247 research outputs found

    A proposed alternative to phase‐space recycling using the adaptive kernel density estimator method

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    Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/134895/1/mp3250.pd

    Electron temperature fluctuation measurements in the pedestal of improved confinement regimes at ASDEX Upgrade

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    US DOE (DE-SC0006419, DE-SC0014264, and DE- SC0017381)EUROfusion Consortium (No. 633053

    A thin target approach for portal imaging in medical accelerators

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    A new thin-target method (patent pending) is described for portal imaging with low-energy (tens of keV) photons from a medical linear accelerator operating in a special mode. Low-energy photons are usually produced in the accelerator target, but are absorbed by the target and flattening filter, both made of medium- or high- Z materials such as Cu or W. Since the main contributor to absorption of the low-energy photons is self-absorption by the thick target through the photoelectric effect, it is proposed to lower the thickness of the portal imaging target to the minimum required to get the maximum low-energy photon fluence on the exit side of the target, and to lower the atomic number of the target so that predominantly photoelectric absorption is reduced. To determine the minimum thickness of the target, EGS4 Monte Carlo calculations were performed. As a result of these calculations, it was concluded that the maximum photon fluence for a 4 MeV electron beam is obtained with a 1.5 mm Cu target. This value is approximately five times less than the thickness of the Cu target routinely used for bremsstrahlung production in radiotherapeutic practice. Two sets of experiments were performed: the first with a 1.5 mm Cu target and the second with a 5 mm Al target (Cu mass equivalent) installed in the linear accelerator. Portal films were taken with a Rando anthropomorphic phantom. To emphasize the low-energy response of the new thin target we used a Kodak Min-R mammographic film and cassette combination, with a strong low-energy response. Because of its high sensitivity, only 1 cGy is required. The new portal images show a remarkable improvement in sharpness and contrast in anatomical detail compared with existing ones. It is also shown that further lowering of the target's atomic number (for example to C or Be) produces no significant improvement.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/48963/2/m80816.pd

    Magnetic confinement of radiotherapy beam-dose profiles

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    We have used electron and photon beams from the 50 MV electron microtron at UM Hospital together with a large-bore 3.5T superconducting solenoid to demonstrate the magnetic confinement of HE electron and photon beam-dose profiles for typical radiotherapy beams. The HE electron beams in particular exhibit a large reduction in penumbra when entering a tissue-equivalent phantom and, in addition, confinement of the secondary electrons produced by the primary beam. Likewise photon beams show a similar confinement of the dose from secondary electrons. While the results resemble features predicted from Monte Carlo calculations, there are a number of anomalous details in the actual experimental data which serve to illustrate the problems associated with practical clinical implementations. However the data suggest that in certain cases HE electrons may provide a cost-effective alternate to proton or HI radiotherapy beams and, also, improve the dose profile for HE photon beams. © 2001 American Institute of Physics.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/87615/2/44_1.pd

    Renormalization in Self-Consistent Approximations schemes at Finite Temperature I: Theory

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    Within finite temperature field theory, we show that truncated non-perturbative self-consistent Dyson resummation schemes can be renormalized with local counter-terms defined at the vacuum level. The requirements are that the underlying theory is renormalizable and that the self-consistent scheme follows Baym''s Φ\Phi-derivable concept. The scheme generates both, the renormalized self-consistent equations of motion and the closed equations for the infinite set of counter terms. At the same time the corresponding 2PI-generating functional and the thermodynamical potential can be renormalized, in consistency with the equations of motion. This guarantees the standard Φ\Phi-derivable properties like thermodynamic consistency and exact conservation laws also for the renormalized approximation schemes to hold. The proof uses the techniques of BPHZ-renormalization to cope with the explicit and the hidden overlapping vacuum divergences.Comment: 22 Pages 1 figure, uses RevTeX4. The Revision concerns the correction of some minor typos, a clarification concerning the real-time contour structure of renormalization parts and some comments concerning symmetries in the conclusions and outloo

