375 research outputs found

    Treatment of domestic wastewater in an up-flow anaerobic sludge blanket reactor followed by moving bed biofilm reactor

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    The performance of a laboratory-scale sewage treatment system composed of an up-flow anaerobic sludge blanket (UASB) reactor and a moving bed biofilm reactor (MBBR) at a temperature of (22-35 A degrees C) was evaluated. The entire treatment system was operated at different hydraulic retention times (HRT's) of 13.3, 10 and 5.0 h. An overall reduction of 80-86% for CODtotal; 51-73% for CODcolloidal and 20-55% for CODsoluble was found at a total HRT of 5-10 h, respectively. By prolonging the HRT to 13.3 h, the removal efficiencies of CODtotal, CODcolloidal and CODsoluble increased up to 92, 89 and 80%, respectively. However, the removal efficiency of CODsuspended in the combined system remained unaffected when increasing the total HRT from 5 to 10 h and from 10 to 13.3 h. This indicates that, the removal of CODsuspended was independent on the imposed HRT. Ammonia-nitrogen removal in MBBR treating UASB reactor effluent was significantly influenced by organic loading rate (OLR). 62% of ammonia was eliminated at OLR of 4.6 g COD m(-2) day(-1). The removal efficiency was decreased by a value of 34 and 43% at a higher OLR's of 7.4 and 17.8 g COD m(-2) day(-1), respectively. The mean overall residual counts of faecal coliform in the final effluent were 8.9 x 10(4) MPN per 100 ml at a HRT of 13.3 h, 4.9 x 10(5) MPN per 100 ml at a HRT of 10 h and 9.4 x 10(5) MPN per 100 ml at a HRT of 5.0 h, corresponding to overall log(10) reduction of 2.3, 1.4 and 0.7, respectively. The discharged sludge from UASB-MBBR exerts an excellent settling property. Moreover, the mean value of the net sludge yield was only 6% in UASB reactor and 7% in the MBBR of the total influent COD at a total HRT of 13.3 h. Accordingly, the use of the combined UASB-MBBR system for sewage treatment is recommended at a total HRT of 13.3 h

    Influence of low doses of gamma irradiation on cowpea beetle Callosobruchus maculatus (F.) (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae): Poster

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    Phytosanitary irradiation for food commodities has been widely accepted in recent years. Gamma irradiation has been used as a phytosanitary treatment against microbial diseases, insect infestation and food spoilage. The goal of the current study was to determine the lowest possible dose of gamma irradiation that will induce longterm sterility of insects through generations. The effect of four gamma irradiation doses examined were; 20,40, 50 and 70 Gy. Irradiated males were crossed with normal females. For the cowpea beetle Callosobruchus maculatus(F.), adult fecundity, hatchability, adult emergence, sterility% was investigated. 100% adult mortality was achieved by 70 Gy dose. Fecundity, hatchability, number of adults emerged, sterility% were significantly reduced when males exposed to 20, 40, and 50 Gy compared to the control. The effect of parental irradiated males exposed to 20 Gy on F2 generation was also studied. Fecundity, hatchability, number of adult emerged, sterility% were significantly reduced in F2 compared to F1 and control progeny. Interestingly, for F1 generation, the effect of gamma rays on adult emergence% exhibit a hermetic effect response although it was not significant. These results demonstrat that pulse irradiation relying on low-doses of gamma radiation induce inherited semi-sterility through generations and is a very promising phytosanitary food technology for postharvest treatments.Phytosanitary irradiation for food commodities has been widely accepted in recent years. Gamma irradiation has been used as a phytosanitary treatment against microbial diseases, insect infestation and food spoilage. The goal of the current study was to determine the lowest possible dose of gamma irradiation that will induce longterm sterility of insects through generations. The effect of four gamma irradiation doses examined were; 20,40, 50 and 70 Gy. Irradiated males were crossed with normal females. For the cowpea beetle Callosobruchus maculatus(F.), adult fecundity, hatchability, adult emergence, sterility% was investigated. 100% adult mortality was achieved by 70 Gy dose. Fecundity, hatchability, number of adults emerged, sterility% were significantly reduced when males exposed to 20, 40, and 50 Gy compared to the control. The effect of parental irradiated males exposed to 20 Gy on F2 generation was also studied. Fecundity, hatchability, number of adult emerged, sterility% were significantly reduced in F2 compared to F1 and control progeny. Interestingly, for F1 generation, the effect of gamma rays on adult emergence% exhibit a hermetic effect response although it was not significant. These results demonstrat that pulse irradiation relying on low-doses of gamma radiation induce inherited semi-sterility through generations and is a very promising phytosanitary food technology for postharvest treatments

