729 research outputs found

    The Role of Behavioral Dynamics in Determining the Patch Distributions of Interacting Species

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    The effect of the behavioral dynamics of movement on the population dynamics of interacting species in multipatch systems is studied. The behavioral dynamics of habitat choice used in a range of previous models are reviewed. There is very limited empirical evidence for distinguishing between these different models, but they differ in important ways, and many lack properties that would guarantee stability of an ideal free distribution in a single-species system. The importance of finding out more about movement dynamics in multispecies systems is shown by an analysis of the effect of movement rules on the dynamics of a particular two-species–two-patch model of competition, where the population dynamical equilibrium in the absence of movement is often not a behavioral equilibrium in the presence of adaptive movement. The population dynamics of this system are explored for several different movement rules and different parameter values, producing a variety of outcomes. Other systems of interacting species that may lack a dynamically stable distribution among patches are discussed, and it is argued that such systems are not rare. The sensitivity of community properties to individual movement behavior in this and earlier studies argues that there is a great need for empirical investigation to determine the applicability of different models of the behavioral dynamics of habitat selection

    Energy flux fluctuations in a finite volume of turbulent flow

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    The flux of turbulent kinetic energy from large to small spatial scales is measured in a small domain B of varying size R. The probability distribution function of the flux is obtained using a time-local version of Kolmogorov's four-fifths law. The measurements, made at a moderate Reynolds number, show frequent events where the flux is backscattered from small to large scales, their frequency increasing as R is decreased. The observations are corroborated by a numerical simulation based on the motion of many particles and on an explicit form of the eddy damping.Comment: 10 Pages, 5 figures, 1 tabl

    Mesoscale modeling of molecular machines: Cyclic dynamics and hydrodynamical fluctuations

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    Proteins acting as molecular machines can undergo cyclic internal conformational motions that are coupled to ligand binding and dissociation events. In contrast to their macroscopic counterparts, nanomachines operate in a highly fluctuating environment, which influences their operation. To bridge the gap between detailed microscopic and simple phenomenological descriptions, a mesoscale approach, which combines an elastic network model of a machine with a particle-based mesoscale description of the solvent, is employed. The time scale of the cyclic hinge motions of the machine prototype is strongly affected by hydrodynamical coupling to the solvent

    Design Study for the Asteroid Redirect Vehicle (ARV) Composite Primary Bulkhead

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    A design study was undertaken of a carbon fiber primary bulkhead for a large solar electric propulsion (SEP) spacecraft. The bulkhead design, supporting up to 16 t of xenon propellant, progressed from one consisting of many simple parts with many complex joints, to one consisting of a few complex parts with a few simple joints. The unique capabilities of composites led to a topology that transitioned loads from bending to in-plane tension and shear, with low part count. This significantly improved bulkhead manufacturability, cost, and mass. The stiffness-driven structure utilized high-modulus M55J fiber unidirectional prepregs. A full-scale engineering demonstration unit (EDU) of the concept was used to demonstrate manufacturability of the concept. Actual labor data was obtained, which could be extrapolated to a full bulkhead. The effort demonstrated the practicality of using high-modulus fiber (HMF) composites for unique shape topologies that minimize mass and cost. The lessons are applicable to primary and secondary aerospace structures that are stiffness driven

    Backwards-induction outcome in a quantum game

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    In economics duopoly is a market dominated by two firms large enough to influence the market price. Stackelberg presented a dynamic form of duopoly that is also called `leader-follower' model. We give a quantum perspective on Stackelberg duopoly that gives a backwards-induction outcome same as the Nash equilibrium in static form of duopoly also known as Cournot's duopoly. We find two qubit quantum pure states required for this purpose.Comment: Revised in the light of referee's comments. Latex, 16 pages, 2 figures, To appear in Phy. Rev.

    Effects of intertidal oyster reefs on water quality in a tidal creek ecosystem

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    The importance of oyster filtering in moderating aspects of water quality has received increased attention over the past several years. With population growth and increasing development in coastal watersheds come increased runoff and pollution of tidal creeks. It has been suggested that bivalves may play an important role in controlling phytoplankton levels in shallow coastal areas, with several laboratory studies and models estimating the potential filtration effects of these organisms. However, few field studies have been undertaken to quantify these effects. This study examined the influence of intertidal oyster reefs on chlorophyll a, fecal coliform bacteria and total suspended solid concentrations under field conditions in a tidal creek estuary. Oyster reefs of varying live oyster density were sampled during summer 2002, winter 2003 and spring 2003. Water samples were taken upstream and downstream of each reef as well as over a mudflat control area on an ebb tide and analyzed for concentrations of these water column constituents. Summer data showed consistent and statistically significant decreases in chlorophyll a concentrations as water moved over the reef, usually by 10-25%. Fecal coliform counts were frequently lower downstream, by up to 45%, but were much more variable and not statistically different in most cases. Data taken in winter, when temperatures and oyster feeding rates are lower, show less consistency in upstream vs. downstream patterns. In spring, chlorophyll a decreases were less frequent than in summer, but significant fecal coliform decreases were more frequent. Data from this study indicate that feeding by oysters and changes in water flow caused by the presence of reefs may both play a role in reducing particulate loads in the water column

    Cooperation enhanced by inhomogeneous activity of teaching for evolutionary Prisoner's Dilemma games

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    Evolutionary Prisoner's Dilemma games with quenched inhomogeneities in the spatial dynamical rules are considered. The players following one of the two pure strategies (cooperation or defection) are distributed on a two-dimensional lattice. The rate of strategy adoption from a randomly chosen neighbors are controlled by the payoff difference and a two-value pre-factor ww characterizing the players whom the strategy learned from. The reduced teaching activity of players is distributed randomly with concentrations ν\nu at the beginning and fixed further on. Numerical and analytical calculations are performed to study the concentration of cooperators as a function of ww and ν\nu for different noise levels and connectivity structures. Significant increase of cooperation is found within a wide range of parameters for this dynamics. The results highlight the importance of asymmetry characterizing the exchange of master-follower role during the strategy adoptions.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figures, corrected typo
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