199 research outputs found

    Determining the Stau Trilinear Coupling A_tau in Supersymmetric Higgs Decays

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    The measurement of the trilinear couplings A in the part of the Lagrangian which breaks supersymmetry softly will be a difficult experimental task. In this report the heavy Higgs decays H,A -> stau_1 stau_2 to stau pairs are investigated for measuring the stau trilinear coupling A_tau. Based on detailed simulations of signal and backgrounds for a specific reference point in future high luminosity e+e- linear collider experiments, it is concluded that the parameter $_tau can be determined with a precision at the 10% level in the region of moderate to large tan(beta).Comment: 13 page

    Signals of new physics in global event properties in pp collisions in the TeV energy domain: rapidity intervals

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    The study of possible new physics signals in global event properties in pp collisions in the TeV energy domain is extended from full phase-space to rapidity intervals experimentally accessible at LHC. The elbow structure in the total multiplicity distribution predicted in full phase-space is clearly present also in restricted rapidity intervals, leading to very strong charged particle correlations. It is also found that energy densities comparable to those reached in heavy ion collisions at RHIC could be attained in pp collisions at LHC.Comment: 10 pages, 4 figure

    Measuring the Higgs boson parity at a Linear Collider using the tau impact parameter and tau --> rho nu decay

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    We demonstrate that a measurement of the impact parameter in one-prong tau decay can be useful for the determination of the Higgs boson parity in the H/A --> tau tau; tau --> rho nu decay chain. We have estimated that for a detection set-up such as TESLA, use of the information from the tau impact parameter can improve the significance of the measurement of the parity of the Standard Model 120 GeV Higgs boson to 4.5 sigma, and in general by factor of about 1.5 with respect to the method where this information is not used. We also show that the variation in the assumption on the precision of the measurement of the impact parameter and/or pi's momenta does not affect the sensitivity of the method. This is because the method remains limited by the type of twofold ambiguity in reconstructing the tau momentum.Comment: 12 pages, 12 figures, LaTe

    Improved Phase Space Treatment of Massive Multi-Particle Final States

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    In this paper the revised Kajantie-Byckling approach and improved phase space sampling techniques for the massive multi-particle final states are presented. The application of the developed procedures to the processes representative for LHC physics indicates the possibility of a substantial simplification of multi-particle phase space sampling while retaining a respectable weight variance reduction and unweighing efficiencies in the event generation process.Comment: Minor stilistic changes, submitted to EPJ

    Leading-particle suppression in high energy nucleus-nucleus collisions

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    Parton energy loss effects in heavy-ion collisions are studied with the Monte Carlo program PQM (Parton Quenching Model) constructed using the BDMPS quenching weights and a realistic collision geometry. The merit of the approach is that it contains only one free parameter that is tuned to the high-pt nuclear modification factor measured in central Au-Au collisions at sqrt{s_NN} = 200 GeV. Once tuned, the model is coherently applied to all the high-pt observables at 200 GeV: the centrality evolution of the nuclear modification factor, the suppression of the away-side jet-like correlations, and the azimuthal anisotropies for these observables. Predictions for the leading-particle suppression at nucleon-nucleon centre-of-mass energies of 62.4 and 5500 GeV are calculated. The limits of the eikonal approximation in the BDMPS approach, when applied to finite-energy partons, are discussed.Comment: 28 pages, 14 figures, final version, accepted by Eur. Phys. J.

    Leading neutron spectra

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    It is shown that the observation of the spectra of leading neutrons from proton beams can be a good probe of absorptive and migration effects. We quantify how these effects modify the Reggeized pion-exchange description of the measurements of leading neutrons at HERA. We are able to obtain a satisfactory description of all the features of these data. We also briefly discuss the corresponding data for leading baryons produced in hadron-hadron collisions.Comment: 17 pages, 8 figures; sentence and reference added, reference corrected, to be published in EPJ

    In the Senate of the United States. Letter from the Secretary of the Interior, transmitting draft of a bill for the relief of the Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians

