5 research outputs found

    Evaluation of dimensions, approaches and concepts of resilience in urban societies with an emphasis on natural disasters

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    Despite the passage of more than three decades from conducting primary researches on resilience of cities, yet this concept lacks a comprehensive and operational understanding in various scientific fields, including disasters  management. Most of existing contradictions on the meaning of urban resilience is resulting from cognitive tendencies, methodological methods, and existing basic conceptual differences, as well as viewpoints focusing on research in ecological, social systems or a combination of both.A city will be considered fully resilient when all indices, components and dimensions of resilience in that city to be placed ina better situation and are in growth and promotion mode. Perhaps an uneven  promotion of different dimensions of turban resilience will not be much led to resilience of totality of a city and its people. Leading social - economic dimension as a dimension that has the most relationship with people and citizens is very important in resilience of cities. The aim of this research is to examine the social and economic dimensions, approaches and concepts of resilient city as one of the new approaches in the field of reducing vulnerability and promoting crisis  management. This research is a review study, which has been collected and investigated and analyzed from various library and documentary resources.Keywords: dimensions, approach, resilience, disasters, urban societie

    The Epidemiological Assessment of Lifestyle Impact on Childhood and Adolescence Psychiatric Disorders in Kohgiloyeh and Boyer-Ahmad Province, Iran

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    Background: Children and adolescents are potentially at risk of different psychiatric disorders, and it is important to consider their health, especially their mental health. Objectives: We aimed to design a cross-sectional study to investigate the association between lifestyle-related components with the psychiatric disorders in children and adolescents in Kohgiloyeh and Boyer-Ahmad province (Iran) and to determine its association with different lifestyle-related variables. Methods: In this study, about 1000 children and adolescents aged 6 to 18 years in Kohgiloyeh and Boyer-Ahmad province were selected using stratified cluster random sampling. The reliable Persian version of Kiddie-Sads-Present and Lifetime Version (K-SADS-PL) and the Life Style Questionnaire (LSQ) were instructed using interviewing with participants by our clinical psychologists or, if they were under 14 years, with their parents. Besides, demographic data (i.e., gender, age, location, race, nation, and religion) of participants were also collected. Results: The results showed that, except for the physical activity and well-being, other remaining factors have a significant correlation with psychiatric disorders (P < 0.05). The exact p-value for each factor was as follow: physical health (P = 0.007), sports and well-being (P = 0.057), weight control and nutrition (P = 0.001), prevention of diseases (P = 0.04), mental health-cognitive (P = 0.05), spiritual health (P = 0.008), social health (P = 0.05), drug avoidance (P = 0.001), accident prevention (P = 0.02), and environmental health (P = 0.001). Also, we found that the overall effect of lifestyle was significantly associated with children and adolescent mental disorders (P < 0.05). Conclusions: Our findings show a significant role for lifestyle in the children and adolescents psychiatric disorders. So it should be considered in more detail in future studies. © 2020, Author(s)

    Statistical model for earthquake economic loss estimation using GDP and DPI: a case study from Iran

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    As earthquakes can result in multi-dimensional negative consequences such as human loss and building damage, the ability to make accurate economic loss estimations immediately after the occurrence is crucial. Unfortunately, in many earthquake-stricken countries such as Iran, governments are often unable to quickly or accurately assess post-earthquake losses. The aim of this paper, therefore, is to extend the model developed by Chan et al. (Nat Hazards 17:269–283, 1998) to two independent variables to develop an earthquake economic loss estimation method based on the economic and socio-economic indices gross domestic product (GDP) and disposable personal income (DPI) and a seismic hazard probability function. A global cell map is also considered to assess the GDP and DPI based on the population in each cell affected by the earthquake. In the final stage, using the Modified Mercalli Intensity Scale, 18 earthquake damaged areas in Iran are taken as case study to estimate the economic losses using the new model presented in this paper