254 research outputs found

    Investigation of the mechanical behavior of electrodes after calendering and its influence on singulation and cell performance

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    Battery cell production is a complex process chain with interlinked manufacturing processes. Calendering in particular has an enormous influence on the subsequent manufacturing steps and final cell performance. However, the effects on the mechanical properties of the electrode, in particular, have been insufficiently investigated. For this reason, the impact of different densification rates during calendering on the electrochemical cell performance of NMC811 (LiNi0.8_{0.8}Mn0.1_{0.1}Co0.1_{0.1}O2_{2}) half-cells are investigated to identify the relevant calendering parameters. Based on this investigation, an experimental design has been derived. Electrode elongations after calendering in and orthogonal to the running direction of the NMC811 cathode are investigated in comparison with a hard carbon anode after calendering. Elongations orthogonal to the machine direction are observed to have no major dependencies on the compaction rate during calendering. In the machine direction, however, significant elongation occurs as a dependency of the compaction rate for both the hard carbon anode and the NMC811. In addition, the geometric shape of the NMC811 electrodes after separation into individual sheets is investigated with regard to different compaction rates during calendering. It is shown that the corrugations that occur during calendering are propagated into the single electrode, depending on the compaction rate

    Extradyadic stress as a barrier to sexual activity in couples? A Dyadic Response Surface Analysis

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    Sexuality is integral to most romantic relationships. Through stress spillover, however, factors such as individually experienced stress outside of the relationship (i.e., extradyadic stress) can negatively impact sexuality. In this study, we explored how a possible (mis)matching of both partners' levels of extradyadic stress is related to sexual activity and tested for gender differences. Analyzing 316 mixed-gender couples from Switzerland, we employed Dyadic Response Surface Analysis to assess how extradyadic stress is associated with sexual activity. Our results showed that extradyadic stress was positively linked to sexual activity for women (in general) and men (in the case of matching stress levels). As this result was surprising, we conducted additional exploratory analyses and split the measure of sexual activity into (1) exchange of affection and (2) eroticism (petting, oral sex, and intercourse) and controlled for age. Results from this second set of analyses showed that for women, matching stress levels were associated with higher exchange of affection, whereas men’s exchange of affection was higher if men reported higher stress levels than women. Notably, after accounting for age, the link between stress and eroticism dissipated. Our findings suggest that exchange of affection may serve as a coping mechanism for stress, with gender influencing this dynamic. However, future research investigating stress and sexual activity should consider additional factors such as age, relationship satisfaction, stressor type, and stress severity

    Climate policy support as a tool to control others’ (but not own) environmental behavior?

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    Drastic reductions in greenhouse gas emissions are necessary to successfully mitigate climate change. Individual environmental behavior is central to this change. Given that environmental behavior necessitates 1) effortful individual self-control and 2) cooperation by others, public policy may constitute an attractive instrument for regulating one’s own as well as others’ environmental behavior. Framing climate change mitigation as a cooperative self-control problem, we explore the incremental predictive power of self-control and beliefs surrounding others’ cooperation beyond established predictors of policy support in study 1 using machine-learning (N = 610). In study 2, we systematically test and confirm the effects of self-control and beliefs surrounding others’ cooperation (N = 270). Both studies showed that personal importance of climate change mitigation and perceived insufficiency of others’ environmental behavior predict policy support, while there was no strong evidence for a negative association between own-self control success and policy support. These results emerge beyond the effects of established predictors, such as environmental attitudes and beliefs, risk perception (study 1), and social norms (study 2). Results are discussed in terms of leveraging policy as a behavioral enactment constraint to control others’ but not own environmental behavior

    Metacognition as Evidence for Evidentialism

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    Metacognition is the monitoring and controlling of cognitive processes. I examine the role of metacognition in ‘ordinary retrieval cases’, cases in which it is intuitive that via recollection the subject has a justiïŹed belief. Drawing on psychological research on metacognition, I argue that evidentialism has a unique, accurate prediction in each ordinary retrieval case: the subject has evidence for the proposition she justiïŹedly believes. But, I argue, process reliabilism has no unique, accurate predictions in these cases. I conclude that ordinary retrieval cases better support evidentialism than process reliabilism. This conclusion challenges several common assumptions. One is that non-evidentialism alone allows for a naturalized epistemology, i.e., an epistemology that is fully in accordance with scientiïŹc research and methodology. Another is that process reliabilism fares much better than evidentialism in the epistemology of memory

