143 research outputs found

    AudioFunctions.web: Multimodal Exploration of Mathematical Function Graphs

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    We present AudioFunctions.web, a web app that uses sonifcation, earcons and speech synthesis to enable blind people to explore mathematical function graphs. The system is designed for personalized access through different interfaces (touchscreen, keyboard, touchpad and mouse) on both mobile and traditional devices, in order to better adapt to different user abilities and preferences. It is also publicly available as a web service and can be directly accessed from the teaching material through a hypertext link. An experimental evaluation with 13 visually impaired participants highlights that, while the usability of all the presented interaction modalities is high, users with different abilities prefer different interfaces to interact with the system. It is also shown that users with higher level of mathematical education are capable of better adapting to interaction modalities considered more diffcult by others

    Towards Large Scale Evaluation of Novel Sonification Techniques for Non Visual Shape Exploration

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    © 2015 ACM.There are several situations in which a person with visual impairment or blindness needs to extract information from an image. Examples include everyday activities, like reading a map, as well as educational activities, like exercises to develop visuospatial skills. In this contribution we propose a set of 6 sonification techniques to recognize simple shapes on touchscreen devices. The effectiveness of these sonification techniques is evaluated though Invisible Puzzle, a mobile application that makes it possible to conduct non-supervised evaluation sessions. Invisible Puzzle adopts a gamification approach and is a preliminary step in the development of a complete game that will make it possible to conduct a large scale evaluation with hundreds or thousands of blind users. With Invisible Puzzle we conducted 131 tests with sighted subjects and 18 tests with subjects with blindness. All subjects involved in the process successfully completed the evaluation session, with high engagement, hence showing the effectiveness of the evaluation procedure. Results give interesting insights on the differences among the sonification techniques and, most importantly, show that, after a short training, subjects are able to identify many different shapes

    A \u201cnoisy\u201d electrical stimulation protocol favors muscle regeneration in vitro through release of endogenous ATP

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    An in vitro system of electrical stimulation was used to explore whether an innovative \u201cnoisy\u201d stimulation protocol derived from human electromyographic recordings (EMGstim)could promote muscle regeneration. EMGstim was delivered to cultured mouse myofibers isolated from Flexor Digitorum Brevis, preserving their satellite cells. In response to EMGstim, immunostaining for the myogenic regulatory factor myogenin, revealed an increased percentage of elongated myogenin-positive cells surrounding the myofibers. Conditioned medium collected from EMGstim-treated cell cultures, promoted satellite cells differentiation in unstimulated myofiber cell cultures, suggesting that extracellular soluble factors could mediate the process. Interestingly, the myogenic effect of EMGstim was mimicked by exogenously applied ATP (0.1 \u3bcM), reduced by the ATP diphosphohydrolase apyrase and prevented by blocking endogenous ATP release with carbenoxolone. In conclusion, our results show that \u201cnoisy\u201d electrical stimulations favor muscle progenitor cell differentiation most likely via the release of endogenous ATP from contracting myofibres. Our data also suggest that \u201cnoisy\u201d stimulation protocols could be potentially more efficient than regular stimulations to promote in vivo muscle regeneration after traumatic injury or in neuropathological diseases

    Asbestos Fibers Enhance the TMEM16A Channel Activity in Xenopus Oocytes

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    Background: The interaction of asbestos fibers with target cell membranes is still poorly investigated. Here, we detected and characterized an enhancement of chloride conductance in Xenopus oocyte cell membranes induced by exposure to crocidolite (Croc) asbestos fibers. Methods: A two-microelectrode voltage clamp technique was used to test the effect of Croc fiber suspensions on outward chloride currents evoked by step membrane depolarization. Calcium imaging experiments were also performed to investigate the variation of 'resting' oocyte [Ca2+]i following asbestos exposure. Results: The increase in chloride current after asbestos treatment, was sensitive to [Ca2+]e, and to specific blockers of TMEM16A Ca2+-activated chloride channels, MONNA and Ani9. Furthermore, asbestos treatment elevated the 'resting' [Ca2+]i likelihood by increasing the cell membrane permeability to Ca2 in favor of a tonic activation of TMEME16A channels. Western blot analysis confirmed that TMEME16A protein was endogenously present in the oocyte cell membrane and absorbed by Croc. Conclusion: the TMEM16A channels endogenously expressed by Xenopus oocytes are targets for asbestos fibers and represent a powerful tool for asbestos-membrane interaction studies. Interestingly, TMEM16A channels are highly expressed in many types of tumors, including some asbestos-related cancers, suggesting them, for the first time, as a possible early target of crocidolite-mediated tumorigenic effects on target cell membranes

    Accessible Mathematics on Touchscreen Devices: New Opportunities for People with Visual Impairments

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    In recent years educational applications for touchscreen devices (e.g., tablets) become widespread all over the world. While these devices are accessible to people with visual impairments, educational applications to support learning of STEM subjects are often not accessible to visually impaired people due to inaccessible graphics. This contribution addresses the problem of conveying graphics to visual impaired users. Two approaches are taken into account: audio icons and image sonification. In order to evaluate the applicability of these approaches, we report our experience in the development of two didactic applications for touchscreen devices, specifically designed to support people with visual impairments or blindness while studying STEM subjects: Math Melodies and Audio Functions. The former is a commercial application to support children in primary school in an inclusive class. It adopts an interaction paradigm based on audio icons. The latter is a prototype application aimed at enabling visually impaired students to explore function diagrams and adopts an image sonification approach

    Axessibility: a LaTeX Package for Mathematical Formulae Accessibility in PDF Documents

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    Accessing mathematical formulae within digital documents is challenging for blind people. In particular, document formats designed for printing, such as PDF, structure math content for visual access only. While accessibility features exist to present PDF content non-visually, formulae support is limited to providing replacement text that can be read by a screen reader or displayed on a braille bar. However, the operation of inserting replacement text is left to document authors, who rarely provide such content. Furthermore, at best, description of the formulae are provided. Thus, conveying detailed understanding of complex formulae is nearly impossible. In this contribution we report our ongoing research on Axessibility, a LATEX package framework that automates the process of making mathematical formulae accessible by providing the formulae LATEX code as PDF replacement text. Axessibility is coupled with external scripts to automate its integration in existing documents, expand user shorthand macros to standard LATEX representation, and custom screen reader dictionaries that improve formulae reading on screen readers
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