1,199 research outputs found

    Nutrition Tea Club : engaging students in reading scientific papers

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    Many students do not engage with reading the scientific literature, which is a core skill in undergraduate students. The learning environment has an important impact upon learning. It was postulated that taking reading out of the formal learning environment might impact upon students’ willingness to engage with the literature, and confidence in doing so. A staff-student research partnership initiative funded by Kingston University allowed this hypothesis to be tested. Three Tea Club sessions, informal drop-in reading sessions were offered in a student-owned space within the Students’ Union. Refreshments were supplied, aiming for a ‘coffee house’ feel. Although the numbers of students who engaged with the Tea Club were small, evaluations were positive. In particular students valued the opportunity for peer learning. However the chosen environment was too noisy. Future sessions will be offered within a different, less noisy environment with facilities for refreshments, and will be offered throughout the academic year to facilitate student engagement.Keywords: Learning environment, peer support, extracurricular, scientific readin

    The Quality Evaluation of Smoke Flavored Catfish (Cryptopterus Bicirchis) Compared to Traditionally Smoked Fish During Storage

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    The research aimed to compare the quality of smoke flavored to the traditionally smokedcatfish smoked catfish (Cryptopterus bicirchis). The research was using experimental methodand composed as a randomized block design. There were two smoking methods, those weretraditionally hot smoking and liquid smoking. The liquid smoke used for soaking the fish wasvaried to crude liquid smoke and redistilled liquid smoke. The quality of the smoked fishproducts were evaluated for the value of sensory, water content, value of pH, content of totalacid, content of total phenol, and TPC. The result showed that the quality of all smoke catfishproduct could be stored for 30 days at room temperature. At the first day before storage, thevalue of the appearance was 8,8, the value of the odor was 8,7, the value of the flavor was 8,8,and the value of the texture was 8,8. The chemical characteristic showed that the content ofmoisture was 14.38 %, the pH value was 6.7, content of the total acids was 3.75%, content of thetotal phenols was 0.97 ppm, and the TPC was 3.65 cfu/g. However, up to the end of the storage,the ptoduct of traditionally smoked catfish was indicating the highest quality, showed by thehighest sensory value of the product at the end of storage. The value of the appearance was 6,8(the surface appearance was intact, tidy, the color was getting dim), the value of the odor was 7,1(the specific smell of smoke started dwindling and bad odor compounds started to smell), thevalue of the flavor was 6,6 (the savory flavor and the specific flavor started dwindling, bad flavorcompounds started to taste), and the value of the texture was 6,8 (the texture started fragile andsomewhat moist)

    On the Design of Irregular HetNets with Flow-Level Traffic Dynamics

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    The application of stochastic geometry theory for the study of cellular networks has gained huge popularity recently. Most existing works however rely on unrealistic assumptions concerning the underlying user traffic model. This paper aims to make a step in this direction by devising a new model for the performance analysis and optimization of heterogeneous cellular networks (HetNets) with irregular BS deployment and flow- level traffic dynamics. We provide a unified methodology for the evaluation of the flow rate with closed-form expressions of the useful signal power and aggregate network interference over Nakagami-m fading channels. The problem of computing the optimal loading factors which result in the greatest sustainable traffic whilst the system remains stable is formulated and tackled

    Stochastic Geometric Analysis of Energy-Efficient Dense Cellular Networks

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    Dense cellular networks (DenseNets) are fast becoming a reality with the large scale deployment of base stations aimed at meeting the explosive data traffic demand. In legacy systems, however, this comes at the cost of higher network interference and energy consumption. In order to support network densification in a sustainable manner, the system behavior should be made “load-proportional” thus allowing certain portions of the network to activate on-demand. In this paper, we develop an analytical framework using tools from stochastic geometry theory for the performance analysis of DenseNets where load-awareness is explicitly embedded in the design. The proposed model leverages on a flexible cellular network architecture where there is a complete separation of the data and signaling communications functionalities. Using this stochastic geometric framework, we identify the most energy-efficient deployment solution for meeting certain minimum service criteria and analyze the corresponding power savings through dynamic sleep modes. According to state-of-the-art system parameters, a homogeneous pico deployment for the data plane with a separate layer of signaling macro-cells is revealed to be the most energy-efficient solution in future dense urban environments

