371 research outputs found

    Theoretical study of the charge transport through C60-based single-molecule junctions

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    We present a theoretical study of the conductance and thermopower of single-molecule junctions based on C60 and C60-terminated molecules. We first analyze the transport properties of gold-C60-gold junctions and show that these junctions can be highly conductive (with conductances above 0.1G0, where G0 is the quantum of conductance). Moreover, we find that the thermopower in these junctions is negative due to the fact that the LUMO dominates the charge transport, and its magnitude can reach several tens of micro-V/K, depending on the contact geometry. On the other hand, we study the suitability of C60 as an anchoring group in single-molecule junctions. For this purpose, we analyze the transport through several dumbbell derivatives using C60 as anchors, and we compare the results with those obtained with thiol and amine groups. Our results show that the conductance of C60-terminated molecules is rather sensitive to the binding geometry. Moreover, the conductance of the molecules is typically reduced by the presence of the C60 anchors, which in turn makes the junctions more sensitive to the functionalization of the molecular core with appropriate side groups.Comment: 9 pages, 7 figure

    Long term response of loblolly pine to colloidal phosphate

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    Three or six ounces of colloidal phosphate were applied either in planting hole or on soil surface while planting loblolly pine in East Texas. Combination of phosphate in the planting hole with NK on soil surface increased diameter growth for four years and the height growth for 18 years after planting

    The effect of polystyrene foam in different doses on the blood parameters and relative mass of internal organs of white mice

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    Due to their durability, versatility and economy, plastic products are widely used in all spheres of human life. Despite the inertness of polymers, recent studies show the ability of microplastic to overcome natural tissue barriers, accumulate in the animal’s body, affect metabolism and change the intestinal microbiota, negatively affecting it. In a 42-day experiment, changes in the internal organs’ relative mass, blood biochemical and morphological parameters of white mice were established under the influence of different doses of polystyrene foam in their diet. Four groups of white mice consumed crushed polystyrene foam particles (10%, 1% and 0.1% by weight of the feed, control group without the addition of polystyrene foam). At the end of the experiment, the morphofunctional state of the internal organs was determined by the organ mass index and blood biochemical parameters. Adding crushed polystyrene foam to the feed in an amount of 1% causes a significant decrease in the mass index of the heart and stomach, 10% – only the heart, and 0.1% – does not affect this indicator. Polystyrene foam had a significant effect on blood biochemical parameters, regardless of the dose, causing an increase in the activity of aspartate aminotransferase against the background of a decrease in the activity of alkaline phosphatase. The content of total bilirubin, urea, urea nitrogen and cholesterol decreased, and the concentration of creatinine and total protein increased (due to the albumin fraction). The use of crushed polystyrene foam in mice did not cause significant changes in the blood morphological composition, except for a dose-dependent increase in the number of monocytes. In the future, it is planned to determine histological, histochemical and immunohistochemical changes in the organs of laboratory animals under the influence of plastic in a laboratory experiment


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    The review examines current trends in the development of biomedical nanotechnology, its application in various fields of medicine and prospects for further development. Among the main directions — monitoring and control of delivery, distribution and use of drugs; nanobiosensors; diagnostics of pathological states; theranostics; use of nanostructured materials in regenerative medicine; nanotoxicology; nanophytopharmacy; green synthesis; development of new nanobiotech devices and nanorobototics.The review examines current trends in the development of biomedical nanotechnology, its application in various fields of medicine and prospects for further development. Among the main directions — monitoring and control of delivery, distribution and use of drugs; nanobiosensors; diagnostics of pathological states; theranostics; use of nanostructured materials in regenerative medicine; nanotoxicology; nanophytopharmacy; green synthesis; development of new nanobiotech devices and nanorobototics

    Enhancement of construction of water chambers of network water heaters of steam turbine for combined heat and energy production

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    The report explores the possibility of using partitions of network heater chambers as anchor ties and examples of their design are presented. The results of calculations of such chambers are presented. Based on the results of these calculations, it is concluded that using the anchor partitions makes it possible to significantly reduce bending stresses in the bottom and tube plate, reduce the load on the flange connection, use a flat bottom instead of the elliptical one, significantly reduce the longitudinal stresses in the tubes, which increases the life of the most damageable heater element.В докладе рассматривается возможность использования перегородок водяных камер сетевых подогревателей в качестве анкерных связей и примеры их конструктивного исполнения. Приводятся результаты расчетов таких камер. По результатам этих расчетов сделаны выводы, что использование анкерных перегородок позволяет существенно уменьшить изгибные напряжения в днище и трубной доске, уменьшить нагрузку на фланцевое соединение, вместо эллиптического днища использовать плоское, существенно уменьшить продольные напряжения в трубках, что повышает ресурс самого повреждаемого элемента подогревателя


