4,455 research outputs found

    Manajemen Guru dan Implementasi Kurikulum 2013

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    Helping State Agent to understand the Private Sector

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    This paper´s main purpose (based on author´s own experience) is to allow to the public organization's agent to get a better understanding of how the private sector works. It seems crucial as the private sector is the state´s principal supplier, acting as its counterpart in an almost daily negotiation. Since the article is destinated finally to state agents (seldom management experts), a colloquial language is vastly used, avoiding as much as possible any very tough academic definitions

    Hak Waris Janda dalam Perkawinan yang Tidak Memiliki Keturunan (Studi Putusan Mahkamah Agung Nomor Perkara 73k/ag/2015)

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    According to the Islamic Law, a widow is an heir to her husband and receives a particular part of the inheritance because she is included into the group of people who has the right to inherit called Dzul fara-idh (the heirs whose part is specifically determined). Practically, the widow is often left alone without any descendant after her husband passes away; this was what happened in the case number 73K/AG/2015 that was taken for analysis. The research problem was how a widow without any descendant was positioned in her husband\u27s inheritance distribution according to the Islamic Law, how much her part was in accordance with the Islamic Law, and how the judge\u27s legal consideration was in handing out the Ruling of the Supreme Court on the Case Number 73K/AG/2015 in the Islamic Law

    Production And Efficacy Of Exserohilum Longirostratum As A Bioherbicide For The Control Of Itch Grass (Rottboellia Cochinchinensis) In Sugarcane Farms

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    Itch grass or Rottboellia cochinchinensis (Lour.) W.D. Clayton is considered as on of the most important weeds in tropical countries. Integrated weed management is a tool-box of options that can be tailored to individual farm, cropping and weed situations. Biological control is one of these management options, therefore the production method and field efficacy of Exserohilum longirostratum as a bioherbicide to control itch grass in sugarcane was investigated. The growth and sporulation of E. longirostratum was excellent in media strength at recommended rate (200ml V8juice + 800ml H2O). The optimum pH for conidia production and conidia germination was in the range of pH 6 – 7. The conidia stored in liquid suspension (water and oil) and freeze-dry failed to germinate. Air dried conidia in powder formed stored at 70C and 200C has germination rate of 80% and remained viable for 6 months in comparison to those stored at other temperature levels. The conidia stored at 1 % Relative Humidity (RH) (silica gel) remained viable for more than 6 months with germination rate of 80%. Deterioration of conidia stored at 1% RH was slow (rL = -0.41064) compared to those stored at 96.5% RH using K2SO4 saturated solution where the rate of deterioration was significantly fast (rL = -0.73). Susceptibility of several sugarcane varieties towards E. longirostratum were tested using 1x107/ml conidia concentration, and the results indicated that all sugarcane varieties tested were resistant to E. longirostratum as indicated by lower values of area under disease progress curve (AUDPC) and decreasing rates of disease progress. Sugarcane variety 95R-1004 was selected for the field trials as this variety was newly introduced to be planted at Federal Land Development Authorities (FELDA) in Chuping, Perlis. In this study variety 95R-1004 and itch grass at 6-8 leaf stage were sprayed with 107,108 and 109 conidia/ml concentrations in 10% of oil emulsion. Plants were sprayed three times at interval of 1 week. The three applications treatment of E. longirostratum at 109 conidia/ml provided excellent control (100% mortality) of R. cochinchinensis compared to the other treatments as shown by higher AUDPC value (1168 units) and faster disease progress rate (rL 0.61 unit/day). There was no significant difference in tiller numbers and the growth of sugarcane between the inoculated plots and the untreated control or plots treated with the fungus-free oil emulsion. The dry weight of itch grass was highest when treated with fungus-free oil emulsion (0.275kg) or untreated controls (0.290kg). None of the itch grass plants survived in plots treated with chemical herbicide (BASTA®), or plots with E. longirostratum. The sugarcane dry weight was significantly high (1.6kg) in plots treated with E. longirostratum at 109 conidia/ml compared to the other treatments. This may be due to eradication of itch grass in this treatment earlier than in the other treatments, thus there was no competition between sugarcane and itch grass, resulting in a faster growth of the sugarcane plants. This research indicated that E. longirostratum has an ability to provide excellent control of R. cochinchinensis at 6-8 leaf stage under field conditions

    Plagiarisme dalam Pembuatan Periklanan Televisi di Indonesia

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    Televisi dianggap sebagai media iklan paling berpengaruh dan mampumenjangkau luasnya spektrum konsumen. Televisi memungkinkan tiga kekuatan generator makna yang berkolaborasi membentuk sistem pertandaan, yakni narasi, audio dan visual. Di era globalisasi ini Perusahan dituntut membuat iklan yang lebih dari biasa. Tuntutan ini membuat biro iklan memciptakan iklan yang terkadang membingungkan konsumen. Untuk menengahi kebutuhan konsumen dan kreativitas pada pembuat iklan Dewan Periklanan Indonesia membuat tata cara periklanan yang disebut EPI. Walaupun EPI telah dibuat ternyata periklanan di Indonesia masih banyak yang melanggar etika periklanan tersebut. Salah satunya adalah kasus peniruan atau plagiarisme

