4,922 research outputs found

    Univariate approximations in the infinite occupancy scheme

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    The paper concerns the classical occupancy scheme with infinitely many boxes. We establish approximations to the distributions of the number of occupied boxes, and of the number of boxes containing exactly r balls, within the family of translated Poisson distributions. These are shown to be of ideal asymptotic order, with respect both to total variation distance and to the approximation of point probabilities. The proof is probabilistic, making use of a translated Poisson approximation theorem of R\"ollin (2005).Comment: 20 page

    A central limit theorem for the gossip process

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    The Aldous gossip process represents the dissemination of information in geographical space as a process of locally deterministic spread, augmented by random long range transmissions. Starting from a single initially informed individual, the proportion of individuals informed follows an almost deterministic path, but for a random time shift, caused by the stochastic behaviour in the very early stages of development. In this paper, it is shown that, even with the extra information available after a substantial development time, this broad description remains accurate to first order. However, the precision of the prediction is now much greater, and the random time shift is shown to have an approximately normal distribution, with mean and variance that can be computed from the current state of the process

    Central limit theorems in the configuration model

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    We prove a general normal approximation theorem for local graph statistics in the configuration model, together with an explicit bound on the error in the approximation with respect to the Wasserstein metric. Such statistics take the form T:=vVHvT := \sum_{v \in V} H_v, where VV is the vertex set, and HvH_v depends on a neighbourhood in the graph around vv of size at most \ell. The error bound is expressed in terms of \ell, V|V|, an almost sure bound on HvH_v, the maximum vertex degree dmaxd_{\max} and the variance of TT. Under suitable assumptions on the convergence of the empirical degree distributions to a limiting distribution, we deduce that the size of the giant component in the configuration model has asymptotically Gaussian fluctuations.Comment: minor change

    Asymptotic behaviour of gossip processes and small world networks

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    Both small world models of random networks with occasional long range connections and gossip processes with occasional long range transmission of information have similar characteristic behaviour. The long range elements appreciably reduce the effective distances, measured in space or in time, between pairs of typical points. In this paper, we show that their common behaviour can be interpreted as a product of the locally branching nature of the models. In particular, it is shown that both typical distances between points and the proportion of space that can be reached within a given distance or time can be approximated by formulae involving the limit random variable of the branching process.Comment: 30 page

    Assessing molecular variability in cancer genomes

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    The dynamics of tumour evolution are not well understood. In this paper we provide a statistical framework for evaluating the molecular variation observed in different parts of a colorectal tumour. A multi-sample version of the Ewens Sampling Formula forms the basis for our modelling of the data, and we provide a simulation procedure for use in obtaining reference distributions for the statistics of interest. We also describe the large-sample asymptotics of the joint distributions of the variation observed in different parts of the tumour. While actual data should be evaluated with reference to the simulation procedure, the asymptotics serve to provide theoretical guidelines, for instance with reference to the choice of possible statistics.Comment: 22 pages, 1 figure. Chapter 4 of "Probability and Mathematical Genetics: Papers in Honour of Sir John Kingman" (Editors N.H. Bingham and C.M. Goldie), Cambridge University Press, 201

    A functional combinatorial central limit theorem

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    The paper establishes a functional version of the Hoeffding combinatorial central limit theorem. First, a pre-limiting Gaussian process approximation is defined, and is shown to be at a distance of the order of the Lyapounov ratio from the original random process. Distance is measured by comparison of expectations of smooth functionals of the processes, and the argument is by way of Stein's method. The pre-limiting process is then shown, under weak conditions, to converge to a Gaussian limit process. The theorem is used to describe the shape of random permutation tableaux.Comment: 23 page