89 research outputs found

    Hyperalkaline groundwaters and tectonism in the Philippines: Significance to natural carbon capture and sequestration

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    AbstractThe potential of using ophiolites for CCS has been pointed out before, but no case study has been conducted for the Philippines. Here, the potential for CCS in both ophiolites in general and ophiolites in the Philippines in particular is examined and discussed. Specific drawbacks of using ophiolites as a CO2 sink are presented for the first time, using information from natural analogue studies in the Philippines and Jordan

    Peroxidase expression in a cereal cyst nematode (Heterodera avenae) resistant hexaploid wheat line.

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    The incompatible interaction between plant and pathogen is often determined by the hypersensitive reaction (HR). This response is associated with accumulation of reactive oxygen species (ROS), which results in adverse growth conditions for pathogens. Two major mechanisms involving either NADPH oxidases or peroxidases have been proposed for generation of ROS. Peroxidases (PER, EC, present in all land plants, are members of a large multigenic family with high number of isoforms involved in a broad range of physiological processes. PER genes, which are expressed in nematode feeding sites, have been identified in several plant species (Zacheo et al. 1997). A strong correlation between HR and PER activities at four and seven days post nematode infection, was detected in roots of wheat lines carrying Cre2, Cre5 (from Ae. ventricosa) or Cre7 (from Ae. triuncialis) Heterodera avenae resistance genes (Andrés et al. 2001; Montes et al. 2003, 2004). We have studied changes in root of peroxidase mRNAs levels after infection by H. avenae of a wheat/Ae. ven¬tricosa introgression line (H-93-8) carrying Cre2 (Delibes et al. 1993). We also report and classify the predicted protein sequences derived from complete peroxidase transcripts

    Emerging issues and key focus areas in food science, technology, and engineering higher education

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    Food studies is an interdisciplinary field involving food production, distribution, consumption, and social, economic, and environmental impacts. Food science, technology, and engineering have undergone a significant transformation over the past few decades. Moreover, the food industry faces numerous critical challenges ranging from food safety, sustainability, health, and nutrition to changing consumer preferences and global food security. The food industry needs a workforce prepared for the most recent technical developments and also highly skilled. Working group 1.2, on Emerging Issued, Key Focus Areas, of IUFoST (International Union of Food Science and Technology) activities address education materials and methods on topics such as sustainability of food systems, emerging technologies, food safety, food insecurity, ethical considerations, among others. The working group organizes webinars series on teaching methods and methodologies, current critical topics in food studies, and, more recently, is opening an international web forum. This forum will promote effective communication and sharing of information in the field. It will cover topics such as curricula development, education in specific world regions, opportunities of collaboration, research education-related topics, and industry collaborations. Working group 1.2 of IUFoST is also a key element for networking with several other organizations working towards a new generation of food science, technology, and engineering professionals with the skills and knowledge required to drive innovation and reshape the industry.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Aspectos didácticos en la formación de traductores para el ámbito económico e institucional

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    Este trabajo tiene que ver con uno de los objetivos perseguidos, en el marco del Proyecto Redes de Investigación en Docencia Universitaria del Instituto de Ciencias de la Educación de la Universidad de Alicante, por la red 2986 "Planificación docente y uso de COMENEGO (Corpus Multilingüe de Economía y Negocios) en la enseñanza de la traducción económica e institucional", relacionado, en concreto, con las metodologías docentes en traducción económica. Se presenta una síntesis de una serie de comunicaciones que se pronunciaron en el Congreso Internacional de Traducción Económica, Comercial, Financiera e Institucional, celebrado en la Facultad de Filosofía y Letras de la Universidad de Alicante a finales de mayo de 2014

    Breaking bad news in assisted reproductive technology : a proposal for guidelines

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    Background: The issue of breaking bad news in assisted reproductive technology (ART) has been only partially explored by literature, and although some recommendations are available, specific guidelines are lacking. The present study aimed to explore the applicability of the oncologic SPIKES Protocol to the ART context. Methods: Thirteen ART clinicians (7 gynecologists; 4 psychologists; 1 biologist; 1 obstetrician) completed the Critical Incidents Report (CIR) to describe the experience of delivering bad news in ART. The CIRs were first discussed with clinicians, then a focus group was created composed of 13 clinicians, one health communication expert and a patient to discuss the applicability of the six-step (SPIKES) Buckman Protocol to ART. The discussion was audiotaped, transcribed and analyzed with content analysis. Results: The SPIKES Protocol seems to fit ART consultations and participants found it practical and easy to understand. Some specificities were found for the ART context: the reiteration of bad news, the "patient" as a couple and the fact that ability to conceive is closely related to self-esteem, as well as to social and family identity. During the discussion of the SPIKES Protocol, participants highlighted the importance of: 1) providing a caring setting, by adding a reflection on the value of communication by phone; 2) exploring patients perceptions but also misinformation; 3) exploring patients desires and expectations, while balancing the need to be honest and clear; 4) applying Buckmans suggestions for delivering information, and integrating clinical aspects with psychosocial ones; 5) managing and legitimizing patients emotions, in particular anger; 6) having a strategy for follow-up and supporting couples to make meaning of the ART experience. Conclusion: The proposal of a shared protocol for giving bad news in ART could be the starting point for training and experimental studies