    Model-based probabilistic frequent itemset mining

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    Data uncertainty is inherent in emerging applications such as location-based services, sensor monitoring systems, and data integration. To handle a large amount of imprecise information, uncertain databases have been recently developed. In this paper, we study how to efficiently discover frequent itemsets from large uncertain databases, interpreted under the Possible World Semantics. This is technically challenging, since an uncertain database induces an exponential number of possible worlds. To tackle this problem, we propose a novel methods to capture the itemset mining process as a probability distribution function taking two models into account: the Poisson distribution and the normal distribution. These model-based approaches extract frequent itemsets with a high degree of accuracy and support large databases. We apply our techniques to improve the performance of the algorithms for (1) finding itemsets whose frequentness probabilities are larger than some threshold and (2) mining itemsets with the {Mathematical expression} highest frequentness probabilities. Our approaches support both tuple and attribute uncertainty models, which are commonly used to represent uncertain databases. Extensive evaluation on real and synthetic datasets shows that our methods are highly accurate and four orders of magnitudes faster than previous approaches. In further theoretical and experimental studies, we give an intuition which model-based approach fits best to different types of data sets. © 2012 The Author(s).published_or_final_versio

    Petrogenesis of diachronous mixed siliciclastic-carbonate megafacies in the cool-water Oligocene Tikorangi Formation, Taranaki Basin, New Zealand

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    The Oligocene (Whaingaroan-Waitakian) Tikorangi Formation is a totally subsurface, lithostratigraphically complex, mixed siliciclastic-limestone-rich sequence forming an important fracture reservoir within Taranaki Basin, New Zealand. Petrographically the formation comprises a spectrum of interbedded rock types ranging from calcareous mudstone to wackestone to packstone to clean sparry grainstone. Skeletal and textural varieties within these rock types have aided in the identification of three environmentally distinctive megafacies for the Tikorangi Formation rocks-shelfal, foredeep, and basinal. Data from these megafacies have been used to detail previous conclusions on the petrogenesis and to further refine depositional paleoenvironmental models for the Tikorangi Formation in the central eastern Taranaki Basin margin.Shelfal Megafacies 1 rocks (reference well Hu Road-1A) are latest Oligocene (early Waitakian) in age and formed on or proximal to the Patea-Tongaporutu-Herangi basement high. They are characterised by coarse, skeletal-rich, pure sparry grainstone comprising shallow water, high energy taxa (bryozoans, barnacles, red algae) and admixtures of coarse well-rounded lithic sand derived from Mesozoic basement greywacke. This facies type has previously gone unrecorded in the Tikorangi Formation. Megafacies 2 is a latest Oligocene (early Waitakian) foredeep megafacies (formerly named shelfal facies) formed immediately basinward and west of the shelfal basement platform. It accumulated relatively rapidly (>20 cm/ka) from redeposition of shelfal megafacies biota that became intermixed with bathyal taxa to produce a spectrum of typically mudstone through to sparry grainstone. The resulting skeletal mix (bivalve, echinoderm, planktic and benthic foraminiferal, red algal, bryozoan, nannofossil) is unlike that in any of the age-equivalent limestone units in neighbouring onland King Country Basin. Megafacies 3 is an Oligocene (Whaingaroan-Waitakian) offshore basinal megafacies (formerly termed bathyal facies) of planktic foraminiferal-nannofossil-siliciclastic wackestone and mudstone formed away from redepositional influences. The siliciclastic input in this distal basinal setting (sedimentation rates <7 mm/ka) was probably sourced mainly from oceanic currents carrying suspended sediment from South Island provenances exposed at this time.Tikorangi Formation rocks record the Taranaki Basin’s only period of carbonate-dominated sedimentation across a full range of shelfal, foredeep, and basinal settings. Depositional controls on the three contrasting megafacies were fundamentally the interplay of an evolving and complex plate tectonic setting, including development of a carbonate foredeep, changes in relative sea level within an overall transgressive regime, and changing availability, sources, and modes of deposition of both bioclastic and siliciclastic sediments. The mixed siliciclastic-carbonate nature of the formation, and its skeletal assemblages, low-Mg calcite mineralogy, and delayed deep burial diagenetic history, are features consistent with formation in temperate-latitude cool waters
