18 research outputs found


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    Αναπτύχθηκαν σχέσεις νερού - παραγωγής καλαμποκιού (ποικιλία ΑΡΗΣ) στις συνθήκες της πεδιάδας Θεσσαλονίκης κατά τη διάρκεια τετραετούς πειραματισμού. Λείχθηκε ότι, οι μέγιστες αποδόσεις επιτυγχάνονται, όταν οι συνολικά εφαρμοζόμενες ποσότητες νερού (εδαφική υγρασία στη ζώνη του ριζοστρώματος, άρδευση, βροχή) είναι της τάξης των 700-900 m3/στρέμμα. Εφαρμογή περιορισμένων ποσοτήτων νερού στο καλαμπόκι μειώνει την παραγωγή μέχρι και 37%. Επίσης, για την ίδια περιοχή βρέθηκε η γραμμική σχέση που συνδέει τη μέγιστη παραγωγή καλαμποκιού με τη μέση εποχιακή εξάτμιση από εξατμισίμετρο τύπου Class Α pan εκφρασμένη σε mm/day.Relashionships between com yield (ARIS variety) and water have been developed in Thessaloniki plain during a four year experiment. It has been shown that maximum yield is succeeded when the depth of applied water (soil moisture extracted from the crop root zone, irrigation water, rainfall during the crop growing season) range from 700 to 900 mm. Application of limited water decreases corn yield up to 37%. Also, a linear relationship has been derived between maximum corn yield and the mean seasonal Class A pan evaporation rate, in mm/day, for the same region

    Review and comparison of geometric distortion correction schemes in MR images used in stereotactic radiosurgery applications

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    In Stereotactic Radiosurgery (SRS), MR-images are widely used for target localization and delineation in order to take advantage of the superior soft tissue contrast they exhibit. However, spatial dose delivery accuracy may be deteriorated due to geometric distortions which are partly attributed to static magnetic field inhomogeneity and patient/object-induced chemical shift and susceptibility related artifacts, known as sequence-dependent distortions. Several post-imaging sequence-dependent distortion correction schemes have been proposed which mainly employ the reversal of read gradient polarity. The scope of this work is to review, evaluate and compare the efficacy of two proposed correction approaches. A specially designed phantom which incorporates 947 control points (CPs) for distortion detection was utilized. The phantom was MR scanned at 1.5T using the head coil and the clinically employed pulse sequence for SRS treatment planning. An additional scan was performed with identical imaging parameters except for reversal of read gradient polarity. In-house MATLAB routines were developed for implementation of the signal integration and average-image distortion correction techniques. The mean CP locations of the two MR scans were regarded as the reference CP distribution. Residual distortion was assessed by comparing the corrected CP locations with corresponding reference positions. Mean absolute distortion on frequency encoding direction was reduced from 0.34mm (original images) to 0.15mm and 0.14mm following application of signal integration and average-image methods, respectively. However, a maximum residual distortion of 0.7mm was still observed for both techniques. The signal integration method relies on the accuracy of edge detection and requires 3-4 hours of post-imaging computational time. The average-image technique is a more efficient (processing time of the order of seconds) and easier to implement method to improve geometric accuracy in such applications

    External Monitoring Changes in Vehicle Hardware Profiles: Enhancing Automotive Cyber-Security

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    As the vehicles are gradually transformed into the connected-vehicles, standard features of the past (i.e., immobilizer, keyless entry, self-diagnostics) were neglected to be software updated and hardware upgraded so they do not 'align” with the cyber-security demands of the new ICT era (IoT, Industry 4.0, IPv6, sensor technology) we have stepped into, therefore introducing critical legacy IT security issues. Stepping beyond the era of common auto-theft and 'chop-shops,” the new wave of attackers have cyber-skills to exploit these vulnerabilities and steal the vehicle or manipulate it. Recent evolution in ICT offered automotive industry vital tools for vehicle safety, functionality and up to 2010, theft prevention. However, the same technologies are the ones that make vehicles prone to cyber-attacks. To counter such attacks, this work proposes a unified solution that logs all hardware profile changes of a vehicle in a blockchain, to manage control and allow only authenticated changes, subject to user, time, geospatial, and contextual constraints exploiting several blockchain features. Testing of the proposed solution omens the prevention of numerous commons attacks, while additionally providing forensics capabilities and significantly enhancing the security architecture of the vehicle (respecting the original IT architectural design of automotive manufacturers)