    Functional Divergence in the Genus Oenococcus as Predicted by Genome Sequencing of the Newly-Described Species, Oenococcus kitaharae

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    Oenococcus kitaharae is only the second member of the genus Oenococcus to be identified and is the closest relative of the industrially important wine bacterium Oenococcus oeni. To provide insight into this new species, the genome of the type strain of O. kitaharae, DSM 17330, was sequenced. Comparison of the sequenced genomes of both species show that the genome of O. kitaharae DSM 17330 contains many genes with predicted functions in cellular defence (bacteriocins, antimicrobials, restriction-modification systems and a CRISPR locus) which are lacking in O. oeni. The two genomes also appear to differentially encode several metabolic pathways associated with amino acid biosynthesis and carbohydrate utilization and which have direct phenotypic consequences. This would indicate that the two species have evolved different survival techniques to suit their particular environmental niches. O. oeni has adapted to survive in the harsh, but predictable, environment of wine that provides very few competitive species. However O. kitaharae appears to have adapted to a growth environment in which biological competition provides a significant selective pressure by accumulating biological defence molecules, such as bacteriocins and restriction-modification systems, throughout its genome

    Tolerability and Efficacy of a Pediatric Granule Formulation of Artesunate-Mefloquine in Young Children from Cameroon with Uncomplicated Falciparum Malaria

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    A fixed-dose pediatric formulation of artesunate and mefloquine (Artequin Pediatric) has been developed. In this open, non-comparative study in Cameroonian children with uncomplicated falciparum malaria, the safety and efficacy of this formulation was tested, with a particular emphasis on the risk of neuropsychiatric adverse events (AEs). In total, 220 subjects, weighing between 10 and 20 kg, were enrolled; 213 qualified for analysis. Artesunate-mefloquine was given once daily for 3 days. Overall, 13.1% of patients reported mild to moderate neuropsychiatric AEs (elicited through a structured questionnaire or reported spontaneously) out of which 3.8% (mainly insomnia) were considered drug-related. Other drug-related AEs were infrequent (< 3%). Polymerase chain reaction-corrected cure rate (adequate clinical and parasitological response) determined by survival analysis at 28 and 63 days was 96.6%. New infections were observed in 11.2% of evaluable patients at 63 days. The new formulation was well tolerated and efficacious in the population investigated

    Differentiation syndrome in patients with acute promyelocytic leukemia treated with all- trans retinoic acid and anthracycline chemotherapy: Characteristics, outcome, and prognostic factors

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    Differentiation syndrome (DS) can be a life-threatening complication in patients with acute promyelocytic leukemia (APL) undergoing induction therapy with all- trans retinoic acid (ATRA). Detailed knowl- edge about DS has remained limited. We present an analysis of the incidence, char- acteristics, prognostic factors, and out- come of 739 APL patients treated with ATRA plus idarubicin in 2 consecutive trials (Programa Espanol de Tratamientos en Hematologíc [PETHEMA] LPA96 and LPA99). Overall, 183 patients (24.8%) ex- perienced DS, 93 with a severe form (12.6%) and 90 with a moderate form (12.2%). Severe but not moderate DS was associated with an increase in mortality. A bimodal incidence of DS was observed, with peaks occurring in the first and third weeks after the start of ATRA therapy. A multivariate analysis indicated that a WBC count greater than 5 x 109/L and an abnor- mal serum creatinine level correlated with an increased risk of developing severe DS. Patients receiving systematic pred- nisone prophylaxis (LPA99 trial) in con- trast to those receiving selective prophy- laxis with dexamethasone (LPA96 trial) had a lower incidence of severe DS. Pa- tients developing severe DS showed a reduced 7-year relapse-free survival in the LPA96 trial (60% vs 85%, P = .003), but this difference was not apparent in the LPA99 trial
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