    On the Relativistic Description of the Nucleus

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    We discuss a relativistic theory of the atomic nuclei in the framework of the hamiltonian formalism and of the mesonic model of the nucleus. Attention is paid to the translational invariance of the theory. Our approach is centered on the concept of spectral amplitude, a function in the Dirac spinor space. We derive a Lorentz covariant equation for the latter, which requires as an input the baryon self-energy. For this we either postulate the most general Lorentz-Poincar\'e invariant expression or perform a calculation via a Bethe-Salpeter equation starting from a nucleon-nucleus interaction. We discuss the features of the nuclear spectrum obtained in the first instance. Finally the general constraints the self-energy should satisfy because of analyticity and Poincar\'e covariance are discussed

    Renormalization of the Sigma-Omega model within the framework of U(1) gauge symmetry

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    It is shown that the Sigma-Omega model which is widely used in the study of nuclear relativistic many-body problem can exactly be treated as an Abelian massive gauge field theory. The quantization of this theory can perfectly be performed by means of the general methods described in the quantum gauge field theory. Especially, the local U(1) gauge symmetry of the theory leads to a series of Ward-Takahashi identities satisfied by Green's functions and proper vertices. These identities form an uniquely correct basis for the renormalization of the theory. The renormalization is carried out in the mass-dependent momentum space subtraction scheme and by the renormalization group approach. With the aid of the renormalization boundary conditions, the solutions to the renormalization group equations are given in definite expressions without any ambiguity and renormalized S-matrix elememts are exactly formulated in forms as given in a series of tree diagrams provided that the physical parameters are replaced by the running ones. As an illustration of the renormalization procedure, the one-loop renormalization is concretely carried out and the results are given in rigorous forms which are suitable in the whole energy region. The effect of the one-loop renormalization is examined by the two-nucleon elastic scattering.Comment: 32 pages, 17 figure

    Low Pressure Negative Ion Drift Chamber for Dark Matter Search

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    Weakly Interacting Massive Particles (WIMPs) are an attractive candidate for the dark matter thought to make up the bulk of the mass of our universe. We explore here the possibility of using a low pressure negative ion drift chamber to search for WIMPs. The innovation of drifting ions, instead of electrons, allows the design of a detector with exceptional sensitivity to, background rejection from, and signature of WIMPs.Comment: 5 pages submitted to PR

    DPM, a fast, accurate Monte Carlo code optimized for photon and electron radiotherapy treatment planning dose calculations

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    A new Monte Carlo (MC) algorithm, the `dose planning method' (DPM), and its associated computer program for simulating the transport of electrons and photons in radiotherapy class problems employing primary electron beams, is presented. DPM is intended to be a high-accuracy MC alternative to the current generation of treatment planning codes which rely on analytical algorithms based on an approximate solution of the photon/electron Boltzmann transport equation. For primary electron beams, DPM is capable of computing 3D dose distributions (in 1 mm3 voxels) which agree to within 1% in dose maximum with widely used and exhaustively benchmarked general-purpose public-domain MC codes in only a fraction of the CPU time. A representative problem, the simulation of 1 million 10 MeV electrons impinging upon a water phantom of 1283 voxels of 1 mm on a side, can be performed by DPM in roughly 3 min on a modern desktop workstation. DPM achieves this performance by employing transport mechanics and electron multiple scattering distribution functions which have been derived to permit long transport steps (of the order of 5 mm) which can cross heterogeneity boundaries. The underlying algorithm is a `mixed' class simulation scheme, with differential cross sections for hard inelastic collisions and bremsstrahlung events described in an approximate manner to simplify their sampling. The continuous energy loss approximation is employed for energy losses below some predefined thresholds, and photon transport (including Compton, photoelectric absorption and pair production) is simulated in an analogue manner. The δ-scattering method (Woodcock tracking) is adopted to minimize the computational costs of transporting photons across voxels.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/48969/2/m00815.pd