43 research outputs found

    Заголовки текстов СМИ как инструмент обучения РКИ в координатах медиаобразования

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    The article considers the specifics of headers of media texts as tools for teaching future journalists Russian as a foreign language from the perspective of media education. In the course of studying the headers of informational media texts, the meaning of heading linguocultural connotations, as well as the features of their communicative and pragmatic functions in terms of the formation of information content and its recognition by the mass audience, is clarified. The paper presents for the first time the results of the analysis of the linguistic and cultural potential of the headings of printed media texts of the modern Russian press as an actual methodological material for international journalism education. A comparative classification of headings with a linguocultural component developed by the author is also given, and an assessment is given of the role, place and significance of linguoculturally determined headings of media texts from the point of view of their use in teaching meaning formation and understanding. The hypothesis is confirmed that in a situation of expanding the sphere of public influence of the media, which results in general mediation, teaching Russian as a foreign language also falls into the area of interest of media education, and linguistic-cultural vocabulary becomes an important component of socio-political vocabulary when teaching foreign students how to perceive and create journalistic texts and work with the media.В статье с позиций медиаобразования рассматривается специфика заголовков медиатекстов в качестве инструментов для обучения будущих журналистов русскому языку как иностранному. В ходе изучения заголовков информационных медиатекстов уточняется значение заголовочных лингвокультурных коннотаций, а также особенности их коммуникативных и прагматических функций в аспекте формирования информационного контента и его распознавания массовой аудиторией. В работе впервые представлены результаты анализа лингвокультурного потенциала заголовков печатных медиатекстов современной российской прессы в качестве актуального методического материала для международного журналистского образования. Также дается оценка роли, места и значимости лингвокультурно обусловленных заголовков медиатекстов с точки зрения их использования при обучении смыслоформированию и смыслопониманию. Подтверждается гипотеза о том, что в ситуации расширения сферы общественного воздействия СМИ, результатом которого становится всеобщая медиатизация, преподавание русского языка как иностранного также попадает в зону интересов медиаобразования, а лингвокультурная лексика становится значимым компонентом общественно-политической лексики при обучении иностранных студентов как восприятию, так и созданию журналистских текстов и работе со СМИ

    Steroid-refractory hand eczema: treatment experience

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    Hand eczema is a common multi-etiological disease manifested by evolutionary polymorphism of rashes. Hand eczema develops against the background of altered reactivity and genetic predisposition under the adverse effects of endogenous and exogenous factors. Hand eczema has a chronic course and is characterized by a wide range of clinical manifestations. The prevalence of eczematous lesions of the hands among the adult population is 1–2%, and among all skin diseases – 30–40%. The disease has an extremely negative impact on the quality of life, ability to work, career prospects and the social status of a person. The long course of eczematous lesions of the hands can be complicated by a secondary infection: bacterial and mycotic flora. Therefore, choosing the right and effective treatment for hand eczema is a particularly difficult task for a dermatologist. In recent years, a multicomponent drug based on gentamicin sulfate, dexpanthenol, mometasone furoate and econazole nitrate has been widely used for the treatment of hand eczema due to its high efficacy, tolerability, and safety. The use of this multicomponent drug in monotherapy for hand eczema is effective, leads to clinical remission and restoration of the quality of life of patients and is not accompanied by side effects and complications. This review focuses on the epidemiology, clinical features, and treatment options for hand eczema. Clinical experience with the use of a multicomponent drug in patients with hand eczema complicated by infection is also given


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    The study analyzes impacts on biologically active points while carrying out Foll's method of electropunctural diagnostics, resonance and medication testing. It is shown, that microcurrent and external static electric charge impact on biologically active points leads to the emergence of neurons' action potential and the emergence of displacement current inside neurons' cell membrane.Исследованы факторы воздействия на биологически активные точки при электропунктурной диагностике по Фоллю, медикаментозном и вегетативном резонансном тестировании. Показано, что воздействие микротока и внешнего статического электрического заряда на биологические активные точки приводит к появлению потенциала действия нейронов и возникновению в клеточной мембране нейронов тока смещения


