541 research outputs found

    HD 152246 - a new high-mass triple system and its basic properties

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    Analyses of multi-epoch, high-resolution (R ~ 50.000) optical spectra of the O-type star HD 152246 (O9 IV according to the most recent classification), complemented by a limited number of earlier published radial velocities, led to the finding that the object is a hierarchical triple system, where a close inner pair (Ba-Bb) with a slightly eccentric orbit (e = 0.11) and a period of 6.0049 days revolves in a 470-day highly eccentric orbit (e = 0.865) with another massive and brighter component A. The mass ratio of the inner system must be low since we were unable to find any traces of the secondary spectrum. The mass ratio A/(Ba+Bb) is 0.89. The outer system has recently been resolved using long-baseline interferometry on three occasions. The interferometry confirms the spectroscopic results and specifies elements of the system. Our orbital solutions, including the combined radial-velocity and interferometric solution indicate an orbital inclination of the outer orbit of 112{\deg} and stellar masses of 20.4 and 22.8 solar masses. We also disentangled the spectra of components A and Ba and compare them to synthetic spectra from two independent programmes, TLUSTY and FASTWIND. In either case, the fit was not satisfactory and we postpone a better determination of the system properties for a future study, after obtaining observations during the periastron passage of the outer orbit (the nearest chance being March 2015). For the moment, we can only conclude that component A is an O9 IV star with v*sin(i) = 210 +\- 10 km/s and effective temperature of 33000 +\- 500 K, while component Ba is an O9 V object with v*sin(i) = 65 +/- 3 km/s and T_eff = 33600 +\- 600 K.Comment: 9 pages, 6 figures, accepted for publication in Astronomy and Astrophysic

    A List of Bright Interferometric Calibrators measured at the ESO VLTI

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    In a previous publication (Richichi & Percheron 2005) we described a program of observations of candidate calibrator stars at the ESO Very Large Telescope Interferometer (VLTI), and presented the main results from a statistical point of view. In the present paper, we concentrate on establishing a new homogeneous group of bright interferometric calibrators, based entirely on publicly available K-band VLTI observations carried out with the VINCI instrument up to July 2004. For this, we have defined a number of selection criteria for the quality and volume of the observations, and we have accordingly selected a list of 17 primary and 47 secondary calibrators. We have developed an approach to a robust global fit for the angular diameters using the whole volume of quality-controlled data, largely independent of a priori assumptions. Our results have been compared with direct measurements, and indirect estimates based on spectrophotometric methods, and general agreement is found within the combined uncertainties. The stars in our list cover the range K=-2.9 to +3.0 mag in brightness, and 1.3 to 20.5 milliarcseconds in uniform-disk diameter. The relative accuracy of the angular diameter values is on average 0.4% and 2% for the primary and secondary calibrators respectively. Our calibrators are well suited for interferometric observations in the near-infrared on baselines between ~20m and ~200m, and their accuracy is superior, at least for the primary calibrators, to other similar catalogues. Therefore, the present list of calibrators has the potential to lead to significantly improved interferometric scientific results

    Multiplicity of Galactic Cepheids from long-baseline interferometry. II. The Companion of AX Circini revealed with VLTI/PIONIER

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    Aims: We aim at detecting and characterizing the main-sequence companion of the Cepheid AX Cir (PorbP_\mathrm{orb} \sim 18 yrs). The long-term objective is to estimate the mass of both components and the distance to the system. Methods: We used the PIONIER combiner at the VLT Interferometer to obtain the first interferometric measurements of the short-period Cepheid AX Cir and its orbiting component. Results: The companion is resolved by PIONIER at a projected separation ρ=29.2±0.2\rho = 29.2 \pm 0.2 mas and projection angle PA=167.6±0.3PA = 167.6 \pm 0.3^{\circ}. We measured HH-band flux ratios between the companion and the Cepheid of 0.90±0.100.90 \pm 0.10 % and 0.75±0.170.75 \pm 0.17 %, respectively at a pulsation phase for the Cepheid ϕ=0.24\phi = 0.24 and 0.48. The lower contrast at ϕ=0.48\phi = 0.48 is due to increased brightness of the Cepheid compared to the ϕ=0.24\phi = 0.24. This gives an average apparent magnitude mH(comp)=9.06±0.24m\mathrm{_H (comp)} = 9.06 \pm 0.24 mag. The limb-darkened angular diameter of the Cepheid at the two pulsation phases was measured to be θLD=0.839±0.023\theta_\mathrm{LD} = 0.839 \pm 0.023 mas and θLD=0.742±0.020\theta_\mathrm{LD} = 0.742 \pm 0.020 mas, respectively at ϕ=0.24\phi = 0.24 and 0.48. A lower limit on the total mass of the system was also derived based on our measured separation, we found MT9.7±0.6MM_\mathrm{T} \geq 9.7 \pm 0.6 M_\odot.Comment: Accepted for publication in Astronomy and Astrophysic

    Inner disk clearing around the Herbig Ae star HD\,139614: Evidence for a planet-induced gap ?