    Process for reducing preliminary engineering costs for multi-sided steel poles

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    Preliminary engineering for fabrication of multi-sided steel poles encompasses two efforts: planning to allocate available human and technical resources, and engineering design to deliver the most cost effective proposal. Steel pole companies strive to manage these efforts effectively, seeking to maximize the utilization of the available resources and workforce productivity. Managers need to be able to reduce costs associated with the preliminary design because there is no financial reward unless the company receives a contract for fabrication. The results reported here will enable engineers and managers to direct the resources where they are needed most and maximize productivity and efficiency. In the current state of practice, the entire pole must be designed in order to provide an accurate estimate of pole weight which is the primary driver of pole cost. This process usually takes in excess of an hour per pole. By streamlining this preliminary design process, engineers and managers are able to focus their time on more profitable efforts.The objective of this research is to reduce the amount of time spent in preliminary pole design. The methodology is based on developing predictive models using regression techniques that estimate pole weight as a function of several key parameters including pole height, "x-force", "y-force", "z-force", ice thickness, and wind speed. Design data were collected for over 300 multisided steel poles used in the electrical transmission industry in the United States. Results indicate that the predictive models account for approximately 87% of the variability in pole weight thus showing promise as a surrogate for the more time consuming current preliminary design process. In order to assess the time-saving effectiveness of the predictive models, value stream mapping was used to characterize the current preliminary pole design process versus the preliminary pole design process based on the predictive models. The purpose of value stream mapping is to determine pole design productivity, both before and after the predictive models are employed. The value stream map showed that utilizing the developed models would reduce the duration of the design and estimating process by approximately 20%. The validation process of the developed models showed that the models can provide consistency as well as accuracy that are better than the traditional process

    A Simplified Energy Model Approach for the Determination of Long-Term Crack Width in Reinforced Concrete Elements

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    The deformation of reinforced concrete elements is a main consideration during the design process due to its importance for the service life of structures. Deformation (deflections and cracking) control has an effect at both the design and construction stages. The determination of crack width based on simple code provisions, leads to conservative results, due to many affecting parameters being unknown. The exact determination of the crack width is a very complicated process with significant computational load. In the current paper, a simplified procedure is proposed for the prediction of crack width at different loading stages. The procedure is based on a previously published energy model that uses the integration of the moment-curvature relationship to take into consideration the load stage and most affecting design variables. The obtained results using the simplified model are then tested against previously published experimental data and a good agreement is shown


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    Objective: The aim of this study was to enhance the dissolution rate of hydrochlorothiazide (HCTZ).Methods: Binary solid dispersions (SDs) of HCTZ with increasing weight ratios of poloxamer 407, polyethylene glycol 6000 (PEG 6000) or gelucire 50/13 were prepared by solvent evaporation technique. The solid dispersions were deposited on the surface of aerosil 200 to produce a dry product with large surface area. The SDs were characterized with respect to drug dissolution. The mechanism of dissolution enhancement was researched using Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) and differential scanning calorimetry (DSC).Results: The unprocessed drug showed erratic, slow dissolution which can be explained on the basis of its hydrophobic nature. Preparation of SDs with hydrophilic carriers resulted in a significant increase in the dissolution rate with most of the drug being liberated in the first 5 min. The dissolution pattern of the drug from the prepared SDs depends mainly on the type of polymer used, and the best dissolution pattern was observed in the SD prepared using 1:1 ratio of the drug to gelucire 50/13 in the presence of aerosil 200 as a carrier. FTIR studies revealed no interaction between the drug and polymers. DSC showed a change in the crystalline structure of the drug after SDs formation. This change can explain the recorded dissolution enhancement.Conclusion: The study presented a system capable of increasing the dissolution rate of HCTZ using polymers which can increase the intestinal permeability as well.Keywords: Hydrochlorothiazide, Poloxamer 407, PEG 6000, Gelucire 50/13, Solid dispersion, Dissolutio

    Analytical Investigations of Disintegrated Granite Surface from the Un-finished Obelisk in Aswan