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    Electromagnetic impact on biologically active points while carrying out Foll’s method of medication testing is considered. It is shown, that characteristic thermal radiation of tested medications is able to cause resonant phenomena in biological molecules. Non-thermal effects of these resonant phenomena lead to the emergence of neurons’ action potential.Рассмотрено электромагнитное воздействие на биологически активные точки при проведении медикаментозного тестирования препаратов по Фоллю. Показано, что характеристическое тепловое излучение тестируемых препаратов способно вызывать резонансные явления в биологических молекулах, нетепловым эффектом которых является появление потенциала действия нейронов


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    Optical, structural and catalytic properties of Al-dopped ZnO-based photocatalysts were investigated. The hydrothermal synthesis was used to synthesize the catalysts. Dielectric barrier discharge plasma was applied to treat the synthesized samples. The performance of plasma-treated and untreated catalysts was compared with that of commercially available catalysts. The photocatalytic activity, expressed in terms of the rate of photodegradation of methyl orange, was 3.6 times higher for synthesized samples than that for commercial catalyst. The photocatalytic activity was up to 60 % higher for the plasmatreated samples than for the untreated ones. Исследованы оптические, структурные и каталитические свойства допированных атомами алюминия (Al) фотокатализаторов на основе оксида цинка (ZnO), которые получены методом гидротермального синтеза. Проведено сравнение каталитической активности синтезированных фотокатализаторов до и после обработки в плазме диэлектрического барьерного разряда с активностью промышленно полученного порошка ZnO. Показано, что эффективность реакции фотодеградации метилового оранжевого (МО), выраженная в терминах константы реакции МО, для синтезированных фотокатализаторов выше в 3,6 раза, чем для промышленного образца, и увеличивается приблизительно на 60 % после обработки фотокатализаторов в плазме.

    Optical, morphological and photocatalytic properties of biobased tractable films of chitosan/donor-acceptor polymer blends

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    Biobased tractable films consisting of blends of chitosan (CS) with polymer bearing carbazole derivatives as pendant groups and fluorene-thiophene as donor-acceptor units (referred to as DA) were prepared, and their optical, morphological and photocatalytic properties were studied. DA was dissolved in tetrahydrofuran (THF) and mixed with an acidified aqueous solution containing chitosan to obtain chitosan/DA (CS/DA) films by solution casting. The fabricated biobased films were characterized using spectroscopic techniques (FT-IR and UV–vis), thermogravimetry, mechanical assays, contact angle analysis, and atomic force microscopy (AFM). The effects of varying DA compositions and the results of exposure to visible-light irradiation of the films were also analyzed. The results indicated the existence of interactions between chitosan and DA and a potentially profitable light-driven response of these biobased films. This behavior was reflected in the optical, topographical, and contact angle properties of the films, which exhibited different characteristics before and after visible-light exposure. Finally, the photocatalytic performance of the biobased films was tested via the decomposition of methyl orange (MO), as a reaction model system. Our results revealed a significant photocatalytic activity (according to biobased film composition, approximately 64 % and 87 % of methyl orange were degraded under continuous visible-light irradiation for 120 min) of the films which is attributed to the combined presence and synergetic effects of the film-forming ability of chitosan and the photoproperties of DA


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    Description of fuel mixture compound adjustment in internal combustion engines are receiving in the article, new methods of application with an improved construction and also all the necessary calculations are suggested

    Peculiarities of application РR-technologies in political strike of pre-revolutionary Russia 1905-1912

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    In article PR-strategy of the largest political parties which have taken part in struggle for deputy mandates on elections in the State Duma of the Russian empire of the beginning of the XX-th century is considered. Activity of each political party is analyzed in three directions of work with voters, namely: organizational-mass, agitation-advertising and information-analytical. The special attention is given revealing of use of «negative» means of political strike