    Studies toward the synthesis of azadirachtin, part 2 : construction of fully functionalized ABCD ring frameworks and unusual intramolecular reactions induced by close-proximity effects

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    The remarkable antifeedant agent and insecticide, azadirachtin (1), has, to date, escaped a total synthesis. The preparation of an advanced precursor has revealed some of the inner intricacies of this uniquely crowded and highly functionalized molecular architecture

    Remembering Migration

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    The experiences of migration are key to Australian oral history collections held in national and state institutions, and in community-based organizations. These memories have been widely utilized in research projects, books, radio programmes, websites, films and documentaries, museum collections and exhibitions, and heritage sites associated with migration. Digital technologies have had a recent impact on memory practices relating to migration. This chapter surveys these developments in Australia, arguing that oral testimonies have influenced the commemoration of migration to Australia, and contributed to public debates about migration, multiculturalism and the reception and treatment of refugees and asylum seekers

    Studies toward the synthesis of azadirachtin, part 2 : construction of fully functionalized ABCD ring frameworks and unusual intramolecular reactions induced by close-proximity effects

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    The remarkable antifeedant agent and insecticide, azadirachtin (1), has, to date, escaped a total synthesis. The preparation of an advanced precursor has revealed some of the inner intricacies of this uniquely crowded and highly functionalized molecular architecture

    Unsettling Post-War Settlement: Remembering Unassimilable Families in the Space of the Migrant Camp

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    Migrant camps were unsettling spaces for newly arrived families in post-war Australia. Post-WWII refugees and assisted migrants arriving from 1947 to the early 1970s labelled these temporary accommodation centres run by the Department of Immigration �camps�. Their ambiguity as spaces of refuge and containment persists in memory. Hundreds of thousands of assisted migrants and refugees passed through these camps, which were established from 1947 and progressively shut down from the late 1960s. This chapter will analyse memories of migrant camps by mothers, sons and daughters. They have grappled with their own contentious and contradictory family histories in the migrant camp and the ongoing legacies of being �received� and temporarily housed in a place of containment and control. As temporary and transient places, migrant camps were never intended to be long-term �homes� for migrant families. However, many families, particularly those with single mothers or with heads of households unable to secure ongoing and full-time work, found themselves living in camps for years. A substantial cohort of post-war migrant children grew up in centres like Benalla in Victoria or Greta in New South Wales. Family life was structured around the restrictions of communal and bureaucratised living�which had many implications for how each family member related to each other and to their new country of settlement. Constraints were also placed on their employment and movements by the Department of Immigration. This paper will tie together competing theories around migrant home-building, family memory and generational memory to argue that the place of the migrant centre has come to feature prominently in the meaning-making practice of family history, particularly for child migrants grappling with unsettled and unsettling family histories. The migrant camp is a difficult heritage place from which to build family memories, especially given the spectre of the camp-as-detention-centre. Nonetheless, many who arrived as children have seen it as their task to rescue these unsettling places of settlement from obscurity and to assert their dark heritage, their place in a more intimate and diverse history of Australian migration, which shines a light on discrimination and complicates public histories of the post-war immigration scheme and settlement

    Personal, Public Pasts: Negotiating Migrant Heritage—Heritage Practice and Migration History in Australia

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    Individuals and community groups must engage with instruments of cultural power to make their sites of migrant heritage public. In doing so, they negotiate both public histories around mass migration, state settlement and societal reception, as well as personal meanings around family history, adjustment and hardship. This chapter analyses how personal and community meanings around migrant heritage are produced in relation to heritage bodies, state representatives and “authorized heritage discourses.” It engages with ongoing debates about the relationship between personal and public memories. Benalla Migrant Camp in Benalla, Victoria