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    The deterioration of natural stone monuments is subject to different external reasons that take place through different weathering factors, in addition to other several factors concerning the stone itself “internal reasons” mainly pore structure and permeability index. All of these factors lead to the formation of altered surface layers, then damaging the original stone components. Here, red weathering, one of the most aggressive deterioration forms affecting one of the most famous archaeological sites in the world (Un-finished Obelisk in Aswan) was investigated and evaluated through different analytical techniques. Binuclear Microscop and SEM were used to evaluate the optical and morphological features of the highly deteriorated samples. Moreover EDX and XRD techniques were used for defining the chemical and mineralogical compositions of collected samples. Lastly, ArcGIS program was used as a tool for simulation description of red weathering symptom to evaluate their aggressive roles in the deterioration processes affecting the object. Our results proved that there are some changes in the granite regarding essential elements with high percentages of SiO2, Al2O3 and Fe2O3 especially in affected zones. In addition, increasing the weathering products, such as, microcrystalline matrix and salty products (tosudite, kaolinite, illite and gypsum) defined and calculated both in affected and none affected areas. Finally, calculation of the etching volume of sample and corroded percentages were conducted.La détérioration des monuments en pierre naturelle est soumise à différentes raisons externes qui passent par différents facteurs d’altération, en plus de plusieurs autres facteurs concernant la pierre elle-même “raisons internes” essentiellement la structure des pores et l’indice de perméabilité. Tous ces facteurs conduisent à la formation des couches de surface altérée, puis détruisent les composants de la pierre originale. Dans le présent document, « l’altération rouge », l’une des formes les plus agressives affectant l’un des plus célèbres sites archéologiques du monde entier: l’Obélisque non finis à Assouan (Haute-Egypte) a été étudiée par différentes techniques analytiques. La microscopie optique et le MEB ont été utilisés pour évaluer les caractéristiques optiques et morphologiques des échantillons fortement détériorés. En outre, l’analyse élémentaire par EDX et la diffraction des rayons X (XRD) ont été utilisées pour définir la composition chimique et minéralogique des échantillons prélevés. En outre, le programme ArcGIS a été utilisé comme un outil de simulation pour la description de l’altération rouge afin d’évaluer son rôle dans le processus de détérioration qui affecte notre objet. Nos résultats ont montré quelques changements dans le granit au niveau des éléments majeurs (Si, Al et Fe) notamment dans les zones touchées. Les produits ont augmenté intempéries telles que la matrice microcristalline et produits salés ; Tosudite, Kaolinite, Illite et de Gypse, en plus définir et calculer les zones touchées et non touchées (to be reformulated, hardly understandable). Enfin, le calcul du volume de gravure de l’échantillon et les pourcentages corrodés ont été menés

    A New Flavonoid C-Glycoside from Celtis australis L. and Celtis occidentalis L. Leaves and Potential Antioxidant and Cytotoxic Activities

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    A major development over the past two decades has been the realization that free radical induced lipid peroxidation and DNA damage are associated with major health problems, e.g. cancer and ageing. Plant-derived antioxidants are increasingly found beneficial in protecting against these diseases. Celtis australis L. and Celtis occidentalis L. are two plants that have a variety of uses in folk medicine but have not been evaluated before for their antioxidant and cytotoxic properties. Therefore, the extracts of both plants’ leaves were investigated for these activities, as well as isolation of the bioactive compounds responsible for the activities. Molecular structures of the compounds were elucidated by UV, HRESIMS, 1D (1H and 13C) and 2D (1H-13C HSQC and 1H-13C HMBC) NMR analyses. The ethanolic and aqueous extracts, n-butanol fractions and the isolated major compound were tested for their antioxidant activity using DPPH radical scavenging assay, xanthine oxidase-induced generation of superoxide radical and lipid peroxidation assay by thiobarbituric acid-reactive substances (TBARS) method using rat tissue homogenates. Cytotoxic activities were studied using standard MTT assay. A novel flavonoid C-triglycoside, 4‴-α-rhamnopyranosyl-2″-O-β-d-galactopyranosylvitexin, was isolated from both plants’ leaves, together with seven known flavonoids. The n-butanol fractions and the major compound 2″-O-β-galactopyranosylvitexin showed significant antioxidant activities, more pronounced than the tested standards BHT and dl-α-tocopherol in most tests. All extracts showed variable cytotoxic activities. This study provides strong evidence for the antioxidant and cytotoxic activities of the extracts of Celtis australis L. and Celtis occidentalis L. leaves, which were attributed to the polar n-butanol fractions and the major isolated flavonoid 2″-galactosylvitexin

    Effect of ciprofloxacin incorporation in PVA and PVA bioactive glass composite scaffolds

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    International audienceScaffolds are implants used to deliver cells, drugs, and genes into the body in a local controlled release pattern which offers many advantages over systematic drug delivery. Composite scaffolds of polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) and quaternary bioactive glass (46S6 system) with different ratios of glass contents were prepared by the lyophilisation technique. The broad spectrum antibiotic ciprofloxacin (Cip) was impregnated to the scaffold during the fabrication in a concentration of 5, 10 and 20%. Biodegradation rate and in-vitro mineralization of the prepared scaffolds were performed by soaking the scaffolds in simulated body fluid (SBF). Phase identification, microstructure, porosity, bioactivity, mechanical properties and drug release pattern in PBS were characterized by XRD, SEM coupled with EDS, Hg-porosimeter, inductively coupled plasma-optical emission spectroscopy (ICP-OES), universal testing machine, fourier transform infrared (FTIR) and UV-spectrophotometer, respectively. A porous scaffold has been obtained with porosity up to 85%. By increasing the glass contents in the prepared scaffold the porosity and the degradation rate decrease however, the compressive strength was enhanced. A sustained drug release pattern was observed with a quasi-Fickian diffusion mechanism. The formulated ciprofloxacin loaded porous polyvinyl alcohol scaffold gave an acceptable physicochemical properties and was able to deliver the drug in a prolonged release pattern which offers a distinguish treatment for osteomylitis as well as local antibacterial effect