    Perancangan Ruang Pamer Digital dalam Media Virtual Reality sebagai Upaya Menyediakan Ruang Pamer Interaktif

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    Pameran karya menjadi kegiatan yang sangat penting bagi mahasiswa khususnya bagi mahasiswa DKV. Pemeran menjadi tempat untuk apresiasi karya. Dengan melakukan pameran, karya mahasiswa akan mendapatkan penilaian tidak hanya dari kalangan sendiri tapi juga dari masyarakat luas. Untuk mendorong mahasiswa DKV melakukan pameran, diperlukan ruang pamer yang representatif untuk menampilkan karya-karya yang mereka buat. Namun, untuk membuat ruang pamer atau galeri yang ideal tentunya akan memakan biaya yang tinggi. Universitas Dian Nuswantoro sebagai perguruan tinggi berciri khas IT di Semarang dapat memanfaatkan ruang virtual untuk menciptakan ruang pameran digital khususnya untuk mahasiswa desain komunikasi visual dengan memanfaatkan teknologi virtual reality . Pada penelitian ini, yang menjadi obyek peneltian adalah ruang galeri DKV. Metode yang dipakai dalam penelitan ini adalah metode MDLC (Multimedia Development Life Circle). Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah sebuah prototype aplikasi virtual reality galeri udinus

    Infrared coronal emission lines and the possibility of their maser emission in Seyfert nuclei

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    Energetic emitting regions have traditionally been studied via x-ray, UV and optical emission lines of highly ionized intermediate mass elements. Such lines are often referred to as 'coronal lines' since the ions, when produced by collisional ionization, reach maximum abundance at electron temperatures of approx. 10(exp 5) - 10(exp 6) K typical of the sun's upper atmosphere. However, optical and UV coronal lines are also observed in a wide variety of Galactic and extragalactic sources including the Galactic interstellar medium, nova shells, supernova remnants, galaxies and QSOs. Infrared coronal lines are providing a new window for observation of energetic emitting regions in heavily dust obscured sources such as infrared bright merging galaxies and Seyfert nuclei and new opportunities for model constraints on physical conditions in these sources. Unlike their UV and optical counterparts, infrared coronal lines can be primary coolants of collisionally ionized plasmas with 10(exp 4) less than T(sub e)(K) less than 10(exp 6) which produce little or no optical or shorter wavelength coronal line emission. In addition, they provide a means to probe heavily dust obscured emitting regions which are often inaccessible to optical or UV line studies. In this poster, we provide results from new model calculations to support upcoming Infrared Space Observatory (ISO) and current ground-based observing programs involving infrared coronal emission lines in AGN. We present a complete list of infrared (lambda greater than 1 micron) lines due to transitions within the ground configurations 2s(2)2p(k) and 3s(2)3p(k) (k = 1 to 5) or the first excited configurations 2s2p and 3s3p of highly ionized (x greater than or equal to 100 eV) astrophysically abundant (n(X)/n(H) greater than or equal to 10(exp -6)) elements. Included are approximately 74 lines in ions of O, Ne, Na, Mg, Al, Si, S, Ar, Ca, Fe, and Ni spanning a wavelength range of approximately 1 - 280 microns. We present new results from detailed balance calculations, new critical densities for collisional de-excitation, intrinsic photon rates, branching ratios, and excitation temperatures for the majority of the compiled transitions. The temperature and density parameter space for dominant cooling via infrared coronal lines is presented, and the relationship of infrared to optical coronal lines is discussed

    Kebijakan Antisipatif Pengembangan Mekanisasi Pertanian

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    Pertumbuhan dan perkembangan mekanisasi pertanian diulas secara komprehensif sebagai bahan untuk melakukan analisis kebijakan pengembangan mekanisasi pertanian di Indonesia. Isu utama yang dibahas adalah fenomena pertumbuhan, praktek bantuan alsintan, dan masukan bagi kebijakan antisipatif pengembangan mekanisasi pertanian di Indonesia. Pertumbuhan mekanisasi pertanian memiliki korelasi timbal Balik dan signifikan terhadap kemajuan intensifikasi USAhatani, atau perbaikan mutu intensifikasi. Selama kurun waktu lebih dari dua dasa warsa (1990-2010), banyak pembelajaran kualitatif perkembangan mekanisasi pertanian yang bermanfaat, yaitu: (a) kekayaan sumberdaya; (b) keragaman teknologi, (c) keberadaan kelembagaan; dan (d) pranata sosial budaya, yang keempatnya memperkaya proses pertumbuhan mekanisasi pertanian. Fakta kuantitatif yang juga penting adalah pemilahan wilayah pengembangan mekanisasi menjadi empat kuadran, yang masing-masing mencirikan kontribusi tenaga per satuan luas (hp/ha), produktivitas dan nilai IP pertanaman padi. Pembelajaran kualitatif dan pemilahan wilayah mekanisasi pertanian dapat dijadikan dasar bagi pengambil kebijakan untuk melakukan revitalisasi bantuan alat dan mesin pertanian serta memberikan pendampingan pasca bantuan, sehingga dapat mempercepat proses adopsi alat dan mesin pertanian