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    52-1Indian AffairsOn the Relief of the Eastern Cherokees. [2901] Use of trust funds to pay taxes; North Carolina.1892-22

    (In)justícia espacial i zona de sacrifici : el cas de Quintero-Puchuncaví, Regió de Valparaíso, Xile

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    El treball següent consisteix en l'exploració d'una interrelació entre justícia espacial i zona de sacrifici a Xile, on en una primera instància, s'elabora un marc conceptual d'ambdues nocions amb l'objectiu de presentar les genealogies i les aportacions teòriques des de diferents angles. En aquest marc, la justícia espacial actua com a substrat d'anàlisi ja que contribueix a visibilitzar de manera critica els desequilibris socioespacials que tenen lloc a diferents escales. En segona instància, es presenta un cas d'estudi a escala local d'una zona de sacrifici a la regió de Valparaíso, ubicada a la zona central de Xile, analitzant un clúster industrial localitzat a les comunes de Quintero i Puchuncaví. En aquest apartat, s'exposa el context històric i geogràfic de l'àrea en qüestió, els actors implicats en la creació gradual d'un complex industrial altament contaminant i finalment les conseqüències socioambientals de les emissions emanades per aquest conglomerat d'activitats industrials del sector primari. D'aquesta manera es pretén demostrar la progressiva consolidació d'una geografia de la desigualtat basat en les idees de "progrés i desenvolupament" econòmic amb greus repercussions negatives en la salut i el benestar de la població local, en el deteriorament dels ecosistemes terrestres i marins i en el conjunt de la biodiversitat circumscrita a l'àrea presentada, fet que comporta un exemple evident de (in)justícia espacial.El siguiente trabajo consiste en la exploración de una interrelación entre justicia espacial y zona de sacrificio en Chile, donde en una primera instancia, se elabora un marco conceptual de ambas nociones con el objetivo de presentar sus genealogías y aportes teóricos desde diferentes ángulos. En este marco, la justicia espacial actúa como sustrato de análisis ya que contribuye a visibilizar de forma critica los desequilibrios socioespaciales que acontecen en diferentes escalas. En segunda instancia, se presenta un caso de estudio a escala local de una zona de sacrificio en la región de Valparaíso, ubicada en la zona central de Chile, analizando un clúster industrial localizado en las comunas de Quintero y Puchuncaví. En este apartado, se expone el contexto histórico y geográfico del área en cuestión, los actores implicados en la creación paulatina de un complejo industrial altamente contaminante y finalmente las consecuencias socioambientales de las emisiones emanadas por este conglomerado de actividades industriales del sector primario. De esta forma se pretende demostrar la progresiva consolidación de una geografía de la desigualdad basado en las ideas de "progreso y desarrollo" económico con graves repercusiones negativas en la salud y bienestar de la población local, en el deterioro de los ecosistemas terrestres y marinos y en el conjunto de la biodiversidad circunscrita en el área presentada, lo que conlleva a un ejemplo evidente de (in)justicia espacial.The following writing consists of the exploration of an interrelation between spatial justice and sacrifice zone in Chile, where, in the first place, a conceptual framework of both notions is elaborated with the objective of presenting their genealogies and theoretical contributions from different angles. In this framework, spatial justice acts as a substrate for analysis since it contributes to making critically visible the socio-spatial imbalances that occur on different scales. Secondly, a case study is presented at a local scale of an area designated as a sacrifice zone in the Valparaíso region, analyzing an industrial cluster located in the communes of Quintero and Puchuncaví. In this section, the historical and geographical context of the area in question is exposed, as well as the actors involved in the gradual creation of a highly polluting industrial complex and finally the socio-environmental consequences of the emissions emanating from this conglomerate of industrial activities of the primary sector. In this way, it is intended to demonstrate the progressive perpetuation of a geography of inequality based on the ideas of economic "progress and development" with serious negative repercussions on the health and well-being of the local population, on the deterioration of terrestrial and marine ecosystems and on the set of biodiversity confined to the area presented, which leads to an obvious example of spatial (in)justic