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    The purpose of this article is to study the structural and dynamic features of public funding of social expenditures in Ukraine in the context of their impact on social security. During 2014–2020, the amount of budget funding for the social sphere in all its components (education, health care, spiritual and physical development, social protection and security) has been constantly growing. Despite the steady growth of budget funding for social expenditures, their rates did not correspond to inflation, which  indicates a decrease in funding for the social sphere in real terms. Local budgets in Ukraine are most important for financing education, as well as spiritual and physical development, the state budget is for financing social protection and security programs, while almost the same importance of different levels of the budget system in Ukraine is for financing health care. Taking into account expenditures from social insurance funds somewhat changes the structural features of financing social expenditures in Ukraine: the largest share in total expenditures falls on local budgets (about 40% in 2019), while the state budget and social insurance funds in 2019, accounted for 32% and 28% of total expenditures, respectively. That is, almost a third of all social expenditures in Ukraine are financed by insurance funds. Based on a comparison of the total amount of public funding for social expenditures in Ukraine and the EU in relation to GDP, it can be stated that the EU publicpolicy has a higher level of social orientation. The level of social security in Ukraine, according to the Ministry of Economic Development, Trade and Agriculture, is quite low (during 2010–2019 it varied from 56 to 64%). At the same time, there is a direct link between the amount of funding for the social sphere and the integrated index of social security. That is, the financing of social expenditures is a factor in the growth of social security. It is noteworthy that with the vast majority of indicators that are components of indicators of social security in accordance with national methods, the amount of funding for social expenditures does not show the connection or it contradicts the logic. This indicates that the financing of the social sphere has a complex impact on all components of social security, which issometimes manifested through a certain time lag. Исследованы структурно-динамические особенности государственного финансирования расходов социального назначения в Украине. Выявлена значимость различных уровней бюджетной системы и отдельных источников в финансировании социальной сферы. Обосновано влияние расходов социального назначения на уровень социальной безопасности и его основные составляющие в Украине.Досліджено структурно-динамічні особливості державного фінансування видатків соціального призначення в Україні. Виявлено значимість різних рівнів бюджетної системи та окремих джерел у фінансуванні соціальної сфери. Обґрунтовано вплив видатків соціального призначення на рівень соціальної безпеки та його основні складові в Україні

    Life Strategies in Convicts with Different Sentence Severity

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    Life strategies depend on value orientations. This study featured the life strategies typical of men imprisoned for major crimes. The research relied on E. E. Sapogova’s Modes of Life Questionnaire, M. Rokeach’s Value Orientations, the procedure developed by R. Inglehart and modified by M. S. Yanitskiy, D. A. Leontiev’s Meaningful Life Orientation Test, etc. The empirical part of the research involved 52 inmates who were serving their sentences in a colony-settlement. Most respondents proved to be focused on the values of socialization. However, the research revealed differences in their life modes and value orientations. Those convicted for serious crimes demonstrated false heroism and focused on external success. They had a much lower sense of life purpose, while their choice of values depended on socially approved behavior, e.g., a well-paid job, family values, responsibility, diligence, etc. The data obtained can be used to develop re-socialization programs for ex-prisoners

    Carbon-fiber tips for scanning probe microscopes and molecular electronics experiments

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    We fabricate and characterize carbon-fiber tips for their use in combined scanning tunneling and force microscopy based on piezoelectric quartz tuning fork force sensors. An electrochemical fabrication procedure to etch the tips is used to yield reproducible sub-100-nm apex. We also study electron transport through single-molecule junctions formed by a single octanethiol molecule bonded by the thiol anchoring group to a gold electrode and linked to a carbon tip by the methyl group. We observe the presence of conductance plateaus during the stretching of the molecular bridge, which is the signature of the formation of a molecular junction.Comment: Conference Proceeding (Trends in NanoTechnology 2011, Tenerife SPAIN); Nanoscale Research Letters, (2012) 7:25

    Steam turbines produced by the Ural Turbine Works for combined-cycle plants

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    The most interesting and innovative solutions adopted in the projects of steam turbines for combined-cycle plants with capacities from 115 to 900 MW are pointed out. The development of some ideas and components from the first projects to subsequent ones is shown. © 2013 Pleiades Publishing, Ltd