1,109 research outputs found

    Komposisi Kimia Minyak Atsiri Kulit Kayu Akway (Drimys Piperita Hook F.)

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    Akway (Drimys piperita Hook f.) adalah tumbuhan berkayu dan berdaun hijau aromatik yang merupakan kerabat winteraceae. Tumbuhan ini digunakan oleh suku Sougb yang bermukim di desa Sururey Kecamatan Manokwari, untuk menyembuhkan malaria dan untuk meningkatkan vitalitas tubuh. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui rendemen minyak atsiri kulit kayu akway menggunakan metode distilasi air dan komposisi kimia minyak atsirinya menggunakan gas chromatography and mass spectroscopy (GC-MS). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa rendemen minyak atsiri kulit kayu akway adalah 0.37%. Minyak atsiri kulit kayu akway tersusun dari 41 senyawa. Senyawa-senyawa yang menyusun minyak atsiri terdiri dari terpen dan turunannya sebesar 80.49% and senyawa alifatik 4.88%

    Corporate social responsibility and factors affecting it : an empirical evidence from the Indonesian capital market

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    Purpose: This study aims to evaluate the influence of family ownership and profitability on corporate social responsibility disclosure with firm size as a control variable in manufacturing companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange. Design/Approach/Methodology: Implementing a purposive sampling method, this study ended up with 32 manufacturing companies as a sample for the 2014-2018 periods (i.e., 160 observations). Findings: By using OLS regression, the findings show that profitability has a positive influence on CSR disclosure, meanwhile for family ownership does not. Moreover, firm size as a control variable influences positively on CSR disclosure. Practical Implications: With its limitation such as the relatively low number of samples, this study contributes to providing empirical evidence on factors influencing CSR disclosure in an emerging market context, i.e., Indonesia. Originality/Value: There is not a similar research using data from Indonesia neither the firm size as a control variable in the proposed model.peer-reviewe

    Pembungaan Jarak Pagar (Jatropha Curcas L.) Beberapa Ekotipe Nusa Tenggara Barat

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    The fl owering biology of physic nut (Jatropha curcas L.) has been observed in dry land (sandy entisol soil type) of AmorAmor, North Lombok, West Nusa Tenggara. Exploration was conducted in several areas where high population of physic nut grown as fence plant was found. Quantitative, descriptive, and observation data were collected for each accession during two-year growth period. Randomized block design was used in this research with three replications from November 2006 until November 2008. Treatments consisted of fi ve ecotypes, i.e. West Lombok, Central Lombok, East Lombok, Sumbawa, and Bima. The results showed that fl owering of physic nut West Nusa Tenggara ecotypes was produced continuously during a year, while the peak number of fl ower was only twice e.g. at the early (November-February) and at the end (April–May) of rainy season. Duration of the fl owering process took around 3 days for female fl ower, around 2 days for male fl ower, and 7-10 days for total fl ower per infl orescence. Higher genetic potential for female fl ower formation was found on West Lombok, Sumbawa, and Bima ecotype. This result should be useful information for breeding programme of physic nut. However, since physic nut is a perennial plant, further study is needed especially on the technology to control fl owering

    Hasil Panen Pertama Biomassa Daun Kelor (Moringa oleifera Lam.) Setelah Pangkas Total Pada Tanaman Umur Tiga Tahun

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    Pruning on Moringa trees aims to increase branching that affects the increase in yield of leaf biomass, and is also routinely carried out with the aim of plant performance provides benefits for ease of maintenance and harvesting as well as the sustainability of production. This pruning study aims to determine the effect of high pruning on the yield of Moringa leaf biomass in the third year of the production cycle, has been carried out in rainfed lowland rice fields. Randomly block designed trials with high pruning as a single factor, namely pruning at a height of 25 cm, 50 cm, 75 cm, and 100 cm from the ground, and was made in three replications. The results showed that the height of pruning had no significant effect on the yield of Moringa leaf biomass in the third year of the production cycle

    Perancangan Sistem Pendingin dan Tata Udara pada Ruang Mesin produksi di PT. X untuk Menjaga Performa dan Ketahanan Komponen Mesin

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    Several influencing factors, including temperature, air cleanliness, and humidity levels, are necessary to preserve the performance and durability of engine components against injury. Many mechanical and electrical components of the machine were damaged at Company X because the room's temperature, air quality, and humidity did not comply with the machine's standard operating conditions. If nothing is done to enhance the engine room's air conditioning, the engine will sustain greater damage. The purpose of this research is to design a cooling and air-conditioning system in the production machine space in PT. X to maintain the performance and durability of machine components. The engine compartment is 104 m2. The design of the refrigeration and air conditioning systems includes the calculation of the required capacity, analysis, and the creation of design drawings in the engine compartment. According to the calculation, the required engine room refrigeration capacity unit is 9.36 kW with 1640 l/s. This capacity incorporates the requirement for fresh air, which is 245 l/s. With this capacity, the engine's optimal temperature and oxygen quality can be attained

    Keragaman Pertumbuhan Dan Hasil Populasi Tanaman Jarak Pagar IP-3A

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    Potential yield of Improved Population (IP) provenances were predicted from the best yield of individual plants in one year old population. In the field, actual yield of jatropha is lower than its potency. The high va-riability in plant population may cause the divergence of the yields. A research to find out production varia-bility of IP-3A was conducted from August to December 2010 at Asembagus Experimental Station, Situbon-do. Seventy five sample plants were taken from IP-3A plantation aged 2 years from seedling and stem cutting. The sample plants were observed for their growth and yield. Variability analysis was used in this research. The result showed that plant growth and yield of jatropha IP-3A plantation, both from seedling and stem cutting were varied. Coefficient variability of plant growth including plant height, canopy diameter, stem diameter, and stem length per internode was less than 20%, whereas those of number of leaves, main stem diameter, stem length, stem volume, number of stem internodes, and volume of stem internodes ranged from 20−50%. The coefficient variability of yield components, including number of fruit bunches, the number of fruits per bunch, and number of fruit per plant ranged from 50−160%. The coefficient variability of yield ranged from 98–160%, which is 4.30 to 8.55 times of the average yields. The high variability of yield may explain the jatropha yield gap between its potency and actual

    Yield of Jatropha Curcas L. Accessions of West Nusa Tenggara During Five a Year Production Cycle on a Degraded Agricultural Land

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    Competition between food crops and bioenergy crops in using agricultural lands should be avoided. Bioenergy crops such as Jatropha, should be grown on underutilized or degraded agricultural lands only to improve the land productivity and land coverage. Yield potential of five Jatropha curcas L. accessions of West Nusa Tenggara, Indonesia was evaluated on a degraded agriculture land at district of Kayangan, North Lombok, Indonesia. The experiment was conducted using a Randomized Complete Block Design with three blocks, and 24 plants per plot of each accession for five years. Yield components showed significant differences among accessions. Better yield performance was showed by West Lombok, Sumbawa, and Bima accessions e.g. 6.004 kg/ha, 5.885 kg/haand 5.548 kg/haat five years of age respectively. However, the yearly yield improvement was reduced after the plant reached three years of age and it was not followed by a geometrical progression based on dichotomy brancing system of the Jatropha. The high yielding accessions have a good potential to be grown on degraded agricultural lands to produce bioenergy as well as to reduce soil erosion
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