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    Spatially resolving the inner dust cavity of the transitional disks is a key to understanding the connection between planetary formation and disk dispersal. The disk around the Herbig star HD 139614 is of particular interest since it presents a pretransitional nature with an au-sized gap, in the dust, that was spatially resolved by mid-IR interferometry. Using new NIR interferometric observations, we aim to characterize the 0.1-10~au region of the HD~139614 disk further and identify viable mechanisms for the inner disk clearing. We report the first multiwavelength radiative transfer modeling of the interferometric data acquired on HD~139614 with PIONIER, AMBER, and MIDI, complemented by Herschel/PACS photometries. We confirm a gap structure in the um-sized dust, extending from about 2.5 au to 6 au, and constrained the properties of the inner dust component: e.g., a radially increasing surface density profile, and a depletion of 10^3 relative to the outer disk. Since self-shadowing and photoevaporation appears unlikely to be responsible for the au-sized gap of HD~139614, we thus tested if dynamical clearing could be a viable mechanism using hydrodynamical simulations to predict the gaseous disk structure. Indeed, a narrow au-sized gap is expected when a single giant planet interacts with the disk. Assuming that small dust grains are well coupled to the gas, we found that a ~ 3~Mjup planet located at 4.5 au from the star could, in less than 1 Myr, reproduce most of the aspects of the dust surface density profile, while no significant depletion in gas occurred in the inner disk, in contrast to the dust. However, the dust-depleted inner disk could be explained by the expected dust filtration by the gap and the efficient dust growth/fragmentation in the inner disk regions. Our results support the hypothesis of a giant planet opening a gap and shaping the inner region of the HD~139614 disk.Comment: Version accepted in A&A, with typos corrections in the tex

    Roche-lobe filling factor of mass-transferring red giants - the PIONIER view

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    Using the PIONIER visitor instrument that combines the light of the four Auxiliary Telescopes of ESO's Very Large Telescope Interferometer, we measure precisely the diameters of several symbiotic and related stars: HD 352, HD 190658, V1261 Ori, ER Del, FG Ser, and AG Peg. These diameters - in the range of 0.6 to 2.3 milli-arcseconds - are used to assess the filling factor of the Roche lobe of the mass-losing giants and provide indications on the nature of the ongoing mass transfer. We also provide the first spectroscopic orbit of ER Del, based on CORAVEL and HERMES/Mercator observations. The system is found to have an eccentric orbit with a period of 5.7 years. In the case of the symbiotic star FG Ser, we find that the diameter is changing by 13% over the course of 41 days, while the observations of HD 352 are indicative of an elongation. Both these stars are found to have a Roche filling factor close to 1, as is most likely the case for HD 190658 as well, while the three other stars have factors below 0.5-0.6. Our observations reveal the power of interferometry for the study of interacting binary stars - the main limitation in our conclusions being the poorly known distances of the objects.Comment: A&A, in pres

    The BinaMIcS project: understanding the origin of magnetic fields in massive stars through close binary systems

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    It is now well established that a fraction of the massive (M>8 Msun) star population hosts strong, organised magnetic fields, most likely of fossil origin. The details of the generation and evolution of these fields are still poorly understood. The BinaMIcS project takes an important step towards the understanding of the interplay between binarity and magnetism during the stellar formation and evolution, and in particular the genesis of fossil fields, by studying the magnetic properties of close binary systems. The components of such systems are most likely formed together, at the same time and in the same environment, and can therefore help us to disentangle the role of initial conditions on the magnetic properties of the massive stars from other competing effects such as age or rotation. We present here the main scientific objectives of the BinaMIcS project, as well as preliminary results from the first year of observations from the associated ESPaDOnS and Narval spectropolarimetric surveys.Comment: To appear in New Windows on Massive Stars, proceedings of the IAU Symposium 30

    GG Tau: the fifth element

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    We aim at unveiling the observational imprint of physical mechanisms that govern planetary formation in young, multiple systems. In particular, we investigate the impact of tidal truncation on the inner circumstellar disks. We observed the emblematic system GG Tau at high-angular resolution: a hierarchical quadruple system composed of low-mass T Tauri binary stars surrounded by a well-studied, massive circumbinary disk in Keplerian rotation. We used the near-IR 4-telescope combiner PIONIER on the VLTI and sparse-aperture-masking techniques on VLT/NaCo to probe this proto-planetary system at sub-AU scales. We report the discovery of a significant closure-phase signal in H and Ks bands that can be reproduced with an additional low-mass companion orbiting GG Tau Ab, at a (projected) separation rho = 31.7 +/- 0.2mas (4.4 au) and PA = 219.6 +/- 0.3deg. This finding offers a simple explanation for several key questions in this system, including the missing-stellar-mass problem and the asymmetry of continuum emission from the inner dust disks observed at millimeter wavelengths. Composed of now five co-eval stars with 0.02 <= Mstar <= 0.7 Msun, the quintuple system GG Tau has become an ideal test case to constrain stellar evolution models at young ages (few 10^6yr).Comment: 5pages, 3 figures, 1 appendix (online material

    Multiplicity of massive O stars and evolutionary implications

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    Nearby companions alter the evolution of massive stars in binary systems. Using a sample of Galactic massive stars in nearby young clusters, we simultaneously measure all intrinsic binary characteristics relevant to quantify the frequency and nature of binary interactions. We find a large intrinsic binary fraction, a strong preference for short orbital periods and a flat distribution for the mass-ratios. Our results do not support the presence of a significant peak of equal-mass `twin' binaries. As a result of the measured distributions, we find that over seventy per cent of all massive stars exchange mass with a companion. Such a rate greatly exceeds previous estimates and implies that the majority of massive stars have their evolution strongly affected by interaction with a nearby companion.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures. Conference proceedings to appear in "370 years of astronomy in Utrecht