    Hernie Inguinoscrotale de l’UretĂšre: Fait Clinique et Revue de la LittĂ©rature

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    la hernie intrascrotale de l’uretère est une situation rare, nous rapportons un cas clinique, compliqué d’hydronéphrose gauche chez un patient de 83ans, l’anomalie avait été reconnue en peropératoire.Mots clés: Hernie, de l’uretère, le scrotum, hydronéphros

    Key challenges in designing CHO chassis platforms

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    Following the success of and the high demand for recombinant protein-based therapeutics during the last 25 years, the pharmaceutical industry has invested significantly in the development of novel treatments based on biologics. Mammalian cells are the major production systems for these complex biopharmaceuticals, with Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cell lines as the most important players. Over the years, various engineering strategies and modeling approaches have been used to improve microbial production platforms, such as bacteria and yeasts, as well as to create pre-optimized chassis host strains. However, the complexity of mammalian cells curtailed the optimization of these host cells by metabolic engineering. Most of the improvements of titer and productivity were achieved by media optimization and large-scale screening of producer clones. The advances made in recent years now open the door to again consider the potential application of systems biology approaches and metabolic engineering also to CHO. The availability of a reference genome sequence, genome-scale metabolic models and the growing number of various “omics” datasets can help overcome the complexity of CHO cells and support design strategies to boost their production performance. Modular design approaches applied to engineer industrially relevant cell lines have evolved to reduce the time and effort needed for the generation of new producer cells and to allow the achievement of desired product titers and quality. Nevertheless, important steps to enable the design of a chassis platform similar to those in use in the microbial world are still missing. In this review, we highlight the importance of mammalian cellular platforms for the production of biopharmaceuticals and compare them to microbial platforms, with an emphasis on describing novel approaches and discussing still open questions that need to be resolved to reach the objective of designing enhanced modular chassis CHO cell lines.This work has been supported the Federal Ministry for Digital and Economic Affairs (bmwd), the Federal Ministry for Transport, Innovation and Technology (bmvit), the Styrian Business Promotion Agency SFG, the Standortagentur Tirol, Government of Lower Austria and ZIT - Technology Agency of the City of Vienna through the COMET-Funding Program managed by the Austrian Research Promotion Agency FFG. A.H. has been supported by the Portuguese NORTE-08-5369-FSE-000053 operation. Additional funding came from the PhD program BioToP (Biomolecular Technology of Proteins) of the Austrian Science Fund (FWF Project W1224) and MIT-Portugal PhD program (Bioengineering Systems). The funding agencies had no influence on the conduct of this research. Open Access Funding by the University of Vienna.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    RF and THz Identification Using a New Generation of Chipless RFID Tags

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    This article presents two chipless RFID approaches where data are reading using electromagnetic waves and where the medium encoding the data is completely passive. The former approach rests on the use of RF waves (more precisely the ultra-wide band UWB). The tags developed for this application are comparable with very specific, planar, conductive, radar targets where the relation between the tag geometry and its electromagnetic signature is perfectly known and is used to encode the data. The principle of operation as well as the realization process of the RF tags presented in this paper is similar to those already reported in the literature. However, contrary to the majority of chipless RFID tags, these labels do not present an antenna function dissociated from the circuit part where the data are stored. Here, functions such as the receiver, the treatment and the emitter of the signal are closely dependent. The data storage capacity of the RF chipless tags is proportional to of the used frequency bandwidth. As radio spectrum is regulated, the number of possible encoding bits is thus strongly limited with this technology. This is the reason why we introduce a new family of tags radically different from the preceding one, where data is encoded in volume thanks to a multilayer structure operating in the THz domain. These two approaches although different are complementary and allow to increase significantly the data storage capacity of the chipless tags. Simulation and experimental results are reported in this paper for both configurations. We demonstrate a coding capacity of 3.3 bit/cm2 for RFID chipless tags and a potential 10 bits coding capacity in the THz domain
