107 research outputs found

    Australian Indigenous Employability Education and Entrepreneurship: Exploring the Issues in a Compendium of Case Studies

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    Foreword. Ch. 1 Introduction – Cecil A. L. Pearson, John Burgess & Kantha Dayaram. Ch. 2 Brokering Indigenous Employment at a Remote Community in Northern Australia – Cecil A. L. Pearson & Sandra Daff. Ch. 3 Cultural Influences on Learning and Development Initiatives in Indigenous Australia – Cecil A. L. Pearson, Gayili Yunupingu-Marika & Sandra Daff. Ch. 4 Mining as the Catalyst for the Employment of Indigenous People in Social Ventures – Cecil A. L. Pearson & Klaus Helms. Ch. 5 Maintaining Core Business and Key Drivers in Mining: Indigenous Partnerships Releasing Value Through Recognising Difference – Hamish Morgan, Guy Singleton & Maria Fay Rola-Rubzen. Ch. 6 Indigenous Leadership in Practice: Context and Culture – Kantha Dayaram & Maria Fay Rola-Rubzen. Ch. 7 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Art and its Place in the Global Art Market – Tim Acker. Ch. 8 Background to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Art and the Art Industry – Kim Petersen & Susan Congreve. Ch. 9 Cultural Clashes as Impediments to Australian Indigenous Research – Cecil A. L. Pearson & John Burgess. Profiles of Contributors. References

    Seasonal host and ecological drivers may promote restricted water as a viral vector

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    In climates with seasonally limited precipitation, terrestrial animals congregate at high densities at scarce water sources. We hypothesize that viruses can exploit the recurrence of these diverse animal congrega- tions to spread. In this study, we test the central prediction of this hypothesis — that viruses employing this transmission strategy remain stable and infectious in water. Equid herpesviruses (EHVs) were cho- sen as a model as they have been shown to remain stable and infectious in water for weeks under labo- ratory conditions. Using fecal data from wild equids from a previous study, we establish that EHVs are shed more frequently by their hosts during the dry season, increasing the probability of water source contamination with EHV. We document the presence of several strains of EHVs present in high genome copy number from the surface water and sediments of waterholes sampled across a variety of mamma- lian assemblages, locations, temperatures and pH. Phylogenetic analysis reveals that the different EHV strains found exhibit little divergence despite representing ancient lineages. We employed molecular approaches to show that EHVs shed remain stable in waterholes with detection decreasing with increas- ing temperature in sediments. Infectivity experiments using cell culture reveals that EHVs remain infectious in water derived from waterholes. The results are supportive of water as an abiotic viral vector for EHVacceptedVersio

    Stretch Activated Channels in Proprioceptive Organs of Crab and Crayfish Are Sensitive to Gadolinium but not Amiloride, Ruthenium Red or Low pH

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    The type of stretch activated receptors (SARs) in the chordotonal organs in the crab walking leg and of the muscle receptor organ (MRO) in the crayfish abdomen have not yet been classified as to their molecular or pharmacological profile. The purpose of this study is to examine the pharmacological profile of SARs in the proprioceptive neurons in the crab and crayfish models. Since many SARs share the pharmacological profile of displaying low pH or being proton sensitive (i.e. being more active) or blocked by the diuretic amiloride or ruthenium red as well as being blocked by the broad stretch activated channel blocker gadolinium (Gd3+), we used these agents to screen the receptors. Various displacement rates as well as static positions that activate the stretch activated receptors were used in examining their pharmacological profiles. Hour-long exposure to low pH decreased neural activity of the chordotonal organ of the crab more so than to amiloride or ruthenium red. The crayfish MRO did not show pH sensitivity or sensitivity to amiloride or ruthenium red. Gd3+ rapidly blocked neural activity in both the crab and crayfish. It appears these stretch activated receptors may not have a classification that is suited to the standard pharmacological profiles. The molecular makeup of the channels also awaits characterization. This could reveal a novel SAR subtype. Our neurophysiology course1 took this project on as a course-based undergraduate research experience (CURE) to address an authentic research question

    Block of C/EBPα function by phosphorylation in acute myeloid leukemia with FLT3 activating mutations

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    Mutations constitutively activating FLT3 kinase are detected in ∼30% of acute myelogenous leukemia (AML) patients and affect downstream pathways such as extracellular signal–regulated kinase (ERK)1/2. We found that activation of FLT3 in human AML inhibits CCAAT/enhancer binding protein α (C/EBPα) function by ERK1/2-mediated phosphorylation, which may explain the differentiation block of leukemic blasts. In MV4;11 cells, pharmacological inhibition of either FLT3 or MEK1 leads to granulocytic differentiation. Differentiation of MV4;11 cells was also observed when C/EBPα mutated at serine 21 to alanine (S21A) was stably expressed. In contrast, there was no effect when serine 21 was mutated to aspartate (S21D), which mimics phosphorylation of C/EBPα. Thus, our results suggest that therapies targeting the MEK/ERK cascade or development of protein therapies based on transduction of constitutively active C/EBPα may prove effective in treatment of FLT3 mutant leukemias resistant to the FLT3 inhibitor therapies

    The Effect of CO\u3csub\u3e2\u3c/sub\u3e, Intracellular pH and Extracellular pH on Mechanosensory Proprioceptor Responses in Crayfish and Crab

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    Proprioceptive neurons monitor the movements of limbs and joints to transduce the movements into electrical signals. These neurons function similarly in species from arthropods to humans. These neurons can be compromised in disease states and in adverse environmental conditions such as with changes in external and internal pH. We used two model preparations (the crayfish muscle receptor organ and a chordotonal organ in the limb of a crab) to characterize the responses of these proprioceptors to external and internal pH changes as well as raised CO2. The results demonstrate the proprioceptive organs are not highly sensitive to changes in extracellular pH, when reduced to 5.0 from 7.4. However, if intracellular pH is decreased by exposure to propionic acid or saline containing CO2, there is a rapid decrease in firing rate in response to joint movements. The responses recover quickly upon reintroduction of normal pH (7.4) or saline not tainted with CO2. These basic understandings may help to address the mechanistic properties of mechanosensitive receptors in other organisms, such as muscle spindles in skeletal muscles of mammals and tactile as well as pressure (i.e., blood pressure) sensory receptors

    Glutathione and Adaptive Immune Responses against Mycobacterium tuberculosis Infection in Healthy and HIV Infected Individuals

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    Glutathione (GSH), a tripeptide antioxidant, is essential for cellular homeostasis and plays a vital role in diverse cellular functions. Individuals who are infected with Human immuno deficiency virus (HIV) are known to be susceptible to Mycobacterium tuberculosis (M. tb) infection. We report that by enhancing GSH levels, T-cells are able to inhibit the growth of M. tb inside macrophages. In addition, those GSH-replenished T cell cultures produced increased levels of Interleukin-2 (IL-2), Interleukin-12 (IL-12), and Interferon-gamma (IFN-γ), cytokines, which are known to be crucial for the control of intracellular pathogens. Our study reveals that T lymphocytes that are derived from HIV infected individuals are deficient in GSH, and that this deficiency correlates with decreased levels of Th1 cytokines and enhanced growth of M. tb inside human macrophages
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