges of the primary phase fields of cristobalite, wollastonite or their combinations

    X‐ray imaging of a high‐temperature furnace applied to glass melting

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    The dynamics of soda‐lime‐silica glass grain melting is investigated experimentally using a nonintrusive technique. A cylindrical alumina crucible is filled with glass cullet and placed into a furnace illuminated by an X‐ray source. This glass granular bed is gradually heated up to 1100°C, leading to its melting and the generation of a size‐distributed population of bubbles rising in the molten glass. An image processing algorithm of X‐ray images of the cullet bed during melting allows the characterization of bubbles size distribution in the crucible as well as their velocity. The introduction of tin dioxide Ό‐particles in the glass matrix before melting enhances the texture of the images and makes possible the determination of the bubble‐induced molten glass velocity field by an optical flow technique. The bubble size distribution can be fitted by a log‐normal law, suggesting that it is closely related to the initial size distribution in the cullet bed. The liquid motion induced by the bubbles in Stokes' regime is strongly affected by the flow confinement and the determination of bubble rising velocity along its trajectory unveils the existence of local tiny temperature fluctuations in the crucible. Overall, the measuring techniques developed in this work seem to be very promising for the improvement of models and optimization of industrial glass furnaces

    Raman scattering reveals strong LO-phonon-hole-plasmon coupling in nominally undoped GaAsBi: optical determination of carrier concentration

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    We report room-temperature Raman scattering studies of nominally undoped (100) GaAs1−xBix epitaxial layers exhibiting Biinduced (p-type) longitudinal-optical-plasmon coupled (LOPC) modes for 0.018≀x≀0.048. Redshifts in the GaAs-like optical modes due to alloying are evaluated and are paralleled by strong damping of the LOPC. The relative integrated Raman intensities of LO(Γ) and LOPC ALO/ALOPC are characteristic of heavily doped p-GaAs, with a remarkable near total screening of the LO(Γ) phonon (ALO/ALOPC →0) for larger Bi concentrations. A method of spectral analysis is set out which yields estimates of hole concentrations in excess of 5 × 1017 cm−3 and correlates with the Bi molar fraction. These findings are in general agreement with recent electrical transport measurements performed on the alloy, and while the absolute size of the hole concentrations differ, likely origins for the discrepancy are discussed. We conclude that the damped LO-phonon-hole-plasmon coupling phenomena plays a dominant role in Raman scattering from unpassivated nominally undoped GaAsBi

    Towards improved cover glasses for photovoltaic devices

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    For the solar energy industry to increase its competitiveness there is a global drive to lower the cost of solar generated electricity. Photovoltaic (PV) module assembly is material-demanding and the cover glass constitutes a significant proportion of the cost. Currently, 3 mm thick glass is the predominant cover material for PV modules, accounting for 10-25% of the total cost. Here we review the state-of-the-art of cover glasses for PV modules and present our recent results for improvement of the glass. These improvements were demonstrated in terms of mechanical, chemical and optical properties by optimizing the glass composition, including addition of novel dopants, to produce cover glasses that can provide: (i) enhanced UV protection of polymeric PV module components, potentially increasing module service lifetimes; (ii) re-emission of a proportion of the absorbed UV photon energy as visible photons capable of being absorbed by the solar cells, thereby increasing PV module efficiencies; (iii) Successful laboratory-scale demonstration of proof-of-concept, with increases of 1-6% in Isc and 1-8% Ipm. Improvements in both chemical and crack resistance of the cover glass were also achieved through modest chemical reformulation, highlighting what may be achievable within existing manufacturing technology constraints

    Photoluminescence Microscopy Study of Single Impurities and Defects in PV Materials

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    Volcano monitoring with magnetic measurements: a simulation of eruptions at axial seamount, Kilauea, Baroarbunga, and Mount Saint Helens

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    © The Author(s), 2022. This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License. The definitive version was published in Biasi, J., Tivey, M., & Fluegel, B. Volcano monitoring with magnetic measurements: a simulation of eruptions at axial seamount, Kilauea, Baroarbunga, and Mount Saint Helens. Geophysical Research Letters, 49(17), (2022): e2022GL100006, https://doi.org/10.1029/2022GL100006.Monitoring of active volcanic systems is a challenging task due in part to the trade-offs between collection of high-quality data from multiple techniques and the high costs of acquiring such data. Here we show that magnetic data can be used to monitor volcanoes by producing similar data to gravimetric techniques at significantly lower cost. The premise of this technique is that magma and wall rock above the Curie temperature are magnetically “transparent,” but not stationary within the crust. Subsurface movements of magma can affect the crustal magnetic field measured at the surface. We construct highly simplified magnetic models of four volcanic systems: Mount Saint Helens (1980), Axial Seamount (2015–2020), KÄ«lauea (2018), and BĂĄrĂ°arbunga (2014). In all cases, observed or inferred changes to the magmatic system would have been detectable by modern magnetometers. Magnetic monitoring could become common practice at many volcanoes, particularly in developing nations with high volcanic risk.This work was supported by the NSF Grant No 2052963 to J. Biasi and an internal Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution grant to M. Tivey
